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My family and I are having our second son July 31, 2006 via c section due to a tearing in my uterus from previous surgery. I am a high risk pregnancy and have already had one labor scare and am on bedrest.

  • Did anyone else have a problem with their WaMu card last night?

    I went to the grocery about 6pm EST and tried to use my WaMu, it has pleanty of credit on it, yet it came up invalid. I found out when I got home that WaMu had fallen. I hate to assume, but feel there can be no doubt these two situations are related.

    Has anybody been able to find out the exact situion, I see there is a bail out plan by selling to JP Morgan and Chase but until then, does that mean all credit through WaMu is shut off? I tried to call the CSR line, can't get near a person, usually, just goes busy.

    If you have this problem too and have found out some info would you mind sharing it?


    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How can I get workers comp to approve my surgery?

    on 2/21/08 I fell at work, dislocated knee, torn meniscus, tissue under knee cap. It took two months for W/C to authorize a tendon release. I have two young sons so I had no choice but to use the knee best I could to care for them. Since then the knee pops out of groove two to four times a week, this has been validated by two workers comp PT's, one W/C doctor, a EFT test and a ER doctor.

    Due to the constant damage my groove is no longer straight. I have a hematoma in the patella bursa and another torn miniscus. Doc wants to secure knee cap to tibea, clean hematoma and fix miniscus, not fun but very positive in recoery.

    Today W/C denied surgery due to it being medically unnecessary. All of their PT's and Docs are in agreement, where do I go from here? I hate to hire a lawyer.

    PS, I live in Florida and am just 37, I will not have my job when I return due to the work place not having lifts or elevators for three large sets of stairs in the Packing House that I would have to go up and down several times a day. Climbing stairs with my dislocation is strictly prohibited by my doctor.

    Anyone have any luck chaning their adjusters minds?

    Thanks for your time.

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Help, my 4 year old is having trouble leaving the house?

    My husband and I have seperated and now my two boys have become very attached to me. My four year old is having an especially hard time with leaving the house. He used to spend Fridays at his Auntie Lynnies house and Sundays at Grammys. Now he gets there and an hour or so later makes someone drive him home, once they get him home, he wants to go back to their house again. I can remember having this happen with me when I was younger, but not to this extent. It's becoming very hard to understand what the root of the problem is. I am afraid he thinks I will not be here and be gone like his daddy he feels he has to check on me to be sure I'm still home.

    Has anyone got any suggestions on how to help him enjoy his time with his relatives and friends again?

    Thank you so much for your time.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Best over the counter quick tanning creams or sprays?

    Friday the 13th 7:30AM, I am going on my first "date" tonight since my husband and I broke up, we were together 13 years...long story short, two kids later my body could use some color to appear less, well, flabby. I have a great white dress with black lace and thought a a quick tan and pedicure would help. I really don't want to spend the money on a salon, and thought of going to CVS for something. Does anyone have any products that they love that will give a great color without stain or running? I have Indian in me so my skin naturally is a beige color. HELP!

    PS, I'm in Florida, it's 90 degrees and I am worrried about the possibility of streaks...

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Can an employer fire someone who injures themselves off the job and cannot perform all job duties required?

    My friend was hired at a new job and was fully capable of performing her job duties. She then broke her arm in 4 places required rod inplant and screws. She has gone back to work and is now having a problem with her employer. She has been told last week that she will now be expected to work 77 plus hours a week. By 5 hours each day she is in tears, the employer considers this unexcusable absence. I suggested asking her doctor to define her long term disability. She is afraid that the employer will now fire her, even though she can get a tremendous amount of work done while she is there. Their stance is hours worked (salary) not job accuracy and completion.

    Any suggestions?

    10 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • How do you prove an email is legit from the headers?

    My husband is in arbitration. He has an email from the Florida Department of Highway proving that his license was valid at the time he was working. Due to a glitch the suspended license was backdated. We have an email from the Department verifying his license was not revoked on the day it shows. We are going to arbitration and submitted the email. The OIG thinks the email is fake. Can we prove it is true from the headers? We can not submit any further information now that a court date has been set.

    Thank to all, this means a lot to us!


    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Humane Society Kitten born with ailment (we are not putting her to sleep until the doctor says so)?

    We lost our cat of seven years and after some healing my son and I went to the HS to find a new baby (three actually 8 weeks old, named lock stock and barrel). There were what was left of a litter, three tiny sweet babies. I adopted them all. I couldn't bare to leave on behind. Over the last few weeks one didn't grow as well. We went to the Doctor, locks diaphram is a problem that might be fixed with surgery. This is a huge financial expense. Of course we expected to spend money on our babies when we got them, we just didn't expect to find a birth defect that the HS refuses to pay or assist with. I have applied for funding and grants to help get her a barium xray and then hopeflly she will be better with a staple in her diapram. She is so tiny, there is a fear of putting her under anextesia.

    Has anyone out there contacted a good will agency that mght be able to assist, just a calll to the Humane Society encouraging assistance...thank you to all and Happy Thanksgiving.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • A bit confused about the BCS?

    I've followed College Football for 15 years or so. I know that everyone complains and hates the BCS, and some even want a playoff.

    What I don't understand is why the BCS results are pretty much the same as the other polls. It seems to me that by the BCS, the AP, USA and Harris all being so close that even the people voting are all using the same guidelines.

    So my question is, based on these facts, how would getting rid of the BCS make the NCAAF rankings better?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • my sister in law hates me and now she plans to come to bday party for our kids?

    My Mother in Law died last year & all hell broke lose. The youngest in the family on my husbands side took it upon herself to become the leader of the family. My husband is sick (physically), I was going through a historectomy & 4 of his sisters live up north. 1 other sister is down here. She has stuck by us thick and thin.

    The last call w/ the 37 yr old "baby" sis/law was that her brother *my hubby* was dead to her. I have three way calling and I picked up the phone to make a phone call after she hung up. There was background of their voices still on the line calling me a stupid ***** and how nobody ever could stand me in their family. Apparently I clicked flash too fast.

    Well,now my boys birthday is July 14 and I found out today that these folks in this party making the calls are going to "stop in". I am against it. I believe I deserve a apology. Regardless I never sent an inventation. I told my husband he should probably talk to sis....any suggestions?


    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Husband writing letter to previous love?

    The short of it is about 10 years ago when my husband (then bf) and I were dating, he left me for a beautiful blond who had a lot of money. My heart was broken, but life goes on. Two years later, he returned, she had broken it off with him.

    I really took a long time rebuilding our relationship, began to trust him again and after 4 years we married.

    Two weeks ago I found a letter. He had just written it to her, apparently he had seen her in town once and he said in the letter he would never stop loving her. We have been married coming up on 6 years. It broke my heart. I don't believe she would take him back, it's just the ache that statement caused.

    Please don't think I'm stupid, I'm just curious if others marry someone with feelings for someone else that never go away.

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Bleeding after tubal ligation?

    I had a tubal almost 5 months ago after my c-section. Of course today is Sunday and both kids have been sick all week. I just realized that I have been experiencing bleding since December 8th. I realized this after I started passing small (much less than a quarter size ) clots and realized what the date was. The last week is sort of lost in a blur of my husband and I taking turns treating the sick babies.

    My periods have not been "normal" since my c - section, but I figured it was due to getting back into the swing of things. Both my kids have had a fever and now I have one. I am planning on calling my doc tomorrow unless the bleeding intensifies tonight and then I will go to the ER.

    My question is, has anyone else had these types of symptoms after a tubal?

    Thanks for your time!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Getting money after closing on our refinance?

    We just refinanced and closed on Tuesday night - we are expecting money back along with our bills to be paid. What is the average time that it takes to receive the money? It seems to me it was about a week the last time we did this, but I wasn't sure if every time was different.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this one?

    So, I have low amniotic fluid and am due in 4 weeks. The two docs I go to are concerned but trying to keep the baby in as long as possible to grow. They want me to be getting 1 ultrasound a week 2 non stress tests and 1 visit. This way the baby gets monitored a lot for movement and well being.

    I went in for my ultrasound yesterday and the tech at the hospital comes out after two hours of waiting. He tells me that he called my docs and suggested that I didn't need the ultrasound until Thursday and they agreed, so I was to go home. I started regular contractions and ended up on the phone with my doc last night. Come to find out he never talked to the tech and had no idea I hadn't been seen yesterday.

    The tech lied to me. I am so upset, I keep thinking, where does this guy get the right to play doctor with my babys health? I go see my doc tomorrow, what would you say to him? I want to tell him, okay, this is crazy, but I don't want to be hormonal. Suggestions?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Would you have done this or am I just awful?

    My husbands mom is dying. It's been hard because she is going slowly. These last three days my husband has missed work because they keep saying this is it. The problem is that each day he misses work, he doesn't go see her, he stays at home and sleeps. We have a 2 year old and I am 8 months pregnant. I've begun to stress out because when his dad died, his family "kidnapped" him for three days to spend with them to mourn. I knew nothing about it or where he was. Sure enough, he calls in today and drops our son off at my moms for the night. He takes HER car (leaves the carseat with her) and drives to meet his family at a local bar. He is already on antidepressants and xanax. I called him all afternoon, he didn't answer phone, by the time I finally found out where he was it was 8 hours later. I told him he had already broken his promise to his mom by not protecting me and the kids and he was not allowed back home. He had crossed this line one too many times. What do you think?

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • Anyone have a toddler who has special toys he/she won't share?

    My son will be 3 in July and I am preggos due one week later. He has been going to the same babysitter for two years and loves her. He has "favorite" toys, he switches them around, sometimes it's Thomas, sometimes it's his mickey mouse, etc. This week it's his "rescue pack" that he has been seeing on Dora. He had been doing it make believe and I thought I would help by getting a real pack. It's just a Dr. Seuss backpack we had in the closet.

    Well, he just loves it...sleeps in it even. Will only take it off for bath. It's been two days now. I went to pick him up today feeling hormonal. I guess he wouldn't share the back pack with anyone because he wouldn't take it off. The babysitter said that he has repeatedly done this with his toys and if he can't learn to share with everyone he can't bring anything to daycare.

    Is it possible he is doing this because of all the transitions of preparing for the new baby and better left alone or am I allowing a bad habit to continue

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler2 decades ago
  • How can I safely visit my mother in law who is dying but refuses to stop smoking around me and my two year old

    My mother in law is dying of cancer, given 4-6 weeks. She is a smoker, there are 4 family members who live at her house, all smoke. It's as bad as a bar. She is planning on dying at home and wants to see her Grandson, my son Ty. I am 7 months pregnant, and can't stand to be around smoke.

    They don't stop smoking when he comes over. Last week, my husband took him and they both came home smelling awful. My son was congested that night and for two days after. My husband hates it too, but feels we are being out of bounds right now asking her to stop her one enjoyment when we visit.

    I was told it's pretty ballsy of me to even consier asking them to stop smoking in their house when we come over (by family members). I don't want to offend her or cause a rip in the family right before she dies.

    Should I just stick it out the next 6 weeks so Ty can spend time with his grandma before she dies?

    13 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting2 decades ago
  • Successful potty training tips?

    My 2 1/2 year old son Ty is not potty trained yet. We are pregnant and expect Ty's brother to be born two weeks after his 3rd birthday.

    We have tried, honestly tried. He once told me that I had to put his diaper back on because he couldn't fly without it. Everyone in the house goes potty but him. Mickey Mouse, buzz lightyear, Thomas, you name it he takes them potty, but he won't go. He will hold it till nap and when I finally put a diaper on him for nap he goes, the whole kit and kaboodle, pee and poop. So I know he can do this, he held his pee for 6 hours, that is pretty good, you know?

    It has been suggested to me to stop now and wait until after the baby is born, because any progress will be promptly forgotten by all when the newborn moves in. What on earth am I doing wrong?

    Any tips Moms (or Dads)?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler2 decades ago
  • Has anyone heard of a baby born this long born before?

    I was reading in Yahoos news about Don Johnson's wife having a baby...

    "He was 27 1/2 inches long and weighed 7 pounds, spokesman Elliot Mintz said. "

    This has to be a typo. I have never heard of a 27 1/2 inch baby at birth. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    3 AnswersCelebrities2 decades ago
  • Why do they approve previews of rated R movies for all audiences?

    Doesn't it seem like it sort of defeates the purpose to promote a R movie to kids? It's possible to scare the crap out of them. I am sitting here watching a Harry Potter movie and there are previews for Silent Hill on it...what the heck is up with that?

    13 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • Where are all the condoms?

    I am reading through these questions and just can't figure out why there are so many women who are scared and concerned about being pregnant. Asking what to do, what are the signs...etc.

    Why are so many women still degrading themselves and their health by having unprotected sex? Better yet, where are all the condoms?

    18 AnswersPregnancy2 decades ago