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Why do people survive ? I mean every man has a reason to live, what are your's ?

Why do people live? Everyone has his/her own point of view about life, and why they live... I want to know exactly what do u think about life ?

14 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    WE surive because we have a hope a dream a vision and have not fulfilled it or passed it on or laid it down. Cultures with strong identities and purposes who refuse to slip into deaspair because they serve a higher purpose will survive. Thye have reason to live . A philosophy, dreaming, vision etc will encourage the human spirt which when linked to God becomes eternal in its existance and transient in this world only to the extent to which its purpose is yet unfulfilled . Jesus prayed at Gethsemane[I beleive] that He had finished His purpose and glorified God. He then passed the job on so to speak, through prayer, exited via the cross thereby releasing souls to be able to inherit from Him, and rose again to ensure the legal right of all those souls and the means of passing His annointing and agenda[the power to carry out the deed].

    Indigenous people who carry an innate knowledge that they will inherit their land, that justice must be done and that they must survive in order to pass that dream and vision on are great at survival[not withstanding losses].

    The Jewish race survived outside its own country for generations and at each Passover reaffirmed "Next year in Jerusalem"

    Without a vision the people perish.

    People survive who have a hope a dream a future and have never let go of it and when all is gone and they can no longer hang on they pass the dream to their generations

    Source(s): My God, My indigenous culture[Australian Aborigional] and My relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ
  • 2 decades ago

    I have a dream. No- a goal, for a dream suggests the possibility of failure. I live my life Wondering this question every day, and why we live, or more accurately waste our lives away in this system of society. The system is all that most know, and therefore locks most into it making aself-sustaining power in which the children grow up as conformist zombies, not thinking for themselves and not thinking of anything outside of such a life. This lifestyle, this jail, this mental deadbolt-It can be freed. Philosophers call it enlightenment. Religions call it the promised land. it all exists as the same thing, and that is the mental freedom of all humans, which creates a new society in which the mental freedom creates a true freedom in which the citizens find true inner peace and meaning. This can only come in the form of a revolution against the current system. A rebellion. The weapons, however, will not be guns, nukes, and hate, but instead pens, paper, and the minds of the already free thinkers. I live for this rebellion.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think I'm doomed to help people.

    It seems like the only people that cross my path are the ones that need something.

    i.e.-I will win 500 dollars on a scratch off ticket only to find a single mom with 3 kids in the car broke down and flat broke. Cost of repairs to her car-480 dollars.

    A friend I knew in school, who is now a drug addict and flat broke. He just wants a sober friend to take him to rehab.

    I had not seen him in years only to run into him when I'm already an hour late for work, and rehab is 45 minutes the other way.

    The stories I could tell would take forever!!!!


  • 2 decades ago

    this may sound a little modest but i believe now that i was put on this god-green earth so save lives. ever since i was 5 everyone i met i saved them at some point whether it be life threatingor just saved their parents a couple hundred dollars on a doctor bill lol but thats what i think

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    To get to understand your author and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; to serve Him and to be made waiting for heaven. For God so enjoyed the international, He gave His in straightforward terms begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shouldn't perish yet have eternal existence. John 3:sixteen

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't know why I'm alive. I am living but then there's someone or something (probably a someone with defects) who likes spying on me and sending subliminal messages using his hyper\infra\ultra sound speakers. So, I am alive but like I am not because the thing controls or tries to control me. So what am I alive for? I have no idea.

  • 2 decades ago

    i think i was put here for a very important reason,,,or a very important person,,,, i dont yet know who or what this important reason is,,, but i feel a tugging on my heart each day,,,pulling me in to the direction my life should go.....sometimes,,,when i catch a glimpse of it,,, i am so afraid that i turn around and head the other way.....

    it sucks to confine your self in what should be a beautiful life.....

    however,,,i will know when it is the time of my song....but the journey is long....

  • 2 decades ago

    I live for my children & my new grandbaby,

    I live cause I think of life in positive light...

    I hope I inspire others, and I'm inspired by many things & people..

  • 2 decades ago

    I survive cause is not my time to go away forever yet. I will be gone when I'm 120 years old.

  • 2 decades ago

    i believe i am here to have 2-3 kids, have a life partner, basiclly to have a family. i cant wait to be a father

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