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Should Y!A use a Best Answer percentage as a factor in the Leaderboard? (details...)?

...Or at least list it on a user's Y!A profile?

Would it tell you more about what kind of answers the user gives?

I'm just a little sick of seeing people who answer questions with "i don't know" or "whatever" or other non-answers that have a ton of points, all without ever giving decent answers. (Yes, I know about the "Report Abuse" button, but it doesn't seem to stop these people if they're not being rude or profane.)

For example, there is one person near the top with a whopping 45% Best Answer average, and right below, someone who only has 6%. I say why bother having points in the first place, but if you're gonna do it, it needs to be a bit more rooted on quality of answers, not quantity.

What is your opinion of Best Answer averages? Would you like to share your average with the rest of the class? ;)

(average= # of Best Answers multiplied by 100, then divided by number of total answers)


Of course the average will be a bit off if you have unresolved questions lingering. But Yahoo could take that into consideration.

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    You've made a good point. I think it would be interesting to see the BEST ANSWERS field in the leaderboard. Of course, one thing to consider about the best answers is that there are some that are given while the asker has other good answers too. But I think that it should be a factor that's considered.

    And I also agree with your point about getting "non-answers" for points (e.g. "I don't know," "Whatever.") It tends to get in the way when someone is asking a serious question, and they get things like that. I have answered a few questions where I didn't know an exact answer, but I at least gave an outlet for learning the answer (e.g. "You might try going to this site...")

    But I think that Best Answers would make a valuable addition to the stats. I Hope Yahoo! Answers feels the same way.

  • 2 decades ago

    I totally agree... I've thought this myself over the last few days. People should be recognised for the number of best answers they have, (which the top answers in each category already are) but some people have answered literally thousands of questions, and have about 500 best answers, which at first glance seems a lot but when worked out as a percentage isn't really that good.

    I've answered 448 questions, and have 74 best answers, plus another 15 that I have been chosen as best answer for but has not been recognised (see thread in forum- Admin- We need URLs of Specific lost answers...). I have no calculater so dunno the average, but there's quite a few questions still open or in voting.

  • 2 decades ago

    This been suggested and resuggested and it just falls upon deaf ears.

    Most of the leaders have gotten all of their points fom a completely different scoring system than we have right now so the leadershipship is really kind of a pathetic pointless(and worthless) motivator. I think a lot of these people try to accumulate big points because of a prize rumor. Which has to be bogus, since since any lawyer knows that prizes can only be awarded if the points chase is equal for everyone that participates (which it ain't) or it violates fair trade charters that have in force for nearly a hundred years now. I suggest just using this site for you personal enjoyment and totally forget about that bogus leader board.

    I pushed level five to be able to ask a lot of questions, I don't intend getting any higher than that.

  • Flif
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    I would love to see a Best Answer percentage somehow factored into the ratings. I would love an easy way to see my own best answer percentage, period. It's hard to know how to factor it in, though, because I know people who have answered only one question and gotten a best answer for it. How much can that be weighed against more activity? It would definitely be great for the newbies, though. I think the Y!A team is looking for some ways to implement this, but we won't know until it actually comes out.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 2 decades ago

    I agree! I already try to formulate what kind of 'best answer' percentage rate I have- because I feel it's really the only EFFECTIVE way of gauging how much truly decent advice you are handing out-- but, as you've already pointed out, the 'unresolved' ones throw that out of whack.

    But if there's a way that Y.A. could do it for me-- so I WOULDN'T HAVE TO DO ANY MATH, I'd be all for it!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    They should have hit counters on the questions.

  • 2 decades ago


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