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3umar asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 2 decades ago

for those who live in the United States.?

do you as a Southern have any type of hatred to the north in any way? and same to Northerns? esccpicially after the civil war, and the assination of Abraham Lincon.

16 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    uh yes. its an unspoken abundent amount of hatred. we secretly everyday plot to destroy the lives of the south. oops i have revealed to much!

    [runs away]

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    No, we don't hate the North. However, there are a number of cultural divides that persist to this day.

    As a general rule, Southerners tend to be suspicious of government. Unfortunately, we have chosen two terrible issues on which to defend the legitimacy of individual states' rights: Slavery and Civil Rights. Both were terrible social wrongs.

    From a cultural standpoint, Southerners find Northerners to be loud, boisterous, materialistic, and always talking about money. There also seems to be a lack of concern for basic ettiquette.

    The fact that Northerners also tend to believe that Southerners are all something straight out of Dukes of Hazzard doesn't help matters any. I have a masters degree, have published a couple of successful novels, have all my teeth and good table manners, know what wine to order with the fish, and haven't married my cousin. Yet you wouldn't believe the bizarre comments I get. Once, when my brother was getting married out in Malibu, a well-meaning guy walked up to me and said, "You're from Alabama, right?" I nodded yes. "Were you excited to get on a plane and fly all the way out here?" I looked at this halfwit for a second and he was completely serious. So I looked at him deadpan and said, "Well, what i was really excited was that fact that I got new shoes. These are only the second pair I've ever owned." It took him a few seconds to realize his faux pas.

    Northerners, on the other hand, may take issue with our deeply conservative views, our adherence to tradition (sometimes to the point of absurdity), and our more casual, easygoing approach to life.

    I actually believe that, with the economic and political rise of the Southern states over the past 2-3 decades, these cultural divides will become more focused. Not to the point of having a civil war, but as played out in presidential elections. As the population balance in the country continues to shift to the South, it is becoming more and more difficult for a national Democratic candidate to prevail. Further, as the higher paying jobs continue to move South (3 automotive manufacturing plants have opened within an hour's drive of my house in the past ten years, along with dozens and dozens of automotive suppliers), I think there will be economic resentment as well.

    In short, I think the next twenty years will signal a complete reversal of roles among the country's various regions. The South and West (Except for California, which is rapidly becoming a basketcase) will begun to really dominate in the country's politics and economics, while the upper midwest and Northeast will gradually lose power and influence. The shift will become permanent unless those regions make substantial changes in their perceptions of the role of government in their lives.

  • 2 decades ago

    Being from Mississippi I would have too sat that we have no bad blood for the Northern states. However we do have a problem with the additude about the confederate flag. Sure there where hate groups that misused this flag to represent hate. but idiots have used the american flag to show there hatred also, that doesnt represent the rest of us. We are proud of our heritige.

    As for the assassination of President Lincoln, this was tragic for the South. Lincoln 's plan to heal the nation was cut short, and allowed the radical republicans to inflict the "hard peace" to the South. I Lincoln had have lived the South would have probably not had to live through a century of hate crimes and Klan uprisings.

  • Dave
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    well...ummm, no. I live in the Pacific Northwest and we are very liberal minded up here. We only dislike the rain, but not so much as to actually leave.

    We are very laid back...kind of like the Hawaiian attitude of "Hanging Loose".

    But, it is a good question because you never know unless you ask. There will probably be one oddball that says yes, but really the answer is no.

    Off the subject, but similar:

    I remember something more recent in my childhood. Grandma hated the Japanese because they bombed Pearl Harbor, and she lived through the war. All the media, newsreels...united our nation against the Japanese...and even after the war, she hated them for what they did.

    Look at us today, they are one of our largest trading partners and allies. I have no ill will against the Japanese, the war was more recent, I wonder if there are some people that still do, hate Japanese people like my grandma did.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    the cival war literally seperated us as a nation,with the war ending and Pres. Lincoln assinated,we came together as a whole.even during that time period,ppl secretly had friendships.hatered 150 yrs later for someone we as a northener(me) dont know or had no part in what happened is silly. we all live under 1 flag,stars and stripes,red,white,blue,robin

  • 2 decades ago

    Do you realize that was 150 years ago? Also what many people don't know is even though the country was torn at that time, there was a tremedous respect between the north and south.

  • 2 decades ago

    I live in the south and I don't have any hatred for the north. I wear rebel flag t-shirts (Dixie Outfitters), but I don't wear it out of hatred for anybody. I'm just proud to be from the south.

  • No--- the war was over 141 years ago. Tidbit, did anyone realize that Lincoln's plan for the southern slaves was to send them all back to Africa. Liberia to be exact.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am a Southerner and I don't hate them -- I pick on my northern friends all the time but it's all in fun.

  • 2 decades ago

    It was a long time ago, so no real hatred is left, but it does tick me off to see some redneck cretin displaying a Rebel flag.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    No, after we Yankees saw "Gone with the Wind" we saw their point of view. We're all cool now, except when it's time for a presidential election.

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