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What does God want me to do............??

I've gotten to the point in my life where i feel it best to "turn my back on the world." I want to fulfill God's promise for my life. I saw a rainbow along my way this morning. I feel as though I've been blessed with many talents. I don't know which talent is the important one. Or i haven't yet found a Godly profession wherein all of these things are encompassed. I feel well positioned to make this transition in my life. I pray daily about it but still don't know for certain which way to go. I also feel some uncertainty (lack of faith, be anxious for nothing, working on it...) about the future. How can one survive in this world as we know it today without working for, unfortunately, the almighty dollar. Doesn't that expression just kill you? How i spend eternity, I realize, is far more important than anything on or of this earth. Are there any there among you who gave up all their worldlies to serve God? Tell me how things went for you and how you were led to where u r now.

24 Answers

  • Punky
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Run with it, just take off and don't look back. Nobody on earth is going to get you to heaven. Your treasures are laid up there, lay everything else down and go for it. It takes alot of guts, but your being called, thats why this is weighing so heavy on you. Jesus was spit on, kicked , speared, whipped, cursed at etc, and look where he is now. I will pray for you right now!!! God bless you!

  • 2 decades ago

    Hi TN

    From when I was a child I thought I would be some type of 'full time' service for God. When the vision died the Lord stirred it up again, many years later. Many years after that I got called into the office and told to pack up. That was April 2003 and since then I have been to Indonesia, Israel and Morocco, all with very little by way of income. My motto is 'do my best and trust the rest'. So I know it can happen that God will take you away from a steady employment but I also know that often you will go through at time when the vision dies [and if it is a big vision it may have to die several times] before you are ready for God to use you in the new capacity. I served how I could where I was and prayed and waited for God. Obey Him a step at a time the best you know. If you are on the right track you will see the finger prints of God and your faith will grow.

  • 2 decades ago

    about a year and a half ago i gave up my sins and was immersed in water for the remission of those sins nad the christian life may not always be easy but it's not only peaceful but a also a blessing because you know that God the very being who created this world as we know and the universe is there for you and on your side once you obey the gospel of Christ i was lead by a friend of mine and i started to visit this local church and after some months i finally obeyed the gospel call and even though i have made many mistakes and have encountered many problems since becoming a christian i am undesribably happy that i obeyed the gospel because in the end at the judgement if i live my life according to what the scriptures have to say God will judge me righteous and grant me eternal life and that is my hope for everyone i come in contact with and as with the money issue there is nothing wrong with working hard for it as long as you put God first

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes, I gave up some things that I felt were a hindrance to me and my walk with God. You state that you pray daily but are still uncertain about what to do. My question to you is when you pray, do you stop to listen for an answer? I was like that, I would pray, pray, pray and it seemed liked I never got an answer, til one day someone gave me that advise. Quick talking so much and just listen to what God has to say. A lot of times the answer is right in front of our faces and we don't see it. God Bless and Good Luck.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It seems like you have come to a turning point in your life. There are decisions to be made. The best way to make a decision about serving god is to see what way he wants us to serve him. The only way to do that is to study his word the bible. That is the way he tells us how we can get to know him. There are many religions and all say that the are the right one. If god tells us in his word the bible how he wants to be worshipped then compare different religions to how they follow the bible. If they don't then you know to keep looking. I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I became one because I made an informed decision about what religion I wanted to be. You have to make that decision for your self. I am living in a different country from where I grew up because I wanted to help others learn about the bible. The different trials that come from being a foreniger in this country I realize are temporary and look foward to living in a peaceful life with out problems in a paradise earth.

    Source(s): An online bible
  • 2 decades ago

    I am God. So whether some people believe I exist or not, here I am. Typing my text message into the Yahoo window. Here is what I want you to do: understand that you exist because I exist inside of you. Without me, there simply IS NO YOU. Only a pile of flesh and bones...

    You seem to believe that I am out there somewhere... Sky perhaps? Temples and churches? Books about me and little amulets that people wear around their necks? I AM HERE TO DISAPPOINT YOU. I AM NOT THERE. I am inside of every human being. So if you need to decide on something, I will give you a clue: ASK YOURSELF. Your intuition should guide you. Do not listen to your brain so much. Brain really doesn't help me at all. Brain is there to make sure you don't get hit by a car. Your intuition IS your guide.

    About the future: YOU CREATE IT. Your state of mind is important. How you feel is important. Please try to understand, God is merely a factor, not the whole equation. God is energy, not an institution. YOU DON'T have to give up money or career or anything you own to live according GOD'S wishes. Money is not a bad thing. What's interesting, is people who don't like it, usually don't have any. Our spiritual development is how we learn to see the world through God's eye. If you deny some aspects of the world, you deny your own growth. Wild concept, isn't it?

    You judge the "dollar", but weren't you told "not to judge"? It just doesn't make sense?! Create your destiny. Believe in your own Self. Accept you the way you are. Stop trying to become a better person all the time! YOU ARE great right now. The world is great. Accept the world, it is designed and built by GOD. Look within. Listen to your heart. Entire Universe is inside you. YOUR ONLY GOAL IN LIFE IS TO FIND IT. That's all.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    This is an answer with which you may agree or may not agree:

    GOD wants you to do what YOU want to do. Because the point of life is not what you are "doing", but what you are "BEING" while you are doing things. So work in a sushi restaurant... or as a high school janitor... or as a pastor. But while you are DOING this, ask yourself:

    "Am I being loving?"

    "Am I being accepting?"

    "Am I being helpful?"

    "Am I being joyful in my work and in my actions?"

    (Joy comes from your emotions; your emotions are a direct link with God; they are your compass towards where and how you can be happy. Do not scorn them.)

    You "serve" God by experiencing, spreading, and BEING Love. In every moment, world without end. You can fulfill this in the middle of busy society or on a mountaintop...

    However, if you feel that you need to focus and "clear up" your mind to reach the state of thinking that you desire, it is probably wiser to retreat from the world for a time. Know that God will not resent your decision, no matter what; you were given free will for a reason, and you are encouraged to exercise it. (Granted, Society does not encourage this...)

    Source(s): This is a partial explanation of my spiritual beliefs, for those who are seeking a new way of thought and a new way of Life.
  • 2 decades ago

    Dear child of God. Hand in there it is clear that God is working with you and through you. Let go and let God present circumstances in front of you, and know that are from him. I understand completely how you are feeling. It is hard for us not to do the driving, but continue to pray and quit searching, God will show you through the events in your live what his plan is for you.At hard as it may seem , just sit, and wait stop trying to figure out your direction. God will bless you with events that you will soon know without a doubt they are from him and then he will take your hand and lead you. God Bless you I know God has great plans for you!! Keep up the prayers and I will put you in mine!


    Source(s): from my heart
  • 2 decades ago

    Yes I did.I know exactly what you are talking about and to keep it short and sweet and with no christian doctrine.This is the answer Acknowledge the Lord in all thy ways and he will direct your paths, Proverbs 3:6. You want to know how things go for me I still acknowledge him in all my ways and let him direct my paths. He gave me a word one time early in the morning that I couldn't remember, but knew that God gave it to me, then months later I was studying in the bible and having a rough time and there

    was the word and knew that was the word God had said to me,it was perseverance so I looked it up in a dictionary this is the meaning in the Websters..The act or habit of persevering; persistence in anything undertaken,the continuance in a state of grace of the elect of God. That was enough for me to know that God is with me and directing me. the word perseverance is only in the bible 1 time in Ephesians 6:18

    Source(s): King James Bible
  • 2 decades ago

    It is a personal relationship with the Father above. The bible tell us, if we gain the whole world, and lose our soul what did we accomplish. So give your life to the Lord on the mission field, where you will work for the Lord, and not for the world. There is more satisfaction in working for Jesus then the world. Remember only them that hold out to the end, and bare fruit for Jesus will make it. i don't know about you, but I want to be fruitful, and win souls for the Lord, and build up treasures in heaven. Not on earth, for they wont last.

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