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Here in Miami a group of Latins has taken it upon themselves to sing the anthem in Spanish. Is this bad?

Do you think that it is a mockery of our anthem? Or was is just a stupid idea? I know that in Canada their's is sung in English and French. Would you leave your country of orgin to go to any other country without taking the time or effort to learn their language or culture?

Give me your opinions?

21 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it has gone way too far with Spanish... By at least trying to learn the language of your adoptive land you show respect and gratitude. But with Spanish, my opinion is that there's no way back now; you'll just have to make Florida (and Texas and New Mexico) officially and legally bilingual. That's why Canadian anthem is sung in two languages - cuz it's a bilingual country, with 2 official and legal languages. (Finland is one, too - its Finnish and Swedish). All this said, USA is still a monolingual country, and as such, I would say that messing with anthem is not nice. To say the least.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Why does it have to be in Spanish? There are other immigrants who do not speak Spanish. And, it should not be labeled the "Spanish National Anthem". We're not in Spain. It's the American National Anthem, written in America, IN ENGLISH. If you want to become a citizen of the USA, take pride in doing so and sing our National Anthem in English. Like the many generations of immigrants, from all countries, have done so in the past.

    Source(s): Me, fourth generation LEGAL immigrant.
  • 2 decades ago

    It is a protected form of speech.

    BUT it is intended to be a rallying cry, and that in itself is the mockery. They are singing it Spanish as part of an agenda, and they are not intending to honor the USA with it. If you sing the Anthem, it better be because you love this land, its people and their ideals, and its government.

    Let me remind everyone that Quebec, Canada's French speaking province, openly dislikes the rest of Canada and has sought to secede. They've come close in elections, but so far haven't done it.

    And yes, this is in the 20th century in a modern country. Languages can divide a country.

  • 2 decades ago

    A country's national anthem should really be sung in the language of the country that it represents, I'm from Wales and my first language is english but we all still sing the national anthem in welsh.

    I don't think it's a big deal though it's quite nice that although they have ties to another country they still love yours.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    "A Spanish language translation called "Nuestro Himno" ("Our Anthem") was created in 2006 as a show of support for Latino/Hispanic immigrants in the United States as a response to a proposed crackdown on illegal immigration. Similar to the English version of the Canadian national anthem, which was set to the tune of the French version but is not related to the text thereof, this song or himno is merely inspired by and is only an approximate not a word by word translation of the stanzas selected from Key's poem. As such, no claim is made that it is the Spanish language version of the United States' national anthem.

    The Star-Spangled Banner was translated into Spanish in 1919 by the US Bureau of Education[4]. It has also been translated into a number of other languages. In 1861, it was translated into German [5] (and is also on that page in Latin). It has been translated into Yiddish by Jewish immigrants[6]and into French by Acadians of Louisiana [7].

    It has also been translated into Samoan:

    O Roketi mumu fa'aafi, o pomu ma fana ma aloi afi

    E fa'amaonia i le po atoa, le fu'a o lo'o tu maninoa

    Aue! ia tumau le fe'ilafi mai, ma agiagia pea

    I eleele o Sa'olotoga, ma Nofoaga o le au totoa [3] "

    I've seen alot of comments that they should learn it in English .. just because they are singing it in Spanish, doesn't mean they don't know English.. And although I understand why people are getting upset, I think it is a respectful tribute and a sign of appreciation and love of America.. Immigrants can love America too, so I think it is a very moving song.. Also, one article I read said they wanted all Spanish-speaking people both here and in their home countries, to know the words of the anthem and to learn what America truely stands for...

    So I support it and find it moving... BTW im white..


  • 2 decades ago

    I say if they're singing it that's what's important, not the language they're using.

    To say it's a mockery, as some have done, is anti-American. We have freedom of speech here, regardless of the language one uses.

    Learn the language and culture? Yes, everyone should speak Arapaho and Cherokee. And how about a few sweat lodges to find god in? Yep, let's make EVERYONE learn the language and culture of America, let's make them dance with the Navajo and honor the Apache.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    why would it be bad?... the message, the respect, the words, and the patriotism is the same, however, the only difference is that it's being sung in a different language. where in the constitution does it say that we must speak in English? in Europe and around the world it is respected to speak more than one language, why not here? immigrants want to learn English but keep their native language as well.... why is this bad? you must understand that immigrants do learn the language and culture... but they do it while embracing their native culture. why can't you embrace both???? i love to hear, speak, read, and write in English and Spanish... they both are just a means to communicate and one should not have more value than another regardless of where on the planet you stand on.... let's stop the xenophobia and hate!!!!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    My family moved to the US before WWII. Those of my family that didn't make it over got killed by the death camps. Our family assimilated to the American culture. We didn't expect the Americans to change to suit us. The illegal immigrants from Mexico are not civilized like that.

    They not only changed the National Anthem to Spanish, they changed the words. They already burn our flag and hang our flag upside down. They waved the Mexican flag during a lot of their protests. Some schools have stopped hanging the American flag and forbidden students from wearing clothes with any part of the American flag on their clothing all to keep from offending the Mexicans. It's nothing short of an attack of our country, not only by the illegal aliens, but those who seek to appease them.

    I am tired of the stereotype that Americans wouldn't do the work that illegals do. Illegals do all kinds of jobs for less than minimum wage which drives the wages down for U.S. citizens. Construction jobs are an example. There are lots of illegals doing construction jobs that Americans used to do because the companies can keep more of the profits if they pay less for the workers. All that does is make companies wealthier and Americans poorer. Illegals are stealing jobs that Americans have done for years.

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm going to quote this:

    "If you sing the Anthem, it better be because you love this land, its people and their ideals, and its government"

    How do you know they're singing for different reasons than those?

    Many immigrants feel really proud to be here, and they do love this country an its people.

    It is wrong to question people's intentions without an insight of all the facts

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The anthem in Spanish? Why not? But I totally agree that the words will not be changed by a true proud American.

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