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Are you an American man who married a woman from another country?

Some American men with previous failed relationship with American women would say women from another country are better matches for them because they have better family values and they are more committed to become good wives and mothers to the couple's children. Is it true for you or not?

20 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    My wife is from Bulgaria and I am very happy, we are celebrating our 12th anniversary this month. I was not married before. I had always noticed a lot of preconceptions with American women before that I did not encounter with my wife when I was dating her.

    However, we also have another thing that helps. We are both avid students of history, and we enjoy discussing especially Cold War history because we each have outlooks from different sides of the Iron Curtain!

  • 2 decades ago

    I am the opposite.I am an American women how married a man from another country. I am happy, but to be honest, I think that it can cause problems when it comes to cultural differences. But so can marring a women from a different part of America. Like a souther bell marring a new your city man. True love and patience is what will keep them together. It takes love and patience to keep any marriage together, so if you have less patience then you should choose a wife that you have more in common with, so there is not at much friction. Hope this makes sense.

  • 2 decades ago

    Well, I'm an American woman who married a man from another country. Yes the family values are much higher. But please realize that marrying outside your culture presents different issues that you'll have to deal with. What you SHOULD do is figure out why your previous relationships failed, i.e., what went wrong. Perhaps you've just been picking the WRONG American women.

  • 2 decades ago

    Women only want 7 things from men : 1) Honesty 2) Trust 3) Respect 4) Caring 5) Sharing 6) Appreciation 7) Unconditional Love.

    Anytime you don't honor these values , you don't get the right woman either.

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  • chikis
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    no I'm not an american man married to a woman from another coutry but I'm mexican living with an american guy from MA.

    I can tell his values suck. For example,I have four brothers and my mom. my dad died 7 years ago. BAck then we decided to take care of mom and told her she was not going to work anymore. At the moment just one brother and I pay her bills and all the things she needs. I've been living with my bf for four years and he HATES (not to mention he doesnt undestand why) the fact that I give money to my mom. he said that she is not that old, that she should get a job etc etc. I'm close to my family even if we dont live in the same city. Soooooooo we talk a lot over the nextel and he hates that!!! he says a call once a month is more than enough!!! we live in CA. and his parents live in MA and guess what? he doesnt call them at all!!! he doesnt send bday cards to them and with his brothers and sisters there's ZERO communication. he says once you are 18 you have to cut tights with your family HELLO?????

    plus, he doesnt know how to cook, he doesnt even celebrate his bday! and he cant understand why is a big deal for me when i have to plan a bday party for my mom or brothers... he can't even understand than when I say hi to mom I give her a kiss on the cheek!!! from my point of view americans (whatever, people from united states) are cold and don't show their emotions that often. I can tell u that my dream is marry him, have kids and be a good housewife but I want to work too!!! I wont depend on him no no no!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    no. I am an American woman who married a man from another country. It had nothing to do with any previous relationships nor that I have anything againt American men. We just fell in love.

  • 2 decades ago

    I married my wife from Thailand because I love her, not because she's from another country. There are many American women with equal family values and the ability to be a good wife and mother. Other countries do not have a monopoly on those characteristics. Almost forgot, she is my first wife, not one I caught on a rebound.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    American women are independent. If a man wants a submissive or obedient wife. American women goals for life are not to take on a man's life. American women also put up with less abuse, and have their own lives 'I want a man but don't need one' etc.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am a man that would marry an American woman. We are searching for opposite things!

    Good luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    not an american man, but i've heard of this one thing..5 best things a man can have in his life time..

    1. American salary

    2. British house

    3. Japanese car

    4. Italian food

    5. Indian wife.

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