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Why do non-religious people post questions on a Religion & Spirituality forum?

Ever notice how man athiests and non-religious people come on here and ask questions...or just interfere in questions that have nothing to do with them?

Why do they say, "We atheists are having nothing but fun, while you Christians are just wasting your time doing nothing!"

So my question to them is...why are you here?

This is a RELIGION & SPIRTUALITY FORUM. In case you hadn't noticed.

Why don't you just admit it, you're empty inside. Why else would you "waste your time" here?

You see that we are happy and free. You see that we are content. You see that are wanting for nothing...and you want it too. Trouble is, you want it on 'your terms'. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.


-Jesus Christ



i love your answer and attitude! :)

If only all Christians thought like that.

You hit the nail on the head.

God bless you.

Update 2:

Many of you have good answers...especially the 2nd and 4th answers...but i feel these people are mainly just very intellectual. So much so, that it has blinded them to see the Truth. I mean, how can you see good in the Bible and still not believe in God?

What is the mentality wait til you die to find out what there is after death?

Could anything be more foolish than that?

Why do they actually think we have less fun? Just because we do not drink, smoke, go clubbing or have illicit sex, does not mean we do not have fun. If you only knew what it is to have Christ in your life...there is NOTHING better than this!

God help you to see the Light.

I Love you His' Love,

Brother Shane

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Consider it an opportunity to be an apostle. Christians are not called to bring Jesus just to other Christians. We're called to bring him to everyone -- especially those who don't yet know him, or believe in him.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am an Atheist, and I am not empty inside. If I have an opinion, then I give it, and if I am curious, then I ask questions. I do not start trouble, and I do not try to offend anyone. I have defended religion in some answers, and I have stated that I feel that religion can be a good thing in some cases. I can be a spiritual person without believing in god. I am, and always will be a curious person, and will follow my mind wherever it leads. If it happens to lead me to an understanding, even if the person answering or asking feels or believes differently than I, then I have not wasted my time. If someone attacks Atheists in general, then I will defend my beliefs. There is nothing that I want from anyone. I am very content, and I hope that anyone, no matter what their belief system or religion, can say the same.

    Source(s): personal opinion - warped, idealistic, or otherwise
  • 2 decades ago

    I don't think there is anything wrong with "non-religious" people asking an honest question here. Maybe they are searching for answers. Maybe they are curious. Personally, I am not a religious person, and I don't feel the need to ask any questions right now. But I also don't feel obligated to attack anyone for being religious. You had to know that on each question forum, there would be bashing of some sort.

  • 2 decades ago

    Non-religious people can be "spiritual". Not following an organised religion does not automatically make one irreverent or unappreciative of spirituality. "Spiritual" is a way of life, and spirituality is much, much too broad to be encapsulated by the word "religious". They are not synonymous. Not by a long way. That's why this place is named "Religion & Spirituality", and not simply "Religion".

    Non-religious people ask questions here because they are curious to know what others feel about religious and spiritual matters. They want to broaden their own knowledge and test the knowledge of others. Have you ever considered that it is out of respect that we seek to understand your viewpoint, instead of mindlessly ignoring/attacking it? Sure, some people here are close-minded enough for this not to be the case. But most questions I've encountered here from non-religious people reflect a genuine desire to know, and comprehend the thought process of religious people like yourself.

    How can you say we are "empty inside"? Have you ever been non-religious or atheistic? Every person I know, who fits this description, has an incredibly profound sense of self and spiritual awareness. They are lovers of life, and see beauty in all things. Before you accuse us of being judgemental here, I urge you to reflect on your own rash judgement of us.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Because they are interested in religion. Also, as you correctly point out, this is the religion and spirituality forum, and a lot of non-religious people are spiritual. This section is for all who have an interest about spirituality or religion, even if that interest is in disproving a given religion.

  • 2 decades ago

    i feel that deep down inside they want to believe in god but just don't to admit it just jet they know about god like you said he is the way the truth and the light i feel when they are ready they will come around but hopefully they will come around soon and see the light

  • 2 decades ago

    Because, deep down they really do believe and are in denial of their spiritualality. So let them ask questions maybe God will finally get trough to them.

  • Kismet
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    not all of us come here to start trouble. i'm not christian but sometimes i have an opinion on some of the questions/issues posted so why shouldn't i answer?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Why are you asking us a question in the Religious section if we aren't supposed to be here? Idiot.

  • 2 decades ago

    they are afraid.

    we are in the last final very few years left before God lets Revelations complete.

    they are trying their best to make themselves feel better, they don't believe in God, but don't want to go to hell either, so they don't know what to do.

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