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Dropped my iPod into water and it works BUT?

last night I dropped my ipod into the toilet, took it out real fast and cleaned it.

It worked and fell asleep with it.

this morning while trying to charge it, it didn't recognize the "device". I tried to charge it with the computer and with the wall charger but it doesn't work

other than that, my ipod works fine but of course is going to run out of battery.

is there any hope? or should I say goodbye and buy a new one?



ipod nano 4th generation

it wasn't actually me, it was my dumb hubby lol

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    this may sound really messed up but you need to try it before throwing it away but it through the dryer of course make sure that there are closes in there and it is in a pocket or it will smash the ipod mine went through the wash 2 times and also the dryer and still works

    If you try this tell me if it works

  • NONE
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The deterioration is already on the move. Even if you fixed one thing that isn't working, it's ultimately doomed. I'm afraid your best option is to treat yourself to a new one and keep it away from water. Think about buying an extended service plan with accidental damage coverage next time around.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I knew what type of iPod it was I could direct you to the charging port for it.

    But a simple search on Google and I'm sure you could find one.

    Why were you on the toilet with your iPod anyways o_0

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    in case you already tried to re-charge it or turn it on, i assume it extremely is a splash too late to do have it dried utilising rice or salt. i recommend you in elementary terms get a clean one or if it extremely is nonetheless below guarantee, i think of Apple might supply you a clean one. if no longer, you will sell it for factors and use that money to purchase a clean one.

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  • 1 decade ago

    it just messed up the part where it charges. without that an ipod is no good, buy a new one.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think u shuld just buy a new one.

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