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Lv 5

The first Gospel's were not written down for over 100 years after the Death of Jesus, do you have concerns

about possible inaccuracies because of this? And how does this affect your belief in the hole of the New Testement?

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Poeple can pull numbers from both sides to back up their beliefs or lack of belief. I can personally attest to the Power of those scriptures. God has left me with no other logical choice but to know that He is The I AM and Jesus is His Son and our Saviour. Bottom line....Faith. God bless.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No author of any book of the new testament knew Jesus. the stories were compiled from the oral tradition - stories passed down through generations and the names were given to apostles - i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John did not write the Gospels. They are all essentially anonymous. Then they were copied over and over again by uneducated scribes who changed the text at will. We will never know what really happened during Jesus' lifetime except that he was crucified which was a common form of execution at that time (at least for non-Romans).

    My problem is that people don't get the meaning of the gospels. They are not meant to be a detailed, historical depiction of Jesus' life. They are meant to be taken as a whole to give hope to early Christians. They still have the same meaning today but not many people understand that.

    Source(s): New Testament class
  • 2 decades ago

    John, around 90 AD

    Luke, mid to late 60's AD

    Mark, between 65-70 AD

    Matthew, between 50-60 AD

    Jesus was crucified and resurrected circa 30 AD. Do the math.

    Also, with two of the gospels written by Christ's apostles and another written under the apostle Peter's supervision, I have to believe that they would probably have a clear recollection of what happened then.

    I'm not a scholar, but I would say that they were eventually written down so that the Good News wouldn't be distorted by word of mouth communication through the generations.

  • 2 decades ago

    Just a correction

    upallnite writes:

    "People only live about 40 years back then"

    Sorry, this is wrong... or at best misleading.

    If you think this number means there was NO ONE who lived much past 40 you are wrong. In fact, there were MANY older people. When people give "life expectancy" numbers, depending on who does them, they may include childhood sicknesses and even infant mortality. Since these claimed many lives, including all of those brings the numbers way down. But if you more accurately measure by how many of those who reached adulthood (say 20 or 25) lived to such-and-such an age the numbers are much higher. The civilizations of the Mediterranean world at the time of Christ had MANY older people (not as many in proportion as we have today, but still a good number).

    I'll try to dig up some studies on this (which I've read but no longer have on this computer), but one observation may help. Even if you don't accept biblical authority this ought to be worth something.

    Psalm 90:20 (in a song written centuries before Christ, concerning human MORTALITY--the brevity and difficulty of human life) reads:

    "The years of our life are seventy,

    or even by reason of strength eighty. . . ."

    Now how did anyone get this idea of a 70 year lifespan, if they were all dying off around 40?! (Biblical writers elsewhere use the number 40 to refer to 'a generation' -- that is, the time it took to switch from one generation to the next-- but for a LIFESPAN they use 70.)

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  • 2 decades ago

    Mark was written about 80 ad, that would be about 50 years after Jesus' death. Would you read a book about the American Revolution written this year? Been more than 200 years since that happened. What about the Civil War, that was almost 150 years ago. If you read those books and think they accurately describe what happened, why would you apply different standards to the Bible?

  • 2 decades ago

    The earliest book was written in 80ce. People only live about 40 years back then. So there were no first hand witnesses. Which brings up the question what were the deciples doing while following Jesus.(but that is another story)

    The bible was not put together untill about 300 ce. theists will tell you God is not bound by time. If he isn't then why does the bible contridict it's self. Theists will tell you man could not understand god correctly. If god is all-powerful he should know how to put it in terms we can understand. If he/they couldn't how can we trust anything in the bible? The answer is we cant.

  • 2 decades ago

    YES, but alot of people beleive that the gospel were written while Jesus was living.

    This is why each GOSPEL has different details on the same story, word of mouth than it was finally written down.

    Errors and false details were added to spice the stories up

  • 2 decades ago

    Actually, the first gospels were written in about AD 80, by first hand witnesses to the life of Jesus.

  • 2 decades ago

    The bible was finished in 90 AD with the last book being written by John (revelation) the previous books were written by direct eyewitnesses and disciples of Paul and Peter.

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