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Lv 6
chikis asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

short cervix at 37 weeks pregnant and doctor told me i could go into labor sooner?

BUT she didn't ask me to take it easy or anything. I mentioned I still go for a run/jog (I've been a runner for almost 10 years) and she said it was ok. She didn't explain much but she said she saw in my last ultrasound (at 32 weeks) that my cervix was short and that I wont make it to my due date but she didn't give me any suggestions or put me on bed rest. have you heard about this situation?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    37 weeks is considered full term, so having your baby now would be ok.

    No one can say for sure when you will go into labor, only your body knows that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You don't have to worry about bed rest. If you have the baby now, it would be perfectly healthy - you are past the viable point. The more active you are, the sooner you could go into labor so if you are like most women who can't wait for it to be over with at 37 weeks, go for it! Many would LOVE to be able to shave a couple of weeks off :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    With my first, my cervix didn't difference till I went into hard work. He hadn't even dropped. It used to be the equal the entire approach by way of. Then it went from a one million-10 in approximately half-hour and I driven three occasions. I used to be one million cm and best 30% effaced once they checked me while I received to the medical institution. They informed me I normally wasn't in hard work. Shows what they recognize! I used to be forty weeks precisely. With my second, I went into hard work at 37 weeks and ended up with a c-segment earlier than i hit two cm. So I do not understand how it could have became out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    At 37 weeks, it's not a big deal. You could go into labor tonight and the baby would be considered full term and would be just fine.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you are considered full term at 37 weeks. there is no need for bedrest unless the baby or you are in danger which you're obviously not. you'll be fine and have a baby soon. congrats. i delivered my daughter at 36 weeks ( a healthy 8 lb 14oz baby) and my son at 37 ( a healthy 8lb 11oz)

  • 1 decade ago

    37weeks is fullterm so you fine to go into labour

    that being said doctors do this to patients, saying things like that, and they still takes weeks to have babies. my bodys been ready for labour since 36wks, but im 39+5. so there's a very good chance you have many weeks to go still.

    there is no way to predict labour, a doctor cant, no one can, cause someone can be dilated, effaced, and engaged for weeks or not until labour

  • sar
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    no dt will give you any warning if you are 37 weeks cuz they are not concerned any more if you go into labor, its considerd full term

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