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Successful potty training tips?

My 2 1/2 year old son Ty is not potty trained yet. We are pregnant and expect Ty's brother to be born two weeks after his 3rd birthday.

We have tried, honestly tried. He once told me that I had to put his diaper back on because he couldn't fly without it. Everyone in the house goes potty but him. Mickey Mouse, buzz lightyear, Thomas, you name it he takes them potty, but he won't go. He will hold it till nap and when I finally put a diaper on him for nap he goes, the whole kit and kaboodle, pee and poop. So I know he can do this, he held his pee for 6 hours, that is pretty good, you know?

It has been suggested to me to stop now and wait until after the baby is born, because any progress will be promptly forgotten by all when the newborn moves in. What on earth am I doing wrong?

Any tips Moms (or Dads)?


You guys are helping already, first of all I am laughing my a** off. The bribing thing never ever occured to me. This is great, I love the cheerios idea too.

As for the litter box, thank God you mentioned that because Ty just started pretending to be a kitty cat, on all fours meowing. (my son is weird, I know...)

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aww potty training is the last stage of babyhood. He just may not be ready yet, all kids are different and boy are especially harder to train then girls.. so I've heard. I have three boys and every one of them was different. Oldest one, I just took his diaper off and never put another one on. He pee'd once and didn't like it so didn't do that again. 2nd one was harder because I used pull ups underpants. He didn't connect that it wasn't a diaper and I finally got him trained when i stopped using anything. He still had a few accidents though. My youngest, I trained him with gum. I know it sounds silly but he loves gum so every time he went to potty I gave him a stick.

    A few other tips that may help you, get a bowl of cheerios' (dry) and keep it on the back of the toilet. Every time he has to go potty, give him a cheerio to throw in the toilet and the 'game' is for him to try and sink it with his stream. The idea for this is to help him aim and plus it's fun so they love doing it. Do not punish him for using his pants, that will just make him scared to go in general. Reward him every time with something for going to the potty. I also never had any luck with potty chairs except for the ones that you put on the toilet seat.

    Just relax over it, don't get stressed out. He'll eventually get it. Always try to see the funny side of it.

    A friend of mine successfully managed to get her son to pee in the toilet, but the kid has spent a lot of time with the cat so when he had to do #2, he'd use the litter box.

    Good luck with him and congrats on the new baby.

    Source(s): Mom of 3
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Potty Training Tips
  • 2 decades ago

    I am in the same situation with my daughter. What has been working for us is the Potty Chart. I made a huge graph and every time she goes she gets to put a sticker on the chart and then I date it to show her progress. I also give her a pretzel stick with a light coating of strawberry or chocolate coating for PP and a popscicle for Poopy. And in all honesty this has been going on for about 4 months. Its not a magical thing that happens in a week, at least not for most kids. Also let him run around in just underwear if its warm enough in the house. I despise pull-ups or anything of the sort. They are still diapers. Good luck. Try the chart and make a HUGE deal out of each attempt. Also remind him about every 30 min. Set a timer for the first 2-3 days if you have to to remind yourself. Good luck.

  • 2 decades ago

    Make a big deal out of being a big brother, that big brothers use the potty. Hide the diapers. Tell him they're all gone because he doesn't need them anymore. If that doesn't work, and he will sit on the potty, run water and talk about the running water. Don't forget to praise him like he reinvented the wheel when he does it. A phone call to "Santa" making sure he knows to bring big boy toys helps, too.

    Source(s): Mom of 4
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  • 2 decades ago

    I know this sounds kind of silly but a friend of mine had trouble potty training her son so she came up with putting a cheerio in the toliet to see if he could hit it when he had to pee. It was kind of like a game for him and it worked.

  • 2 decades ago

    Bribe him!! lol and u should probably either do it now as fast as u can or wait til the babie's born.. and wait a lil while bc it can be tough to become a big sibling.. goodluck!!

  • 2 decades ago

    songs make kids go to the bathroom!!

    or else, you might have to splurge for the expensive color training pull up diapers! SO he can say, I'm a big boy now!

  • 2 decades ago

    i'm not a mother, but i can tell ya what my mom did to me when she wanted to potty train me...she'd bribe me w/ tootsie rolls every time i if ur a health nut, i can't help i guess that i always went when i got the good stuff.

  • 2 decades ago

    im right there with ya

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