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Should parents or government be responsible for internet censorship?

What should we as parent do to protect our children from both the petifiles staulking our children on the internet and a adult content websites? Should we allow the governement to enter our homes and tell us what is acceptable and what should we do with parents that are not willing to protect thier children from these dangers?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Parents are responsible for the up bringing of thier children from conception until the day they become adults. The internet celebrates the core fundimental of our Constitution, the freedome of speach. Yes, even the pimps and whores and pornographers are allowed to speak thier mind. Until the conception of the internet was there ever a tool that allowed such widely spread free speech. It has even allowed people in nations where you can be shot for speaking out about the wrong thing to experience what free speech is. Yes, the government needs to set up "speed limits" but it is up to the parents to make sure the kids dont speed. For the government to censor anything would be paramount to what Hitler did to books. As with speeding if you break the law there are penalties. Parents need to be held more responsible for thier kids actions, they are the ones that are supposed to be teaching thier children right from wrong, and as a parent if you arent willing to do this, and want to push this responsibility onto the government then perhaps it is time for you to move to another country, one that is willing to do your job for you, oh and by the way, dont complain about how the government over there handles it. You don't have freedome of speech anymore.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    While I do not think that ILLEGAL immigration is right.. I am a little baffled by the way you pose your question about it. You are saying "How free is the USA?".. and then you go on to talk about how "free" it is with the illegal immigrants. So, you have actually shown that the USA is very "free" in that respect because.. in many cases.. they allow all that.. You know what I mean? (Again.. I do NOT think that illegal immigration is right.. just that your example actually shows a 'free' USA instead of a 'closed' one).. As for the censorship.. When people discuss censorship and 'freedom', they are usually referring to such things as books/films etc being 'banned' in a place.. It's that type of situation that brings up the whole 'freedom' etc in my mind.. The 'censorship' of certain words that you talk about .. is less a case of 'freedom' and more just a case of morality. What is just happening there is that people are trying to generally protect the younger in our society from being subject to swearing.. nudity, etc etc.. It's more along the lines of being careful than anything else. It would be different if it was the gov't coming out and saying "You can't show that film in this country" or "That book must be burned".. etc.. THAT would be real censorship to me. Just my thoughts though :)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    All parents have a duty to protect their children, the internet is a tool. You put tools out of the reach of children. Use parental controls so that your kids can't access adult content and warn them of the dangers of paedophiles. The responsibility lies with the parent, not the government. Government censorship isn't the answer.

  • 2 decades ago

    How is the government censoring the Internet not violating our constitutional rights. While I think the government should stay out of it, I do believe parents should be extremely cautious as to what they allow their kids to participate on the Internet. You wouldn't let your kid go out by himself in a mall or even a big city, so why would you let them go out to the world on the Internet. There will always be bad parents that don't care what their children do. Maybe the best thing is a better way of protecting kids on-line by better ways of verifying age and restricting access to young children while still not "censoring" content.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Parents. Parents should, at the least, point out the dangers of running around the internet (such as pedophiles, opinions they don't agree with, and a cynical view on life). If the government gets involved with the internet, it will likely ruin the entire thing.

  • 2 decades ago

    Government of course.

    That is why we elect them to make laws. Because

    individuals, when left to there own devices cause damage

    and destruction to society by their apathy and self


    It is just the same as asking the question but substituting

    road rules or speed limits as the question. Peopel could

    squawk about how they have never had an accident or about

    how the GVT shouldnt tell them how to drive, but in the

    end, the GVT makes these laws to protect the victims of

    citizens who make poor decisions.

    In the case of internet censorship, it is laughable to say

    "let the parents censor the kids and if they cant they

    shouldnt be parents", because this type of thinking does

    not protect the CHILDREN, who are in this case the VICTIMS.

    In a society, we all give up individual freedoms to protect

    those who are weak or who are victims of poor judgement.

    In the case of internet pornography, make it very

    difficult but not impossible for the individual to access


  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Government? No.

    Children are parents responsibility.

    If parents are too lazy or stupid to care what their young kids do online, then they are just asking for trouble in the first place.

  • 2 decades ago

    The speed limit example is ridiculous. If some idiot is going 100mph on the highway that puts everyone on the highway in danger. Last I checked however, America is free, and it is not one person or one government's job to decide what is acceptable for EVERYONE else to view in the privacy of their own home.

  • 2 decades ago

    As long as the child is a minor, the parents should look after him.

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