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  • ¿dodge avenger 2008 con un fuerte ruido al encender?


    al encender mi carro hace un ruido como si estuvieran forzando un ventilador a que gire mas rapido y asi continua pero en las ultimas 2 semanas el ruido se ha hecho mas intenso. Tambien (y no se si tenga que ver una cosa con la otra) siento como que el carro se "jala" cuando esta encendido. Es la primera falla de mi carro y quisiera tener una idea de lo que puede ser antes de llevarlo a un mecanico.

    2 AnswersMantenimiento y Reparación8 years ago
  • how to get a green card if I'm married to a u.s. citizen but my visa is about to expire?


    I'm mexican with a B1 visa (tourist) staying in CA. with a I-94 permit (for six months) and me and my bf (a us citizen) got married last week and now he wants to get a green card for me but my visa expires in 3 weeks so I don't know if that's going to be a problem when we fill the I-130 form or if I'm going to have to go back to Mexico or if I can fill the form with his address now that we got married. We have a baby so going back to Mexico doesn't sound great for him. I'm having a panic attack! I've heard about the "overstay visa" term and some people say it's not that big of a deal since I enter the country legally and my now husband doesn't think we need a lawyer because it's basically someone else doing something we can also do...

    thank you

    8 AnswersImmigration10 years ago
  • what's the weight and height of your 6 month old?

    My baby girl is 22lb 15oz and 30 inches.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • reparto de utilidades para un ex empleado?


    renuncie en mzo pasado pq tuve a mi bb. Se que acaban de repartir las utilidades y a mi no me avisaron (y claro que no ponen anuncios en el periodico) Les he estado mandando correos a mis ex jefes y no me contestan. Quiero saber que puedo hacer en este caso o si hay algun plazo extraordinario para aquellos que ya no laboran en la empresa o si el limite de tiempo es igual para todos. Conozco como son y con tal de no soltar dinero salen con cada cosa


    pd Estoy en Tijuana

    1 AnswerEmpresas1 decade ago

    I've been with my bf for 8 years. he has a 13 y.o. daughter. at the beginning everything was cool until the mother found out her kid liked me. she taught her kid to hate me since she was 5 y.o. i just had a baby girl and the girl is not happy about it. she is calling daddy more often for stupid stuff and she is all needy.... daddy doesnt put a limit to that because he says she needs him because she is a teen.... she plays soccer and i called her early today to find out what time daddy had to pick her up and of course i told him about it. 1hr later her mother called and she was MAD because i bothered her daugther with my phone call... give me a break. i just called because i wanted to know what time she was going to call daddy so i could take my baby to a different room so she didnt wake her up. i hate how she plays these games. and the father does not do much to put her in her place... what can i do? i dont want my baby to be second best in daddy's life!! and i definitely want to give these bit*ches a lesson. This kid has been HORRIBLE to me and daddy can't see that

    I'm not a bad person whatsoever!!!

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • ¿mi cavalier 96 hace ruido como de moto al acelerar?


    es automatico motor 2.2

    despues de que hace 4 meses le arreglaron algo que tenia que ver con el radiador mi carro empezo a hacer un ruido leve (como de moto) cada vez que aceleraba en D y con el paso del tiempo el ruido se ha hecho mas fuerte y me he dado cuenta que solo lo hace si acelero en D pero no cuando tengo que usar la reversa. Lo voy a llevar a un mecanico pero como no tengo uno de confianza quiero ir teniendo ya una idea de lo que pudiera ser. Lo lleve en su momento con el mecanico que me lo arreglo la ultima vez pero me dijo que "queria" que el ruido se agudizara para no tener que estar "adivinando" por lo cual creo que solo se quiso safar de mi.

    un amigo que lo manejo me dijo que talvez sea como un tipo de "empaque" en la caja de velocidades....

    gracias por su ayuda!

    2 AnswersMantenimiento y Reparación1 decade ago
  • mi cavalier 96 hace ruido como de moto al acelerar?


    es automatico motor 2.2

    despues de que hace 4 meses le arreglaron algo que tenia que ver con el radiador mi carro empezo a hacer un ruido leve (como de moto) cada vez que aceleraba en D y con el paso del tiempo el ruido se ha hecho mas fuerte y me he dado cuenta que solo lo hace si acelero en D pero no cuando tengo que usar la reversa. Lo voy a llevar a un mecanico pero como no tengo uno de confianza quiero ir teniendo ya una idea de lo que pudiera ser. Lo lleve en su momento con el mecanico que me lo arreglo la ultima vez pero me dijo que "queria" que el ruido se agudizara para no tener que estar "adivinando" por lo cual creo que solo se quiso safar de mi.

    un amigo que lo manejo me dijo que talvez sea como un tipo de "empaque" en la caja de velocidades....

    gracias por su ayuda!

    1 AnswerMantenimiento y Reparación1 decade ago
  • El IMSS me paga mi segunda incapacidad si mi bb nace en USA?

    siempre le dije a mi enfermera y a mi medico familiar que mi hijo lo tendria en Estados Unidos y nunca hicieron comentario de que no me pagarian mi segunda incapacidad.

    Hoy una vecina le dijo a mi madre que como el bb nacera en otro pais y no en Tijuana o en la clinica del IMSS, entonces no me pagaran nada.

    Alguien sabe algo acerca de esto???

    gracias de antemano!

    2 AnswersEmbarazo1 decade ago
  • el IMSS me paga mi segunda incapacidad si mi bb nace en USA?

    siempre le dije a mi enfermera y a mi medico familiar que mi hijo lo tendria en Estados Unidos y nunca hicieron comentario de que no me pagarian mi segunda incapacidad.

    Hoy una vecina le dijo a mi madre que como el bb nacera en otro pais y no en Tijuana o en la clinica del IMSS, entonces no me pagaran nada.

    Alguien sabe algo acerca de esto???

    gracias de antemano!

    1 AnswerOtros - Embarazo y Maternidad1 decade ago
  • short cervix at 37 weeks pregnant and doctor told me i could go into labor sooner?

    BUT she didn't ask me to take it easy or anything. I mentioned I still go for a run/jog (I've been a runner for almost 10 years) and she said it was ok. She didn't explain much but she said she saw in my last ultrasound (at 32 weeks) that my cervix was short and that I wont make it to my due date but she didn't give me any suggestions or put me on bed rest. have you heard about this situation?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • cavalier 96 automatico con ventilador directo aun se calienta?


    hace 2 meses que tengo este problema que va y viene. Se trono el motor del ventilador cuando estaba haciendo fila para cruzar a USA, lo arreglaron y pusieron el ventilador directo y en menos de un minuto la aguja de la temperatura se queda a la mitad(no importa que agarre carretera). El asunto es que le tengo que revisar el agua casi todos los dias pq se le baja el nivel y yo no veo por donde haya una fuga del agua! ultimamente he notado un charquito cerca de la esquina del carro (defensa o como se llame) y talvez esa sea la fuga. El caso es que el mecanico dice que vaya al electrico y el electrico me manda con el mecanico para que primero se localice la "fuga" de agua. No se que hacer ya que cruzo mucho la frontera y estoy embarazada y no necesito este estres!

    Con quien debo acudir? con un mecanico o con un electrico?

    este mecanico me conecto el ventilador normal y de ahi comenzaron mis problemas! antes tuve el ventilador directo por 3 años y no tuve ningun contratiempo. Hasta que se me sobrecalento en la frontera y el mecanico que me auxilio lo dejo directo.

    les agradezco mucho sus sinceras respuestas.

    3 AnswersMantenimiento y Reparación1 decade ago
  • Hubby just called. Won't have dinner with me because he's stressed...?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant. He just called saying he didn't have a lunch break at work, that he is under a lot of stress and needs to be by himself... He wont have dinner with me. this is the first time he has done something like this. I didn't complain, I just said, oh ok. I'm not even sad about it. it's just that it came out of nowhere that I have nothing to say I got my maternity leave and pretty much starts today so maybe this is one the things that he's stressed about lol What should I say tonight when he comes back home?

    thank you

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • hubby just called. Won't have dinner with me because he's stressed...?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant. He just called saying he didn't have a lunch break at work, that he is under a lot of stress and needs to be by himself... He wont have dinner with me. this is the first time he has done something like this. I didn't complain, I just said, oh ok. I'm not even sad about it. it's just that it came out of nowhere that I have nothing to say I got my maternity leave and pretty much starts today so maybe this is one the things that he's stressed about lol What should I say tonight when he comes back home?

    thank you

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • have I gained too much for 34 weeks pregnant?

    I'm 5'8 and I was 136lb when i first got pregnant and today at 34w1d I'm 165 lbs! So I have gained 29lb. It's been a month without exercise because I was helping with my baby showers and the weather was so cold for me to run/swim (yes, I'm a runner and a swimmer). Now that I have the time to exercise (i just got my maternity leave) i can't even go for a long walk because my baby is already in birth position and walking for a block or two is like a big challenge because I feel a lot of pain in my pelvis. Also, my cravings started two months ago and I want sweets 24/7. Am I too big already? I know I should control myself but trust me, All i can think about is candy and chocolate cookies!

    thanks girls for your answers =)

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • cavalier 96 se calento y ahora tira poca agua del deposito del radiador !!?


    Se me calentó el carro en plena linea para cruzar la frontera. Un mecánico que estaba ahí me dijo:

    **el motor del ventilador se descompuso y lo llevo a arreglar

    ** lo instalo y lo puso directo

    ** le echo agua al deposito del radiador

    **me dijo que el "relay" del ventilador se calentaba mucho y que lo llevara con un eléctrico

    al siguiente día note que el deposito no tenia NADA de agua y le eche mas

    lo llevo al mecánico y me dice:

    ** no puedes tener el ventilador directo pq se te puede fregar el carro (para esto, un mes y medio antes el mecánico había puesto normal el ventilador ddespués de haberlo traído directo por 4 años)

    ** le comente del nivel de agua del radiador y me dijo: se ha de haber evaporado pq tu carro estaba caliente pero ahora debe de trabajar normal

    Lo lleve con un eléctrico y me dijo:

    **los cavalier se calientan mucho, la verdad es mejor dejar el ventilador directo.

    **le comente del agua y me dijo: eso ya es mecánico. Dile a tu mecánico que te localice la fuga (del trayecto de mi casa al mecánico bajo un poquito el nivel del agua) y despues me lo traes.

    el mecanico solo me dijo:

    calalo y si ves que sigue tirando agua me lo traes para revisarlo. Pues bien, le sigo echando antifreeze todos los dias pq al revisar el deposito siempre noto que bajo el nivel y simplemente no veo pq parte se este tirando pq no deja chorro alguno cuando lo estaciono.

    ** el ventilador esta directo PERO la aguja de temperatura no baja NADA cuando ando en via rapida o freeway... que no se supone que al ir en una vialidad a alta velocidad, al carro le entra mas aire y por ende lo caliente tiene que disminuir?

    me da mucho pendiente que el agua se vaya a las cabezas! le he checado el aceite y este tiene aun su tono normal.

    les agradezco mucho por sus respuestas!

    4 AnswersMantenimiento y Reparación1 decade ago
  • got a ready to cook turkey in a bag HELP!!!?

    do I have to get rid of the bag or put the turkey (with the bag) in the oven.


    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • HELP, HONEST OPINIONS: Am I a huge at 27 weeks?

    hi girls

    I just came back from my doctor's appointment and she was like: wow! 20 pounds so far. well, not so far, mostly in the last 3 months... She didn't put me on a diet but she said: oh, you lost weight during your first trimester so now you are recovering that weight so 20 pounds at 27 weeks is fine. I know is a little more than normal and I admit that in the past 2 months I have been eating more but I still exercise and well, I have to deal with water retention! please girls, tell me what you really think.

    I'm 5'8 and I was 136 at the beginning

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Dropped my iPod into water and it works BUT?

    last night I dropped my ipod into the toilet, took it out real fast and cleaned it.

    It worked and fell asleep with it.

    this morning while trying to charge it, it didn't recognize the "device". I tried to charge it with the computer and with the wall charger but it doesn't work

    other than that, my ipod works fine but of course is going to run out of battery.

    is there any hope? or should I say goodbye and buy a new one?


    6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • am I a cow at 27 weeks?

    hi girls

    I just came back from my doctor's appointment and she was like: wow! 20 pounds so far. well, not so far, mostly in the last 3 months... She didn't put me on a diet but she said: oh, you lost weight during your first trimester so now you are recovering that weight so 20 pounds at 27 weeks is fine. I know is a little more than normal and I admit that in the past 2 months I have been eating more but I still exercise and well, I have to deal with water retention! please girls, tell me what you really think.

    I'm 5'8 and I was 136 at the beginning

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what was/is your weight at 25 weeks?

    hi girls!

    today I'm 25 weeks and for the past 4 weeks I have surrendered to not so healthy food. I'm 17 pounds heavier than when I started.

    I'm 5'8 and was 136 pounds and today I'm 153lbs. Even if I don't look big facing the scale made me feel like a huge fat cow. How much did you/do you weigh at 25 weeks?

    note:#1 I used to exercise 5 times a week but now for family matters or simply because I'm lazy or dealing with water retention I exercise 3 or 4 times a week only (2days I swim and 3 or 4 days I run)

    note #2 never had morning sickness so I always keep everything I eat hahaha

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago