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More on illegals and May day....i agree with this guy, wanted to share it!?

About a century ago, I dated a lady I'll call Louise. Louise had one of

those little yap-yap dogs. Now, Louise was a smart, kind lady. She loved

her dog, but she had rules. Bowzer was not allowed on the couch.

So, we'd be sitting on the couch, eating popcorn, and Bowzer would be

on the floor in front of us, begging to get up with us. "No, no, Bowzer;

not on the couch."

But a few minutes later, she would look into his big brown eyes and say,

"OK, OK; but JUST THIS ONCE." And up he would come. "JUST THIS ONCE."

When we'd leave to go out somewhere, she would admonish him, "Be a good

boy. And DON'T GET ON THE COUCH." But sure enough, when we got home,

there he was, lying comfortably on the couch. "Bad dog; bad dog!" Louise

cried. Then she popped him on the rear end; off the couch he would go.

A few minutes later, she would feel guilty and take him into the kitchen

for a treat.

Later, we'd do the couch thing, and it would happen again... "OK, OK;


And when we came back from somewhere, of course, there he would be.

Now, why, when Bowzer knew the rules.... why did he continue to get on

the couch?

Well, of course. Bowzer knew that the rules did not matter. He had no

respect for the rules. He knew that there was no penalty for disobeying

them. So he did exactly what he wanted to do.

This is simple stuff, isn't it, folks?

But what does this have to do with illegal immigration?

Well, how is this, in any way, different than how our government has

treated illegal aliens?

In 1986, President Reagan signed a bill giving amnesty to illegal

aliens. "This is a one-time thing. It does not represent a


"Just this once."

And 20 years later, they continue to flow into this country, in

ever-increasing numbers. And we continue to do nothing.

Why? Simple stuff, huh?

So, what are we going to do about it this time? Well, nothing, of course

-- just like we did 20 years ago. A lot of talk, a "guest-worker"

program, threats and promises. In other words, nothing.

Will this finally stop the invasion of our country?

Don't be silly.

The illegal aliens entering this country have no respect for our

laws. They know there is no penalty for breaking them. They know that we

do not enforce them. That is why they are so willing not only to enter

this country illegally, but also to violate other laws when they get

here. They do not respect our laws.... for very logical reasons.

And that is why they are willing to skip work and school on Monday and

hold illegal protests. They do not respect our laws, our customs... not

even our national anthem.

And what does our government do about this? Nothing.

This is so simple..... and yet, do you ever hear this argument in the

mainstream press?

Of course not.

And you know something else? We (American citizens) do not respect these

laws, either. We know that the government does not enforce them. But

instead of benefiting from this illegal activity, we are paying the

price for it.

Little wonder, then, that there is such a lack of respect up and down our

societal structure.

We should be outraged. And we should be outraged at any politician who

advocates more of the same.

The biggest price that we pay is that neither the illegal aliens nor

the American people respect the government and its leaders. The

unwillingness of our government to enforce the laws and punish those who

break them erodes the confidence of the people in the government at all


The Vermont Treatment

Nobody presented a serious challenge to the solution I offered to

the illegal immigration problem. In fact, most people who wrote to us

were just as outraged as I am. I believe that our elected representatives

are seriously misreading the sentiment in this country. And I believe it

will show at the ballot box in November. (Though the way it will likely

show is in the form of a miserably low turnout.)

A few people chided me for what I call the "Vermont treatment." My

solution puts aliens who have entered this country illegally on a

short leash. Their rights are restricted, and any significant violation

of our laws would result in the Vermont Treatment -- exile in Vermont,

with Howard Dean providing medical care, Janet Reno giving lessons on the

law, and Ted Kennedy providing taxi service. I offered that factitious

solution because, frankly I do not care what we do with them. But putting

them on a short leash is a from of punishment -- like probation. We

simply do not have enough prisons to incarcerate all of them, or those

who do not follow the rules. So, Vermont seems like a good place for

them. (My apologies to the good people of Vermont.... both of them.)

A couple people claimed that the "short leash" treats them like

second-class citizens. That's the point. They are NOT citizens. Because

they have broken our laws, they do not deserve to be citizens. Like a

teenager with a probationary driver's license, they are not entitled to

all of the rights. As I have written before, if you want to become a

citizen of the United States and enjoy all of the rights of citizenship,

go back home, apply, and get in line, like everyone else.

May Day

Let's see now... the illegal aliens are going to show their value and

patriotism by not showing up for work on Monday, by demonstrating in the

streets, and demanding their "rights."

And how are we responding to this threat? Well, by closing down

businesses and schools, that's how. We are no better than the government;

we are accommodating deviant behavior, further diminishing the laws,

customs and rules of our country.

So, this will become another annual American holiday... coinciding with

the celebration (May 1) of Karl Marx. How appropriate.

But unfortunately, the aliens are missing the point completely. If

they want to protest; if they want to demand something, they should be

protesting in Mexico City, not on the streets of the most generous, the

most free, and the most prosperous country on Earth.

Shame on them!

8 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very simple, I fired 6 employees who took off to boycott, they were not "illegal" but they were hispanic and in favor of breaking the law. Maybe the Government wont do anything, But each business owner sure can. I already replaced the hispanics who went to boycott with Americans who were interested in working, took abt 30 minutes. I wonder how they will feel tomorrow morning when they find they have no job here.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I was in Mexico a few years ago in Mexico City. I read an article in the paper. The Article said this will be the first time in History that a Country is taken over without anyone ever lifting a gun.

    I am also sick of hearing the saying that Hispanics will do jobs that Americans wont do. We will do them just not for what little wages Hispanics are willing to do them for.

    Americans have a high standard of living. Illegal and some Legal emigrants are willing to live 2 or 3 families to a home to survive. Most Americans are not.

    Lets say we give the hundreds of thousands of Illegals Amnesty. Over night you will have a large number of now legal emigrants legally applying for Welfare, Medicare, and School assistance. When a large majority of Americans can not afford to send their own kids to school.

    Everyone is going to go along with this bill or law because it is Politically correct. But it is Wrong.

  • 2 decades ago

    I agree. If you keep telling someone 'NO' and then you say, 'Okay, but only this one time', you pretty much letting them get away with EVERYTHING! They are going to get spoiled......let us be realistic here, they are spoiled. They get loans and residences to stay here as long as they want. Some of them do not even learn the language. What??? If we went over to any of their countries, we would have to learn their language. I love this country, but I think we've become way to free to all these illegals. They make it bad for those who are in this country legally. And yet, the government still let them come in. Not just Mexico, but Haiti as well. Instead of wasting all of our tax payers money on stupid sh*t, we should use that to REALLY border up our borders! As soon as they come across, send them right back home. Have more police control to check EVERY single vehicle that crosses over as well as trucks and other huge freight. Any American that illegal ships them over here, they should be tried and convicted.

  • 2 decades ago

    This is one of the best things I have read all day because I know I've told my elected officials I want tougher laws passed (unfortunately Barack Obama is my representative and due to his lack of support for tougher laws he's shown he does not care about me the voting citizen he cares more about the person who isn't able to vote and is not even legal to be here). I thought I was the only one who felt like what you wrote.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Being a voter, all you could do is try to send this to representative of your state or county or even to the executive government. I mean, to show you care and let them know they're not there in their Congress seat if it's not for the people who vote for them and may they remember to fight for the Americans! It's kind of outrageous to see a politicians playing their card for what is popular just to gain votes!

  • 2 decades ago

    I agree to an extent but they should send all of them back and shoot the ones that come back.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I suspect you missed a few points yourself!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago



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