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Why is there so much Christian bashing on this site?

I sense a lot of anger. Why? Isn't this about having an open forum to discuss all topics without judgment?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right about this being an open forum to discuss all topics without judgement, and you are right to have your own religious beliefs. The only thing I can see is wrong is when there are a few people in general (not directed towards anybody on here) who impose their beliefs on someone else, trying to make them believe in something they don't want to believe in. Unfortunately, that happens a lot. It's one thing to listen and have an open mind, but if someone tries to change me in a way I don't feel comfortable with, then it's crossing the line. But that may be the reason why. I don't agree with bashing of any sort, though. Just be yourself and don't let the bashing bother you. It's your beliefs and if someone doesn't agree with them, it's not your problem or your fault.

  • Snark
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Yes, it is supposed to be that way ideally. However, I agree with Sinthyia that there are some Christians that do a good portion of the judging and make a good portion of the hateful and insulting comments. I am a Christian, and even I get the hate mail and the hateful comments from a few other Christians.

    Though I am not familiar with your posts, I am assuming from your question that you, like me, are saddened by anyone who acts that way. Just remember that there is a difference between bashing and stating an opinion. There is a respectful way to disagree. Let's hope that in time, more people (from all religions, races, nations, etc) will love others a little more.

  • 2 decades ago

    Everyone seems to bash everyone else on this site. Some people take offense to things people ask about or for that matter, things people answer questions with. We are supposed to give an impartial opinion, but for many it becomes an emotional and heated argument. Yes, it is supposed to be an open forum, but some seem to take it to mean we have to diss other people's religions. By the way, it's not just Christians that are being bashed, other religions are bashed also.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I totally agree with you. I just answered a question about Christians being hateful, but look at the snide, mean spirited answers you will see on any question about Christianity from anyone not of the Christian faith on these questions.

    Not all of us are "In your face" with our religion and I wouldn't want to be. I do not judge. I know what I feel in my heart is the truth, by what the Bible says, but I never treat anyone badly because we don't share the same beliefs, and I have never told anyone they were going to burn in hell. I have however, listened to many people bash my faith, all the while, calling me (meaning,Christians) haters. I love God with all my heart, and I try to be a good example to those all around me. No one in my life thinks I am a judgemental snob, even if they know we don't see eye to eye. We simply agree to disagree if it comes up, which is doesn't very often.

    Braleygirl, I have noticed what you are saying. You are right! It isn't just the Christian faith that gets bashed, but any religion, I think we just seem to notice that more and more of them are about Christians.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Most of the people who hate my religion are the Christians...

    They don't take the time to learn what it is and what we belive in. That whole Alien Spirit thing is all BS times 10. The whole Xenu is the evil alien warlord is all crap made up to keep people away from us. My religion doesnt even say anything about God or Jesus, it lets you decide if there is a god or not. My religion is just a philosphy that you can apply to your life to make it better, not about ghost busting and stuff like that.

    There isnt a lot of anger, just misunderstaing of one another.

    Just to make things a bit clearer... I'm a scietologist.

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, people bash Christians as much as everyone else is bashed. Welcome to the real world, it's not all daisies and sunshine. God doesn;t protect you in the religious forum.

    Well, nevertheless, the Christians here pressure the Athiest more than you would notice. I'm always hearing the condescending whine of "I could save you" or "your a poor lordless man that makes me want to cry." If you were Atheist you would notice too.

  • 2 decades ago

    There is a lot of bashing of all different faiths and non faith.

    Everyone has to be right! Some where along the line, I think everyone (including myself) forgot what an opinion is.

    Opinions are not right or wrong, but yours.

    Have a great day!

  • 2 decades ago

    There's a great piece in the new Time about the difference between Christians and Christianists. Christians believe in Christ, as Muslims believe in the Quran. Christianists believe that no other religion should be tolerated, much like Islamists do. No one is against Christians. The Christianists are the ones we rail about.

    Source(s): "My problem with Christianism"- Andrew Sullivan
  • 2 decades ago

    It's an equal opportunity bashing! Christians are bashed, but so are Muslims, homosexuals, immigrants, atheists, and just about everyone else. It's because people are using their First Amendment right to freely express their stupidity.

  • 2 decades ago

    To be fair, it isn't limited to this site alone. The simplest answer is that it is essentially "fashionable" to thumb your nose at Christians. I've experienced it first hand even in the most critical levels of academic (from people who should know that their arguments are faulty to begin with).

    Edit: See! SEE! No real reasons except ad hominum attacks, red herrings, and so forth. Socrates would be turning over in his grave, if he hadn't been burned on a pyre.

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