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Lv 6
chikis asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

have I gained too much for 34 weeks pregnant?

I'm 5'8 and I was 136lb when i first got pregnant and today at 34w1d I'm 165 lbs! So I have gained 29lb. It's been a month without exercise because I was helping with my baby showers and the weather was so cold for me to run/swim (yes, I'm a runner and a swimmer). Now that I have the time to exercise (i just got my maternity leave) i can't even go for a long walk because my baby is already in birth position and walking for a block or two is like a big challenge because I feel a lot of pain in my pelvis. Also, my cravings started two months ago and I want sweets 24/7. Am I too big already? I know I should control myself but trust me, All i can think about is candy and chocolate cookies!

thanks girls for your answers =)

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no not at all. you were tall and thin to begin with. and a runner. so it's okay to have gained that weight. I am also 5'8 and started out at about 135 too! I'm 39 weeks preg and at 173 lbs! I think I was at about 165 at 35 weeks too. I'm not worried about losing the weight and my doctor told me the same thing cuz I'm athletic build and active. You'll be just fine!

  • vs2008
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I started at 104lbs and I have gained almost 18lbs by 28 weeks. I am concerned but my doctor says it is okay. I understand the sugar craving. It is like part of my brain is devoted to thinking and dreaming about desserts. It is a constant struggle to not give in to the craving. Only thing I can say is fight the craving and not have desserts handy. You can give in once in a while.

    About the exercise, if you can not walk, may be you would be able to use stationary bike or do yoga. I always feel very good after prenatal yoga as most of my muscles are stretched and endorphins make me happy. I go for once a week class and use a CD at home 2-3 times a week.

    Source(s): 28+ weeks with a boy
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you have gained too much at all, you are expected to gain any where from 25-35 lbs but if you gain a little more it really doesn't matter.With my first child I was 125 pre pregnancy, when I went in to deliver I was 185 and I am only 5'2, by the time I went in for my 6 weeks check up I had lost all my weight but about five pounds which I think I needed to keep on, I think much of it was water and bloating. I am a exerciser as well trust me you will be fine.

    Source(s): Mommy of 1,#2 due 07/22/2010
  • 1 decade ago

    You sound fine. I was 112 when I got pregnant and I have gained 32 pounds (I'm 35 weeks, 4 days). My doctor said that between 30 and 35 pounds is good for women who were a normal weight pre-pregnancy. Just try to eat the sweets in moderation, maybe one treat per day. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Sweetie,It's ok .You were an active Person and I am sure you will be able to get back to your

    original weight after pregnancy.It's ok for you to let go.If u want sweets why not try eating fruits ,fruit juice, sweet yogurt etc.I have a recipe for u.

    I gladd cold butter milk + sugar.Beat it in a mixer and drink it.Healthy and awesome!

    Source(s): It works!
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't think you're "to big" You may have a little more to work off after you have the baby. Everybody is different. With my first 3 i gained at least 50lbs with each and this time i have only gained 5.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are fine! I was 136 at my first doctors appointmen (8weeks) and I already am 153 and only 22 weeks! Ahhh my doctors hasnt said anything about it though. You are supposed to gaine at least 30-35 total and its completly normal to go over! Just try and limit ur sweets if possible and do some sort of exercise while sitting like with rubber resistence bands!

    Oh the joys of pregnancy!!

  • Loren
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    30 to 35lbs is normal. You may go over but who cares. I gained 33lbs with my first and I am 14 weeks with my second and have gained 4lbs

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the best website I have found for that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it is too much, but that is just my opinion!!

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