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Stolen Lands?

Do you think that, if lands have been forcefully stolen from their indigenous population, then the United Nations should DEMAND that those lands should be returned to the people from whom they were stolen, AND that they should further demand that FULL compensation should be made for any and all damage done that has been done to those lands?

If so, the how soon should Turtle Island be returned to "The people", and how much compensation is due to them?

For those that do not know, the "modern" name for "The People", is ...

Native North Americans.

14 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am half Seneca so I'd love to see it happen. It never will.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am not sure how to answer your question because the land being taken happened so long ago. I am not sure if people today are responsible for the taking of the land.

    If u can convince a judge to agree with you then i would think that the land should be returned. Full compensation? I am not sure what the land was worth or is worth but The government has taken white/ black and many other races property when they want it. They have to compensate the owner of the property but they usually get way less then what the property is worth. I can't recall right now what the law is where they can take the land but it is still being done to citizens of the USA and they are not all Native North Americans. SO what my point is if they do it for one group of people then they have to do it for all the people of the USA.

  • 2 decades ago

    I agree to a degree. However do you know that the entire USA would have to be given back to Native Americans? We better all start checking our roots and decide to what country we should go back to. Boy, Europe would be horribly full in no time. Hope they don't mind.

    And then think about Israel. The Palestinians would absolutely have a hay day. And then Africa, out with all you white people.

    There have been a whole lot of injustices over the centuries. Yes, and mainly by white Europeans, running all over the Earth claiming lands as their own, just because they could, but I don't think it is plausible or fair to punish a country's population for the mistakes of their ancestors.

  • spot
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    United nations that you are talking about was not established until 1942 (there are something similar, but not exactly the same). Turtle island that is located in Lake Erie near the Michigan/Ohio state line was inhabited by whites in the late 17th century. In 1827, it was sold at public auction by the U.S. Government and 4 years later was bought back by the U.S. Government again. So, to answer your question, no, United Nations should not try to change the history of Turtle Island or ANYWHERE. They are already doing enough damages.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The main problem in this respect is establishing what the date is you draw a line for 'ownership'.

    The US question is easier but, I would imagine, there are a lot of arguments re which tribe had 'ownership' of a region. In European/middle east terms this 'ownership' has changed over the centuries to the point no one has had control the whole time.

    There is also the legal argument over 'betterment' - i.e. development of the land and the fundamental issue over where you put the people who are displaced.

    On a more fundamental level, why should the sons be penalised for the sins of the father ... i.e.why should current generations be penalised for the way history played out?

    The UK played a central part in the slave trade but I feel no personal responsibility for this. History is just that ... something that has happened.

    Peace out

  • 2 decades ago

    there are so many conflicts and wars that have changed the boundaries of countries over centuries. I am assuming that you are talking about Manifest Destiny and the great "white" threat that whiped out the indian nations. Well here's some info. except for Africa there is no indiginous people everyone migrated from Africa at one point even the native americans that came over the Alaskan Land bridge over 10,000 years ago. Therefore your thinking would put every human being back in Africa and give the rest of the world back to the animals...... So let me ask this do you wanna live in Africa, with all the war, famine, diseases, dictators, and etc.???? Personnally it's way to frickin hot there for me!!!!!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I agree that land should be returned to the actual people it was stolen from - not their anscestors. If those people are dead, then so be it. The land is left alone.

    If the UN enacts that law, there would be a lot of shifting around in the world, because everything was stolen from somebody at one time or another.

  • 2 decades ago

    If the UN had the power to actually do something, how many of these cases would they affect? Remember, the UN is largely in the pocket of the U.S government. Is it in the U.S. government's selfish interest to give away prime land? Most likely not.

    Native Hawaiians also are familiar with the idea of stolen lands that are islands.

  • 2 decades ago

    OK let's get a grip....

    It's good to recognize the supreme injustice done to the original inhabitants.

    So you propose giving back the land. That means you need to relocate learn a new language and in the process not displace anyone else.

    How about we just treat them (everyone who is not us) the way we want to be treated. you that whole thing about all men created equal, the right to life liberty........

  • Davie
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Live in the present and be happy. Carrying a grudge about something that happened between your ancestors and my ancestors doesn't help you or me. Let's get current and enjoy life.

    By the way, I wonder who the Indians killed to get Turtle Island in the first place?

  • DannyK
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Any anthropologist or archaeologist can tell you that what we think of as "Native Americans" actually displaced and slaughtered natives from Asia that were here long before them.

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