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I have 2 wonderful, beautiful children and cherish the time I have with them. Live in Michigan, did live in Georgia for a few years...couldn't dig the never changing seasons. Miss my mom...who still lives in GA.

  • Can anyone tell me where to find the shock flash download?

    If you know what I am talking about, can you please help me find one to download. The screen will either be a peaceful picture or a game and then a scary face pops up and screams. Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me where to find the shock flash download?

    If you know what I am talking about, can you please help me find one to download. The screen will either be a peaceful picture or a game and then a scary face pops up and screams. Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • My quinea pig won't run in her ball. How do I get her to move?

    We bought her a run-about ball and she just sits there...not moving, not budging. The last guinea pig I had loved his ball and while they are all different and I understand that...I don't understand why I can't get this one to run. Any helpful advice would be appreciated! I hope I didn't waste $15.00. Thanks

    17 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what would motivate my child to learn?

    he's in the 6th grade, and has basically forgotten how to absorb what he is being taught. How do i motivate him to learn and absorb what is being presented to him?

    32 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My sex life is failing and very disturbing. Please help.?

    Please help! My sex life is failing horribly and it is taking my relationship with it. My husband and I have no romance anymore. We only have sex in the middle of the night (he wakes me up) or in the morning (he wakes me up). There is no talking or words of love. There is no emotion, just sex. Afterwards he lies down and doesn't say anything, doesn't touch me, nothing. He loves me very much, but somewhere I think we got lost on what to do in the bedroom. We had a rocky patch in our relationship and have been trying to restore it. I think that all has been healed but we have lost what we use to do to excite eachother. I am starting to get so frustrated about this and I can't hardly stand having sex with him anymore, because I don't feel loved and wanted. I feel like he needs to "get off" so he uses me. How do we fix this? How do we make love instead of just having sex all the time? Please, honest answers only! This is a serious problem. Thanks

    30 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Bleeding brakes continued?

    So, I already asked a question on how to bleed the brakes and got some great answers! Thanks I am curious, when you hold the brake down and open the valve, should the brake pedal drop down further?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Bleeding Brakes - Need help ASAP?

    I really need someone to tell me how to bleed ABS brakes. In what order and are they different than regular brakes to bleed? It's for a Olds Achieva 1992. Thanks!

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • For the guys!!!?

    In your best description, what does having sex with a woman feel like? The vaginal canal around you feels like what??? Honest answers only please.

    13 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Need to know the movie????

    When I was young, I watched a movie and would love it if anyone knows what I am talking about...There was a group of kids that go into this old church or steeple and a girl gets in the middle of a circle that the kids create by holding hands. They blind fold the girl and then they leave...she's tied up and blindfolded and then something happens, like the bell falls on her or the place catches on fire...anyway, she dies...then many years later...she is haunting them and all the kids (who are now grown up) have to go back to that building and do the circle again and everything they did that night. Then the girl appears before them...she's all in white and has the blindfold on. They have to remove it and free her...but I think something happens to them too.??? If anyone knows what I am talking about, I would be sooooo greatful. I know it's very vague, but it's been many years since I seen it.

    8 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • what do you think about this?

    President Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

    "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else,

    for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an

    American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to

    the American people."

    Theodore Roosevelt 1907

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 decades ago
  • More on illegals and May day....i agree with this guy, wanted to share it!?

    About a century ago, I dated a lady I'll call Louise. Louise had one of

    those little yap-yap dogs. Now, Louise was a smart, kind lady. She loved

    her dog, but she had rules. Bowzer was not allowed on the couch.

    So, we'd be sitting on the couch, eating popcorn, and Bowzer would be

    on the floor in front of us, begging to get up with us. "No, no, Bowzer;

    not on the couch."

    But a few minutes later, she would look into his big brown eyes and say,

    "OK, OK; but JUST THIS ONCE." And up he would come. "JUST THIS ONCE."

    When we'd leave to go out somewhere, she would admonish him, "Be a good

    boy. And DON'T GET ON THE COUCH." But sure enough, when we got home,

    there he was, lying comfortably on the couch. "Bad dog; bad dog!" Louise

    cried. Then she popped him on the rear end; off the couch he would go.

    A few minutes later, she would feel guilty and take him into the kitchen

    for a treat.

    Later, we'd do the couch thing, and it would happen again... "OK, OK;

    but JUST THIS ONCE."

    And when we came back from somewhere, of course, there he would be.

    Now, why, when Bowzer knew the rules.... why did he continue to get on

    the couch?

    Well, of course. Bowzer knew that the rules did not matter. He had no

    respect for the rules. He knew that there was no penalty for disobeying

    them. So he did exactly what he wanted to do.

    This is simple stuff, isn't it, folks?

    But what does this have to do with illegal immigration?

    Well, how is this, in any way, different than how our government has

    treated illegal aliens?

    In 1986, President Reagan signed a bill giving amnesty to illegal

    aliens. "This is a one-time thing. It does not represent a


    "Just this once."

    And 20 years later, they continue to flow into this country, in

    ever-increasing numbers. And we continue to do nothing.

    Why? Simple stuff, huh?

    So, what are we going to do about it this time? Well, nothing, of course

    -- just like we did 20 years ago. A lot of talk, a "guest-worker"

    program, threats and promises. In other words, nothing.

    Will this finally stop the invasion of our country?

    Don't be silly.

    The illegal aliens entering this country have no respect for our

    laws. They know there is no penalty for breaking them. They know that we

    do not enforce them. That is why they are so willing not only to enter

    this country illegally, but also to violate other laws when they get

    here. They do not respect our laws.... for very logical reasons.

    And that is why they are willing to skip work and school on Monday and

    hold illegal protests. They do not respect our laws, our customs... not

    even our national anthem.

    And what does our government do about this? Nothing.

    This is so simple..... and yet, do you ever hear this argument in the

    mainstream press?

    Of course not.

    And you know something else? We (American citizens) do not respect these

    laws, either. We know that the government does not enforce them. But

    instead of benefiting from this illegal activity, we are paying the

    price for it.

    Little wonder, then, that there is such a lack of respect up and down our

    societal structure.

    We should be outraged. And we should be outraged at any politician who

    advocates more of the same.

    The biggest price that we pay is that neither the illegal aliens nor

    the American people respect the government and its leaders. The

    unwillingness of our government to enforce the laws and punish those who

    break them erodes the confidence of the people in the government at all


    The Vermont Treatment

    Nobody presented a serious challenge to the solution I offered to

    the illegal immigration problem. In fact, most people who wrote to us

    were just as outraged as I am. I believe that our elected representatives

    are seriously misreading the sentiment in this country. And I believe it

    will show at the ballot box in November. (Though the way it will likely

    show is in the form of a miserably low turnout.)

    A few people chided me for what I call the "Vermont treatment." My

    solution puts aliens who have entered this country illegally on a

    short leash. Their rights are restricted, and any significant violation

    of our laws would result in the Vermont Treatment -- exile in Vermont,

    with Howard Dean providing medical care, Janet Reno giving lessons on the

    law, and Ted Kennedy providing taxi service. I offered that factitious

    solution because, frankly I do not care what we do with them. But putting

    them on a short leash is a from of punishment -- like probation. We

    simply do not have enough prisons to incarcerate all of them, or those

    who do not follow the rules. So, Vermont seems like a good place for

    them. (My apologies to the good people of Vermont.... both of them.)

    A couple people claimed that the "short leash" treats them like

    second-class citizens. That's the point. They are NOT citizens. Because

    they have broken our laws, they do not deserve to be citizens. Like a

    teenager with a probationary driver's license, they are not entitled to

    all of the rights. As I have written before, if you want to become a

    citizen of the United States and enjoy all of the rights of citizenship,

    go back home, apply, and get in line, like everyone else.

    May Day

    Let's see now... the illegal aliens are going to show their value and

    patriotism by not showing up for work on Monday, by demonstrating in the

    streets, and demanding their "rights."

    And how are we responding to this threat? Well, by closing down

    businesses and schools, that's how. We are no better than the government;

    we are accommodating deviant behavior, further diminishing the laws,

    customs and rules of our country.

    So, this will become another annual American holiday... coinciding with

    the celebration (May 1) of Karl Marx. How appropriate.

    But unfortunately, the aliens are missing the point completely. If

    they want to protest; if they want to demand something, they should be

    protesting in Mexico City, not on the streets of the most generous, the

    most free, and the most prosperous country on Earth.

    Shame on them!

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 decades ago
  • What do I need chemical wise, if I buy a new vinyl pool?

    I am looking to buy a vinyl pool...about 12ft. by 3ft. my question is, what kinds of chemicals do i need to get and list them for me...explain it to me like I am 3yrs old please. Thank you!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 decades ago
  • Buy Buy Buy?

    Alright Americans...enoughs enough! Our answer to the idiots that think they impact American economy so much, is to buy, buy, buy on May 1st. Everything you are looking to get, get. We don't need illegals to support our country! I don't care who they are! There is plenty of us to take care of it just fine! So go shopping! May 1st, it's the day of English speaking people! Yeah!

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 decades ago
  • Keep talking Americans!!?

    Not supporting illegals!?

    Where's all the people standing up for the United States on this boycott May 1st?

    I personally think it's BS. If you don't want to be here in America and don't like our laws, then go back to where ever you come from. I support tighter security on the border and illegal's should all be shipped away! Our jobs are being lost to these people because employers would rather pay Jose $5 hr than paying Mark $8 hr. They don't pay taxes and get free stuff from the government all the time. Born american! Buy american! Who's with me?

    Additional Details

    Apr 28, 2006 at 6:21 am

    I never said anything about legal immigrants. I saw the flyer stating that there needs to be less security on the border and what not. That is BS! Lots of countries suffer from poverty. Sorry about ya, we have our own poor to take care of! Illegal aliens is what my problem is! Coming over here and expecting me to learn your language?? No, you need to learn mine and speak English. We are an English speaking country! And for those wondering...I do have native american in me. So let's not get started on that! I also have dated a mexican, but he was born here and was LEGAL! Oh yeah, he spoke English too!

    Apr 28, 2006 at 6:26 am

    Well, it's so nice to know that so many people want Illegal citizens here! Way to be proud of what you have...and become a minority! Glad to know that you want America overpopulated with non-english speaking people. Who don't pay for a damn thing in this country, but ship money back to their homeland to support families there! I have a feeling...i'm not the ignorant one...but the realistic one!

    14 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago