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I am a metal artist that gave up the big city to do my thing in asmall town. So now I do the art I want and enjoy life more.

  • Who will stop the Rockies EXpress Pipeline?

    The Rockies Express Pipeline (REX) is planning on cutting thru many farms and watershed in Ill, Ind and Oh. The methods of obtaining permission for right of ways is criminal, the intimidate, threaten and out right trespass.

    Plus you the consumer will see no price break in your energy prices, this company is in this purely for profit.

    So far it looks like the American Government supports the methods this company uses to steal peoples property and have not shown any desire to have safety in their pipeline.

    Any one want to help stop them?


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Girls, keep your pants on or his pants on.?

    I hear a lot about how to attract a guy or getting him to like you and what should you do. Talk to that person, having sex with him now may drive him away later in life. You may get passed around because your too easy, then you will have a reputation of being a sl*t. You could end up with a baby or worse AIDS or even worse both.

    Maybe some of you will agree with me, talk to him, find out about him, do you share the same goals in life, do you both want to go to college. Do you like the same things?

    How many of you agree that this is the best way to get the right guy?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 decades ago
  • Henry Kissingers just released papers?

    Well, after all of these years we now find out that the U.S. would have been happy to have any gobernment in Vietnam, communist or not, just so long the U.S. troops were out of there.

    I spend twp tours there, so I was that time fighting somebody who may not have been our enemy.

    What do you about wasting 57,000 lives and from 1958 to 1973 in a war?

    2 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago
  • Hourly rate for Computer Graphics Work?

    What would be a standard hourly rate for a computer graphics person who owns his/her business, all of the hardware, software, mouse tablets, and printers?

    I have classroom training as well as many years of experience doing my own graphics and advertising. I was asked to do work for a couple of other people, but I am not sure what to charge.

    Any advise would be helpful, I have already done overnight rush work for $150 an hour, I didn't want to do the work, but they said oaid they had no one else to do the work and they said the price sounded great.

    3 AnswersOther - Visual Arts2 decades ago
  • When is big really big?

    I do metal sculptures, I have one planned that will be about 30 feet tall and mostly bronze. Is this getting on the par of really big or do I have to get taller yet to become huge.

    This is a sculpture of a tree, with fruit.

    3 AnswersSculpture2 decades ago
  • Close Relationships with Lady Artists?

    One of the problem that I am having is that I am a working artist that is making my living in the arts. Not many artists can say that. When I am working with young ladies some of them want more than a professional relationship. I tell them no, and if they push the subject again they are out of my studio now.

    Should I tell all prospective young lady artists that this is my policy up front and possible offend a few of them or wait until the subject comes up? Please understand that I am married to a wonderful lady, and that 80% or more of the artists in my field are female.

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Memorial Day and what it means?

    I hate to rain on peoples parties, but Memorial Day is when we honor those who gave their lives to keep the U.S. Free.

    We should take the time to help the families of fallen service people and to take a moment to remember their scarifies. Maybe go to a memorial service or put out your flag that you have left over from 9/11 that you don't fly anymore.

    5 AnswersEtiquette2 decades ago
  • Why do men committ adultery?

    Men get bored by the lack of sex and the constant compalining. So they look for attention and sex with other people, how do you ladies feel about this and what would you do to remedy your relationship, so it doesn't happen or happen again.

    26 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Are some DVRs more complicated and others?

    We have Dish Network with the DVR service, I have no problem with it, but my wife does. Are their any units that are really simple to use?

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs2 decades ago
  • How do you deal with Step Children?

    I have a step son, who just graduated from High School and he needs to quit BSing people about what he can do. His sister who will be a senior next year, is a varsity cheerleader, with a 4.0 gpa, that wants to be treated like a princess.

    My wife and I don't have the money to endulge these two and they were told them that before we got married.

    The want cars, and trips to Disney, etc, etc, well so do I!

    13 AnswersFamily2 decades ago
  • Why do Americans sell themselves short??

    Americans seem to give up when they fail to do something, instead of looking at the situation as next time I will just try harder. Why is this?

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • Why do we limit our selves in realtionships???

    Why do we set standards in relationships, like having only one partner? Is there truly only one person that can make some one happy or is there more to this concept. I have seen cultures that have a male dominated 5 person marriage, and they seem to be happy.

    So why does the American culture try to limit us to 1 partner? It was not the law 150 years ago, the Mormans were pluralistic, but still male dominated. Maybe women should explore new concepts in relationships.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • What is wrong with plural relationships? If one woman wants two lovers or a man wants two lovers.?

    What is wrong with a fixed (not like an open marriage), but plural relationship?

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships2 decades ago
  • Artists and spouses?

    I am a full time metal sculpture and jeweller. My spouse doesn't seem to understand my drive and my need to create. I do shower her with lova and affection, as well as a lot of jewelry.

    Any one else have this problem?


    1 AnswerSculpture2 decades ago
  • If our Leaders are convicted criminals then who do we look to.....?

    Our governor was convicted of ethical/white collar crimes, our mayors wife was caught in a DUI and was convicted she got to spend her three days in jail in a rehab center that most people could not afford, we have a supreme court justice who had a DUI while driving a state car that was convicted.

    These folks are suppose to be an example of what a good citizen is, well these people aren't.

    Why should we obey the laws then? Is this social break down that will lead to the fall of the American Way of Life?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy2 decades ago