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Lv 5

If religions have been corrupted by the people who run them, do you still believe in your religions holy book?

I asked a question a few hours ago if people believe that religion has been corrupted, and all answers (so far) have been yes - but a fair few people still believed that there relgions holy book was acurate, so if your relgion has been currupted why not your holy book, writings, scriptures or whatever your relgion calls them?


Just to confirm i am not talking about just Christian religions, but all religions from Christianity to Buddism to Islam to Pagism to hinduism ect.

Also when answering lets remember that a lot of the langauges that some of these relgious writtings have been written in have been changed so errors in translation either deliberate or accidental could play a part in peoples thinking when answering this question.

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well this is a major problem. Most organized religions are corrupted... and the ONLY thing which *should* have been left unchanged and untouched is the holy book.

    If you want to find answers about the truth, you have to go to the source. Unfortunately, some holy books (sadly the Bibile is among them) have also been altered over the span of time... so you should try to go to the earliest possible religious book closest to the foundation of the faith for real answers.

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm a christian and from my point of view the bible is not corrupt. I try to leave religions out of the picture. I believe that God gave up his only son for me and every on else on this earth even if some people don't, and that his word the Bible is true. The religions have become corrupt over the years because of people and the sin surrounding those people.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Why not the people who complain about relgion! Maybe the corruption has spread to you!

    Your argument is not logical. If I have a document, and the people who read the document use it for foolish purposes, it does not automatically follow that the document is corrupt.

    Could they have changed it? Yes. But that is a different question, or at least a clearer version of the attempt at the question above.

  • 2 decades ago

    The Bible teaches that holy men of old spake as God the Holy Spirit moved them. We have the original Bible in Greek and Aramaic/Hebrew, and it is God's word. The authorized King James Bible is the best English translation because it is from those original manuscripts, and becuase it does not translate a word, it does not know:

    Ex. Raca Mat 5:22

    It also is accurate when studied with a concordance. (I should say that I haven't used a concordance on anything but a King James, though.)

    What I am trying to say, is that if you study the Bible, and let God open your spiritual eyes, you will see the complete harmony of the Bible.

    Source(s): check out and read the article How do I know the bible is true.
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  • helper
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    If the origin is preserved as in Islam why care about corrupted people? Go to the source and leave the corrupted people. God says in the Quran:

    "Verily, those who disbelieved in the Reminder (i.e. the Qur’ân) when it came to them (shall receive the punishment). And verily, it is an honourable well-fortified respected Book (because it is Allâh’s Speech, and He has protected it from corruption.

    Falsehood cannot come to it from before it or behind it: (it is) sent down by the All-Wise, Worthy of all praise (Allâh).

    chapter 41:41-42

  • 2 decades ago

    If you are talking about "christian" religions, they all go by the same book. The Bible has not changed yet the churches have...So I believe that the Bible is still accurate while the people "running" these churches or what have you, are misinterpreting it in a way to make what they are doing ok.

  • 2 decades ago

    Christianity shouldn't be included here. Christianity isn't a religion, it's a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD through JESUS CHRIST. It's PERSONAL!

    You're not saved by go to church, neither you go to heaven through church. Hence, even some church leaders are corrupted, it has no effect on faithful Christians who DO have personal relationship with God, read 7 churchs in Revelation. Let's make a balance here, church is NOT God, wherever there're human beings, there will be problems, cos we ARE imperfect.

    God is One and only, and Jesus the Christ didn't die on cross just to give us another religion to entertain our limited brain power. I repeat, Christianity is NOT a religion. Catholicism yes, but Christianity NOT.

    Most of our questions are already answered in the Bible. Shouldn't we read it more before asking?

  • The simple answer is that the Holy Spirit is the guardian of God's word and has preserved it for us.

    The fact that people have tried to change it and have perverted it doesn't change the text itself.

    Wisdom comes from God, He tells us that if we seek Him we will find Him. I trust Him to make Himself known in truth.

  • ugafan
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    no doubt there have been some people to do horrible things throughout history, but the Church is still the Bride of Christ.

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