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isabow27 asked in Family & RelationshipsWeddings · 2 decades ago

How do you tell VERY SENSITIVE family members that you're already married?

We didn't want a big, huge wedding or even a small formal one. Not our style and we've been together for over 10 years.

So, we were married at a friend's house. My family will have hurt feelings because there's nothing formal.

Serious answers only because all others will be reported if you're profane, ugly about your answer in regards to my family (I adore them), or if you're just gaming for points.


Thanks for the support, you guys! Actually, my new husband and I are 50 and 43, respectively.

It was a hard decision not to include the family but we feel it was right for us. Not to mention the expense was minimal. We thought about having a formal ceremony with a get-together or BBQ later on. :)

39 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lifes way too short to be worrying about what other people think. Its your life and they have to respect what you want after all. Yes they may be hurt for a while but they will get over it in the end.

  • 2 decades ago

    So you're already married, can't you have a reception? Then invite to the reception all those family members who may be sensitive about not having a wedding to go to. They just want to have a party, and they want to know it is real. The idea behind doing your vows in front of at least two witnesses was to have them available to prove you really did get married. Too many times people have lied about being married or not, and tradition favors those who do it publicly for that reason.

    So you had two witnesses, even if it was the clerk and the judge's secretary. So the reception will say to those family members, Yes, we really are married. You could even have your marriage certificate framed and hanging up during the reception.

    If you can't afford to throw a real fancy reception, so what? Throw a family get-together, and get the aunts and cousins to help with the cooking and the cleaning up after. They will love it. All they really want, any of them, is to know it is true. You both say it publicly that you are married.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Ouch, I had this problem with my wife's family - about 3 weeks after the ceremony she had a really nice family meal with all the rellies there and on the invites to the meal she put 'post wedding meal celebration.' A few elderly aunts rang us, a bit confused but we said of the ceremony that we just wanted to make it more official - they accepted that no problem. The worst was the mother in law, she took it as a personal insult, but wifie - ever the diplomat- said basically that this was the important part the celebration which, she was invited to, the ceremony (good word avoid the use of the word 'wedding')was just that and this celebration is the family bit. because she didn't make it a big deal neither did they. If it was really what you wanted, they should be fine - GLuck xx

  • 2 decades ago

    Gather them around at a small informal dinner and make the announcement that your love prevailed and you did it in a small quiet ceremony and that you are as happy as you have ever been in your life. If you have photos &/or a video make a presntation of them to make them feel like they are involved. Concentrate on how happy you are and that the small wedding was the best thing that could have happened to you. Don't give them a chance to bring the topic down. If they do, offer to let them give you a reception but tell them that it is only for them because the deal is done and you couldn't feel better about it. If you do all this at one time with all parties involved it should go well. Good luck.

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  • 2 decades ago

    How long ago was the wedding? I think that will make a difference in how you share the news. If you have been together for that long, though, I'm guessing that most of your family already knows your spouse, so they will probably not be too surprised to know that you tied the knot (and some might have been wondering when it was going to happen). Have you considered having a small reception-style party for your family, to make them feel more included in your wedding? I get the feeling that you didn't purposefully try to exclude them, but some may still feel that way. You can carefully explain to them that you wanted a small, informal wedding, but that you would love for them to join you to celebrate your marriage.

  • 2 decades ago

    Hmmm... That's going to be tough. I say this because you will be hurting feelings because you had a ceremony at a friends house. What you'll have to do is just let them know that the two of you wanted to get married without everyone making a big fuss over it. Maybe to help it go over easier have an informal celebration. Have a BBQ and invite your family. Let them know on the invites that you don't want gifts. That you just want them there.

  • 2 decades ago

    Your family should respect your wishes. A wedding is between the bride and groom and God. Many people get caught up in the whole ceremony thing that they forget what it all really means. Maybe that is why many get divorced. Marriage is a promise with GOd. That gets forgotten when you are so nervous because 200 people are staring at you. My boyfriend and I don't want anyone at our ceremony. My family will have to respect what I want, after all the wedding is not about them!! Maybe you could include everyone in a reception.

  • 2 decades ago

    I guess you can't go back anymore I mean if you have been 10 years together they should be relieved that you didn't get married like Britney Spears did if you know what I mean, and yeah there will be conflict no matter waht you do or say but you know that in the end you guys will be alright because I don't think that your family will turn their back to you but, sorry to say this, I think it's kinda selfish of you to get married at your friends house and have them participate and not your own family now that would be the one thing that would have hurt me the most. Good luck and tell them as soon as possible!

  • 2 decades ago

    I would throw a party at your house. Bait them into coming by covering up it's true purpose. Call it a family get together or reunion. Whatever it takes get everybody you wish together and announce it is as a wedding reception when everybody has arrived. Hopefully, everybody feels a part of the happy union and remembers the discovery of your marriage as a happy moment rather than one of being excluded. You don't have to spend a lot and anyone not happy with your marriage or how you did it can stew in their own juices. You would have facillitated their inclusion to your best and if they can't see it to bad. YOU are not responsible for how another feels. That is solely their responsibility.

  • ladyoh
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Maybe if you explain to your family since you had been together for 10 years you didnt want a big formal wedding because of the cost .yes they may have hurt feelings for a while but since it sounds like their is a lot of love in your family they will support you just explain to them your feelings and why you did your wedding this way.Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You Tell Them Very Tactfully. You Know Your Fam & How They'd React Better Than The Peeps Answering Your Question On Here So I Think You Have The Best Answer

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