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Why do men feel threatened by feminism?

No woman bashing please. I don't mean ballbusting lesbians, I mean women as equals.

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    From a mans perspective, I doubt you will get a good cross section of answers on this one. I could be wrong, but I think any fem's who respond will do so just to support a good image. Those who are problematic may choose not to respond.

    So, I personally don't feel threatened by women whether they are submissive or assertive. My wife will be the first to tell you I allow her to be whatever she chooses to be, and always support her best efforts at whatever endeavor she pursues. Men who are strong in themselves need not feel threatened or minimized by a strong woman. Personally I find them refreshing. The women who are overbearing however leave a bad taste in my mouth.

    I will defend anyone's rights unless their imposition of their rights conflict with or threaten the rights of others. So if you feel the need to demonstrate your strength then you must really be weak. But it is self confidence that remains unshakable, and a most admirable trait in any person, be they male or female.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Men are afraid of girls. Plus, most feminists (from personal experience, and the way they are portrayed on TV) think that Women are God and men are absolutely ****. Example: My friend's mom.

    All day long, my friend's mom (no offense) bitches about everything, and is always anti-man. She thinks that men pull no weight at all, just because she's a woman. And my friend is nothing but respectful and polite to all women. Wouldn't you feel threatened by feminists, too, if that happened to you?

    I think that's mainly the reason men feel threatened by feminism -- past experiences, and also the feminists they see portrayed in the media.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Anatol said " I definitely would be afraid if I lost control of my future wife and daughter. So should every husband and father. There is NOTHING wrong with a man wanting some control over both his wife or kids. A mother would want the same with her child.". Not husband Anatol? It seems to me that in ever ism ( sexism, raseism, ect. ) fear is inolved . The want to be at the top, to feel superior. It seems that some men think of their wives more of something to be taken care of then wives do towards their husbands. Sometiems, it seems to me , husband think of their wives almost with the need to control. Not in the mean sense most of the time but how a mother feels toward their child ; a want to steer them in a good direction. Maybe guys just need to learn how to let go but I think alot of wives and girlfriends like it to some extent.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am not and know of no men who are. Maybe in the muslim states where women are treated like dogs, or in Latin American countries where machismo is high.

    I'm married and have a daughter; being outnumbered by girls makes things unequal for me, not feminism.

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  • 2 decades ago

    personally i as a man say Go women! But this is probably because i was raised in a household with all females besides myself. and being the youngest, i guess i had no problem seeing women as they really are. smart, intelligent, and extremely supportive in times of need. my current Girlfriend could kick my ***, if she and i weren't so in love

    Source(s): my life around my mom, my aunt, and my three sisters.
  • 2 decades ago

    because men are biologically wired to think of us a certain way, because when humans started we needed men to hunt and protect. now that we dont need that as much they are not certain of their role and that makes them feel insecure and useless. men are much more sensitive than they will admit. most want to feel needed and protective, they cant help it

  • 2 decades ago

    ego! men think they aught to have controll of all situation. this perception dates back to the bible where it states that men are the bread winners of the household so therefore a man thinks he has to be in controll all the time. when a woman tries to do something his position becomes threatened......

  • i would it if women became more dominate in this world and see that's its not that easy. let a woman become president of the USA and lets see if she can do any better. it cant be worse.

  • 2 decades ago

    they feel that they will lose all power and that women will take over everything and become the dominant, more powerful gender

    Source(s): go women!!
  • 2 decades ago

    Because they feel that women will soon be able to dominate men, and they dont want that they feel as though they are losing domination. You know their ego!

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