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Left Wing Pledge Of Allegiance?

I pledge a Greivance to the flag

of the United States of America

And to the Republicans

Which I can't stand,

One nation

Without God

Totally divided

With justice and liberty for those who can aford it.

Translate this into Spanish, and there you have it.

These ARE NOT the views of the asker. I am a retired Marine who believes in this country, and for the most part, her policies.

The question is WHY? WHY is everything great that this country is supposed to stand for now nothing less than a sad joke? It truly saddens me that the only people who can peacfully protest in the MILLIONS, is a group of people who are breaking the law simply by being here. WHY? And why is it that the bleeding heart liberals would rather lay blame on government rather than the individuals truly responsible for any of society's plights? And their voices offer no viable alternatives, only a quick and biting wit, and fast ball insults.

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    because many have lost their faith. groups like the ACLU have been taking our commonality away from us because its "religion" but it is more than that it was something 95% of Americans had in common or understood. it created culture for us, it created unity in us. now what do Americans have in common. no prayer in school, no 10 commandments displays. whether you agree with it or not. everyone understood the rules and what was expected. now the only people who get heard are the squeaky wheel. babies who haven't grown up and want to live in and create an ideological world rather than the real world

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Being A US Marine, You Understand The Significance Of The

    American Flag Flying Upside Down

    I Urge All Americans To Fly Their Flags, UPSIDE DOWN

    It Signals The Nation In Distress

    The United States Is A Nation In Distress,

    Under Attack

    And We Must Let Washington Know That We Realize It

    The Trick Pony Show Is Not Tricking American Citizens

    Any Longer

    Source(s): MORE On This:-Info and Links See My Blog
  • 2 decades ago

    How about this:

    "I pledge allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty, equality and justice for all."

    Thats how it originally was before the right-wingers butchered it.

    The original author of the pledge, Francis Bellamy, was a Baptist minister. He later chaired a national committee preparing a program for public schools to use in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in the New World and the opening of a world's fair in Chicago.

    The words that Mr. Bellamy wrote for Columbus Day, 1892, were published in Youth's Companion magazine. Civic organizations and school districts across the country embraced them. The pledge was altered immediately after it was written, again in 1924 and, most notably, by Congress when it added "under God" in 1954.

    The key phrase here is "my flag." It's simple, personal, elegant and arguably superior to the more formal - "the flag of the United States of America" - that was later adopted, against Mr. Bellamy's wishes.

    In the original version, the flag does not belong to the nation; it belongs to each of us.

    The revised language has the unfortunate effect of separating "us" from the flag. "My" is more intimate, more immediately meaningful and more likely to remind us that each of us has some ownership of our national ideals.

    With or without "my," Americans never pledge allegiance to the flag alone. It is always a symbol for something else. The flag, my flag, your flag, stands for a particular form of government.

    In Mr. Bellamy's final draft, we were "one nation, indivisible, with liberty, equality, and justice for all."

    Equality was later dropped to appease educators on his commemorative committee who were uncomfortable with equality for women and African-Americans.

    Now, translate this into Spanish. What is more important, the language in which you pledge allegience to your country, or the fact that you do it at all?

    I am what you like to call a "bleeding heart liberal". I am also against illegal immigrants. The key word here is "illegal". We don't need more law-breakers in this country.

    "everything great that this country is supposed to stand for now nothing less than a sad joke"? Who's hating America, now?

    If you paint with too broad a brush, you get paint where it doesn't belong.

  • 2 decades ago

    You can look at this in another way.

    Could it be that we as a nation allowed this march of illegals to be peaceful? Which in my eyes says alot about us, the citizens of this country.

    I think by this being a peaceful march has made a huge statement!

    Because many were looking for a chaotic, emotional response especially in the illegal communities.

    And they didn't get one.

    And that makes me proud to be an American. To know most of us watched this protest but we showed our maturity and intelligence.

    Now the ball is in our hands.

  • 2 decades ago

    Send all the left wing selfish immoral unpatriotic liberals and commies together with all the illegal immigrant leeches south of the border. Build a wall with land mines in front of it. Shoot anyone that tries to cross.

  • 2 decades ago

    There is no such thing as left wing anymore. The fascists in office cut it off a long time ago.

  • 2 decades ago

    Unfortunatly, the WWII generation was the very last generation that understood this concept. Things have been down hill since.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    So how is the repuglicans doing, pretty good huh. NOT

  • 2 decades ago

    No answer will satisfy you...

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