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Why do you feel the need to impose your religious beliefs on everyone?

As I answer questions here I constantly see the bible thumpers chiming in that the only answer is God, or that you should not do something because God says so, or that it is Gods will. It is fine by me if you choose to believe that way, but it doesn't really help to just tell someone that.

I beleive in a higher power. I believe that that power is all knowing. I do not need a church or priest to get me into heaven. I live my life in a manner to not cause pain or suffering on other people. I do not force my views on you, why do you feel the need to force yours on me.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    When a human being wholehartedly believes in what he/she thinks is the truth, automatically tends to believe that the truth he/she found is THE TRUTH, and that everything else is false. Why? Because humans don´t like to make high stakes on something that may not be real. So, if they did make high stakes, the desperately NEED their beliefs to be TRUE, what immediately means that the others´ are not.

    So they argue, they fight and they even would kill (take a look at history) in the name of their God.

    I´m an atheist, but I don´t want to convert everyone. To each his/her own! Even religious people accept that "the paths to God are diverse".

    Tolerance should be the natural outcome of a little humbleness... which humans tend to lack.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Sorry you feel that way. I don't think anyone means to create an imposition on or for you. If you feel imposed upon perhaps this type of medium is not for you to discuss religious beliefs or the lack of them. Let me give you a bit of advise however and this has nothing to do with religion. You are the only one responsible for how you feel. No one else just you. If you chose to read something and it offends you those are your feelings and no one Else's. If you read something that someone posts and it makes you laugh then once again that was your choice and your emotions and your feelings and no one Else's. That being said, You can't please everyone with your opinion and neither can they you with there opinion and really in the whole scheme of things that's all they are is opinions. Opinions are like asses. Everyone has one and they all stink.

    Them are my thoughts on your feelings but it is just an opinion.

  • 2 decades ago

    You're not the only one that wonders. I'm not sure why people do that. I'd like to know the same thing myself.

    When I answer religious questions, I let people know my views but I also do my best to give them the freedom to choose for themselves. There is sometimes a fine line between stating your beliefs and imposing them. I hope I never cross that line.

  • 2 decades ago

    You are right, you do not need a church or priest to get into heaven. However, you do need jesus. If you underwent some of the trials people go through or experienced some of the miracles that people experience and were delivered through only prayer, then you would understand their determination to teach others about Christ. I have known people to be healed from illnesses that doctors told them would have taken their lives eg. cancer & heart disease.

    You cannot just claim to be a good person and expect to claim heaven as your home, you have to have faith in Christ, worship him, and ask his forgiveness for your sins.

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  • 2 decades ago

    You could simply choose not to read their post. They should answer in whatever way they feel comfortable. Are you sure their answers aren't helping someone? Laws of Allowing. People should believe whatever feels right to them and they should be respected always. They are not forcing their views on anyone. You have the choice, use it wisely.

    Love & Light

    One Planet = One People

  • 2 decades ago

    Speaking as someone who has a family full of religious zealots, what they believe is they are saving your soul from eternal damnation. Unfortunately, it gets bloody irritating.

    Just stick with your own belief system and let their forceful ways roll off you like water on a duck's back. They are speaking from the only reality they know - you're obviously further along on your spiritual journey than them.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I agree with most of what you said. 'Cept the believing in a higher power, But I won't get into that.

    It is typical human nature to want to be 'right' and be agreed with. I think it stems from an insecurity of some kind, but I've yet to think about it hard enough to come to an exact conclusion.

  • deed
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Bible teaches you have to HEAR the word...that you may know in whom you believe.

    Goodness, sweetie, anyone can do what you are doing and all end up in same place...hell....YOU are not the God.

    Read the book of JOHN...get your answers there. Do not listen to us.

    Don't you just want some peace in knowing you have done all you can to not go to that awful place?

    If you were headed for danger, I would warn you....all Christians are doing is warning us...

    be so glad God is giving you another chance to know Him...

    Source(s): granny wisdom
  • 2 decades ago

    I don't. But I do like to share my faith and how blessed I've been since I came to know Christ. But ONLY when it's appropriate.

    I don't believe in structured religion or catechism or dogma. But I do believe in Christ, the Bible, fellowship and faith. I suppose others believe that they'll get brownie points in heaven if they throw misused Bible verses at other people. Let's just be patient and understanding. To shout back at them would be stooping to their level.

  • 2 decades ago

    Because people are just that way, they want you to believe what they believe in. I believe in God but I dont go to church some people think that is wrong but the point is that it shouldn't matter if you dont go to church as long as you believe in God.

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