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Why do we limit our selves in realtionships???

Why do we set standards in relationships, like having only one partner? Is there truly only one person that can make some one happy or is there more to this concept. I have seen cultures that have a male dominated 5 person marriage, and they seem to be happy.

So why does the American culture try to limit us to 1 partner? It was not the law 150 years ago, the Mormans were pluralistic, but still male dominated. Maybe women should explore new concepts in relationships.


I would love to have a lady in my life that would go to work, while I stay at home and watch the kids, clean house, make jewelry, plus many other things.

I am very open, I have seen where soemthing that are not American ways, do work if you put effort into making it work.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, and maybe women should dominate the relationships, and go off to work leaving five men at home all day. Somehow I don't think you would like that idea nearly so much.

    Any culture or religion that allows men to be in charge of women, especially in numbers, wants to keep women subservient to men and to keep them shut out of anything they could have any influence on. They also tend to be much more tolerant of men physically and verbally abusing women.

    The men in these relationships are happy because they are in total control and can have sex whenever they want to because if one woman isn't in the mood, another is bound to be. The women are only contented because it is the only life they have ever known; it is how they are taught they are supposed to live, and they are never allowed to develop their intellects enough to consider that there might be other options.

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, for one, it goes back to basic human instincts. While males will try to mate with as many females as possible to ensure offspring, females generally wish to always have the security of a fertile male. This way, everytime she goes into heat, there doesn't need to be a search for a new partner.

    Also, it's a little bit of a health issue. People spread disease that way. And people with multiple partners spread it further, and in turn can give it to their children. And I know you're talking about multiple Husbands/Wives, but if a person is okay with having three, what's to stop them from having four, five or even more?

    So, I'm not sure why it's that way, by law, but that's why I believe in one partner.

  • 2 decades ago

    The current social / political / religious climate does, indeed, dictate, that the best kind of relationship is a heterosexual couple. Which is a shame.

    We limit ourselves because it's what we've been taught to do. We limit ourselves because it's socially correct, or politically correct or religiously correct.

    Listen to your heart. Discover your preferred relationship style, and honestly communicate with those you wish to be intimate with - you might be surprised how many other people out there have similar ideas!

    For a little more info on multiple relationships, you might find this website interesting:

  • 2 decades ago

    Polyamory - literally meaning multiple loves... and there are as many different types of poly relationships as there are polyamorists. I've been parts of triads, poly families, vee relationships... But they aren't for everyone, and in our current culture it is taboo.

    It is funny how many people expect that one person can fill all the needs of another human being.... and the expectation that you will never love anyone else. The practice of serial monogamy - of loving one person at a time in succession, inherantly belies that. Most people will love many people in their lifetime, and love no two people in exacly the same way. For me it makes more sense to find several people who fill different roles simultaneously and thus remove the unreasonable burden of being "everything for someone". I think it also is inherantly unfair that dating or marriage comes down to contracts for sexual ownership. It is subtly disempowering, and people use this artifical standard to justify their own sense of insecurity and jelousy.

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