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I am a Florida licensed real estate agent, a small business owner, and am newly married. No kids, just three cats and designer sunglasses.

  • What tonnage HVAC do I need for a 1,000 square foot condo?

    I'm having a 2 ton HVAC installed tomorrow, but I'm wondering if I should go up to 3 tons...

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 decades ago
  • Has anyone here gotten pregnant immediately after getting off birth control?

    I am interested in hearing from people who got pregnant immediately after getting off birth control because their ovulation schedule was off-kilter.

    I got off Nuvaring in the middle of last month and had unprotected sex shortly thereafter. I was only on Nuvaring for 3 months. Because my cycles were regulated by the birth control, it's hard to pinpoint when ovulation would have occured and if it's possible that I'm pregnant.

    I started getting very nauseas in the morning starting a week and a half a go, which was kind of weird for me. Also, I have a heightened sense of smell, certain smells are making me gag, I'm peeing non-stop, I'm bloated, and my breasts are swollen and tender. Normally I would assume this is some kind of hormonal imbalance from the birth control, but the smell thing is out of control and is totally not consistant with PMS.

    Any thoughts or insight would be very much appreciated...I'm freaking out over here!

    9 AnswersPregnancy2 decades ago
  • Getting off birth control...Pregnancy Symptoms?

    I'd like to preface this question by saying that it is too early for me to take a home pregnancy test. The earliest I can take one is next Friday, 5 days before my missed period.

    With that said, I have been experiencing what I can only equate to pregnancy symptoms for the past few weeks. I've had nausea, been urinating frequently, am bloated, and my breasts are more swollen than usual. Did I mention I'm ravenously hungry? I never gained weight on birth control, but now that I'm off it, I'm eating like there's no tommorrow!

    I recently got off Nuvaring birth control in the middle of last month, and soon after I used a questionable birth control method that could have failed. It's definitely a possibility I could be preggers, but it's also possible that my hormones are imbalanced after getting off the Nuvaring.

    Anyone have any insight as to what's going on with me? Serious answers from women, please.

    9 AnswersPregnancy2 decades ago
  • Getting off Nuvaring?

    I've decided to get off Nuvaring after being on it for 4 months, as it is making me depressed and just overall crappy feeling.

    For people who had taken Nuvaring and gotten off of it, did your periods come back normally? How soon did your cycle take to get back to normal? Any other weird stuff happen? Do tell!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health2 decades ago
  • Cell Phones/PDA's that you can write code and program with?

    My husband is looking at getting a new cell phone, but wants one that will allow him to write code on the go. Any suggestions as to what phones/PDA's he should look into?

    Our service will probably be with T-Mobile or Verizon.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • Has anyone had their cat or dog microchipped?

    With hurricane season around the corner, I'm thinking about getting my cats microchipped. If you have gotten your pet microchipped, please let me know how it went, if your pet was in pain, or if there were any weird side effects that you noticed.

    Serious answers only, please!

    17 AnswersCats2 decades ago
  • Birth control recommendations - Nuvaring making me depressed, considering Yasmin or Orthotrycyclen-Lo?

    I've been on and off some form of birth control pills and rings for 6 years, and am currently on Nuvaring. It's making me depressed and absolutely killing my libido! It's also making me break out.

    I'm ready to switch to The Pill, and was consider Yasmin or Ortho-Lo. Anyone have any recommendations, or personal experiences with these medications?

    PS: Getting off this hormone-altering stuff is not an option. I was prescribed it to regulate my cycle. I am not interested in an IUD, as I plan on having kids in the near future.

    11 AnswersWomen's Health2 decades ago
  • Are Memory Foam Mattress Toppers Worth the Money?

    I was thinking of adding a Memory Foam Mattress Topper to my bed and wanted to see what other peoples thought about it...

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling2 decades ago
  • What are your thoughts on this year's upcoming hurricane season?

    According to officials, this year's hurricane season will be "less chaotic" but still "very busy".

    They are predicting 17 nameded storms, including nine hurricanes, with a potential of five of them being "intense".

    With hurricane season quickly approaching, what are your feelings on the kind of season we're going to have?

    Answers from people who were effected by any of last year's hurricanes a plus...People from the midwest might want to sit this one out.

    11 AnswersCurrent Events2 decades ago
  • What do Abe Lincoln and a toymaker have in common?

    There's a contest on a local radio station and this is one of the questions. Anyone have a clue what the answer could be?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation2 decades ago
  • Natural Childbirth - Is Water Birth Safe & Reputable?

    I am interested in hearing women's thoughts on the natural childbirth, and particularly water birthing. I would appreciate personal experiences from mothers who have gone through this, but am also open to hearing from moms who took more traditional approaches.

    7 AnswersPregnancy2 decades ago
  • Is being pregnant and having a baby really that scary? Moms only, please!?

    Coworkers, friends, and anyone else I come in contact with seem to sense how squeamish I am about the subject of pregnancy and child birthing, and tell me HORROR STORIES about their labor and pregnancy. My husband and I will probably try for a baby in the next 3 years, and I have already started reading anything and everything I can on the subject to ease my fears.

    Right now I'm reading "What To Expect When You're Expecting", or as I affectionately call it, "The Big Book of Why I Should Stay On Birth Control". All this talk about mucus plugs and other random pregnancy stuff is really freaking me out.

    Moms, I want to hear your pregnancy and labor stories. If women do this every day, obviously it can't be that bad....right?

    21 AnswersPregnancy2 decades ago
  • Have you ever heard of a computer losing ALL of its data because it is moved to another location?

    When I came into work this morning, I moved a desktop computer from one desk to another about 6 feet away. I had shut this desktop down properly prior to moving it.

    I plugged everything back in correctly, booted it back up, and my associate noticed that the entire hard drive has been wiped clean. He feels that this was because I moved the computer.

    ...Have you ever heard of all previous data being erased from a hard drive because it's unplugged and moved a few feet? I moved my own computer this morning, and it's fine, like every other computer I've moved in my life!

    I need insight, people!

    8 AnswersDesktops2 decades ago
  • My cat is meowing at walls for no reason and just generally acting weird?


    My 2-year-old male cat is acting strange, to say the least. He's meowing at walls, windows, and doors all night and picking random fights with the other two cats in the house. These fights are not major (No hissing or growling), but definitely confrontational.

    He is fixed, per the Humane Society we adopted him from and is in good health (Eating regularly, drinking water, regular trips to the litter box).

    My friend who's worked for a vet suggested that maybe he's instinctually in heat and maybe that's why he's acting weird.

    Someone else suspected he may be feeling a little under the weather and that could be contributing to his odd behavior.

    Anyone else have a situation like this? We have him booked for a check-up at the vet next weekend, but it's weighing on my mind...

    6 AnswersCats2 decades ago
  • Why do parents put their kids on leashes?

    I have noticed that many parents at malls, entertainment parks, tourist attractions, and similar venues put their kids on what appears to be a leash. Usually, it's a contraption that has a front harness on the child and then a length of fabric or cord that the parents use to walk them.

    I was at a tourist attraction over the weekend, and I noticed a child of about 3 years of age in one of these devices, and she kept falling down and getting tied up in the thing because her parents weren't paying attention. It was disturbing, to say the least.

    I was just curious to see if there are any parents out there who use this device, and what the thought process is behind using it. If they have them on the market, obviously there's a need for such a thing, but I'm not getting it.

    Does it hurt the child? Do you receive any dirty looks for using it when you go out? Do tell.

    20 AnswersToddler & Preschooler2 decades ago
  • Need Advice on Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction-Twilight sleep, novacaine, or what?

    I'm not going to lie. I am absolutely terrified of having my wisdom teeth removed. I'm 23, and have two impacted wisdom on the bottom, both erupted. The two wisdom teeth on the top are not impacted, and will not descend, per my dentist.

    When I get cavities filled, I never get novacaine because the pain does not bother me. It's not a pain issue as much as just general anxiety over the whole thing.

    Sooo...Should I do twilight sleep, novacaine, or what?! Share your experiences with me, people. I'm freaked out.

    PS: Any recommended oral surgeons in the South Florida area is a plus.

    2 AnswersDental2 decades ago
  • What Does A Mall Represent in A Reoccuring Dream?

    I have had reoccuring dreams set in a mall for about 6 years now. Sometimes I am trying to find an exit. Sometimes I am trying to find a friend or family member. Sometimes I am just there trying on clothes!

    Last night I dreamt I got stuck in an elevator at the mall. I also purchased two handbags and a really heinous Sailor Moon themed vinyl skirt. I know, it's bizarre.

    What does a mall represent in a reoccuring dream? I have to believe there is some kind of signifigance if this has been going on for 6 years!

    4 AnswersOther - Health2 decades ago