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Americans: Who still believes that George W. Bush is doing an acceptable job as President?

As an American, I do not, and what scares me is what the rest of the world thinks of this country. Of course, they are mistaken if they believe that they can sum up the sentiment of 300,000,000 people with one thought, because we are as divided as we have been since Reconstruction (the clue comes in that the election of 2000 was the first since 1876 where the person who lost the popular vote still won the Presidency).

I just want to know what Americans and the rest of the world think.

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't. But then again, I never thought he did.

  • 2 decades ago

    If we were to pick and choose, a President who would do the worst job in the History of the United States, we would come up with George W. Bush.

    We all know that he wasn't elected in 2000, but appointed by the Supreme Court, who stopped the counting of those disputed ballots in Florida.

    Then they used spin tactics and lies, to fool some of the country to vote for him in 2004.

    It was a matter of bad timing, that people saw him for what he was, after the election, than they did before.

    Ever think of what might have happened, if the Hurricane Katrina, had happened a week before the Election.

    I bet we would have Senator Kerry in the White House now.

  • 2 decades ago

    Sad but true. I did not think he had the brains to be a President.

    I did not vote for him. Sadly my fellow Americans thought he was a better choice than that other guy. Cannot remember his name at the moment but that matters little.

    Apathy is our own worst enemy. Why did not more Americans vote so that we would have known if this was the wish of the registered voters.

    Too much money runs political campaigns and the rich get into office and do not represent the people that elected them. They do it for their own personal gain. Sad! Very sad!

    Bush is a lame duck as they call it and it matters not in the least to him what happens. He cares little. He is just waiting until he can go back to his ranch again and take over where he left off.

    Being a PLAYBOY and living off Daddy's money!

  • 2 decades ago

    Fox News Network

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  • 2 decades ago

    Of course, he did win the popular vote in 2004, which was after 2000. So what does that tell you?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Boo hiss boo. Actually, there was an interesting article in Harper's I think a month ago, that freaked me out. They really did steal that election not just in Ohio and very methodically, and it makes my skin crawl. I can't remember the date or cover article, but there was also something interesting in there about termites.

  • 2 decades ago

    as an american troop, i have to stand by our leader, but honestly the guys no doing to good. But I think without all the other stupid stuff he's done, he has made the best he could outta each crappy situation.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I believe he's doing a great job. he's only human, and you can't expect him to be perfect. he's standing up for human rights around the world.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    If he had children in the military, I don't think he'd be so gung ho about getting them killed. Why are we "helping" someone who killed our citizens anyway, so they can come back and do it again? I used to have full confidence in him, but now I seriously have my doubts!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I just watched the news...He didn't do anything of value today, as far as I can determine.

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