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la_la_la asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 2 decades ago

Getting off birth control...Pregnancy Symptoms?

I'd like to preface this question by saying that it is too early for me to take a home pregnancy test. The earliest I can take one is next Friday, 5 days before my missed period.

With that said, I have been experiencing what I can only equate to pregnancy symptoms for the past few weeks. I've had nausea, been urinating frequently, am bloated, and my breasts are more swollen than usual. Did I mention I'm ravenously hungry? I never gained weight on birth control, but now that I'm off it, I'm eating like there's no tommorrow!

I recently got off Nuvaring birth control in the middle of last month, and soon after I used a questionable birth control method that could have failed. It's definitely a possibility I could be preggers, but it's also possible that my hormones are imbalanced after getting off the Nuvaring.

Anyone have any insight as to what's going on with me? Serious answers from women, please.

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    You seem very educated(!) so I'm sure you know that each woman's cycle is different! However, I'll give this a try!

    When I got pregnant, I had a similar phenomenon, I just knew I was! Many women say you won't have symptoms for quite a while, however, to this day, I swear I had symptoms after just a few days! Especially sore and swollen breasts and bloating/frequent urination. So, I believe you!

    Your symptoms seem to be consistant with either being pregnant, or just starting birth control. Since you said you just ended it, we know its not the later of these! Most birth control forms Add hormones, so by getting off of them, you would be lacking hormones (returning to normal hormones) so you wouln't get these symptoms from less hormones.

    If you had sex before you ovulated, some women ovulate on day 14, but many don't, it is definately possible that you concieved when on your questionable method.

    When was your last period? (Or, WAS it normal before you got on b.c.) How long are/were your cycles?

    Good luck. Best thing is to just pay attention to your body in the next few days in terms of any spotting, or discharge. Then, test!

    good luck, hope this helped.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Birth Control Pregnancy Symptoms

  • 2 decades ago

    of course I'm no doctor but I have had two toddler children and have been pregnant 3 times....

    for me, the most noticeable symptom for me was extreme fatigue. I am talking to tired to move or even lift my head off my desk at work. I never experienced nausea, bloat, extreme hunger - frequent urinating - only the last trimester when the 9 pounds of baby would not move from the top of my bladder.

    about 6 months ago, I started the pill again (after 10 years) and the first week I had the nausea, bloating, and extreme hunger - eating myself out of house and home.

    I guess my conclusion is that you may or may not be pregnant but I have a feeling your body's reaction to getting off the Nuvaring, are the symptoms you are having. The birth control has made your body not have a natural menstruation cycle therefore could be causing your hormonal symptoms.

    Good luck and I hope it turns out like the way you want!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    seriously you could be can happen that fast..but you might just find it is your body reacting to the change in hormone levels after coming off the birth sometimes can give mild early pregnancy like symptoms! i know its hard but try not to get your hopes up just in case and wait until your period is due. if your late take the test but remember sometimes it will read negative but you can still be pregnant just that there isn't enough of the pregnancy hormone in your system to register!...good luck!

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  • 2 decades ago

    It could be either one. If you really want to know I would say see your doctor to get a blood test done. If you cant do that then wait and see if you miss your period. Sometimes the hormonal levels change when u get off of birth control. Good luck either way!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    the best thing is to go to the doc and get an accurate pregnancy test! and second maybe you are experience this because of the pills you took.. umm i have no explanation for other than that but hey! if u r pregnant then CONGRATULATIONS! you have been blessed with a new little baby that represents all the love and affection of you, the newlyweds! :)

  • 2 decades ago

    Well i had a baby 5 months ago going on six the way i felt were kind of the smae but i had pains in the lower stomach and my nipples were hurting as well as leaking. so you might be pregnant i wouls say just take the test its never to early

  • 2 decades ago

    see firstly GET UR HCG TEST done, it takes less then 1 hour to get the report, then if its positive then only a women is pregnant, these symptoms sre also seen in HYPOTHYROIDISM where there is less secretion of thyroid hormone causing all these symptoms. if ur HCG test is -ve then get thyroid function test done

  • 2 decades ago

    frequent urination does not occur until later in pregnancy due to the wieght of the baby pushing on your bladder. bloating and swollen chest are both signs of pms. guess you will have to wait it out, but i doubt you are

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