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Why do we, as Americans, constantly degrade ourselves?

I continuely read answers with my fellow Americans calling us stupid, ingnorant, uncaring, etc... The list goes on. Who does that really? I don't walk around all day going, "i'm so stupid, what a terrible person I am, I'm so damn ignorant". I've made mistakes, I'm the first to admit I'm not perfect, but I'm still proud of who I am. And I only strive to be better and not make the same mistakes twice. Is it popular to **** on ourselves?

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I blame the self-depricating culture encouraged by the liberal press.

    From the time we learn to read a newspaper, or watch the evening news, the liberal press is always attacking America to the point of being absurd. In their minds, we never do anything good enough. We could have been faster, more efficient, more sensitive, more competent, etc. When we overcome the daunting technological obstacles of flying a man to Mars, the liberal press will probably ignore the great achievement, and just comment snidely that a bunch of evil white men have sullied the pristine Martian surface with a few pieces of leftover space junk.

    We liberate millions of people in Afghanistan and Iraq from tyranny, giving these people the chance to have a society based on human rights, personal dignity, freedom of choice, equality for women, but the liberal press just wants to do a body count, impugn our intentions, and cast doubt on our ability to succeed.

    Americans want everything to be perfect, too perfect. We think that if we just tried harder, if we were just better people, we could rise to the occasion and transform the world into a paradise.

    We also make the mistake of not standing up to foreigners who constantly denigrate us with their slimy, smug remarks. The French denounce Americans as being racist, but it is in America, not France, where the majority of legal immigrants have successfully been incorporated into society. As we've seen from the recently riots and car burnings all over Paris, the French have done a terrible job assimilating Muslims into society.

    America's biggest problem is political correctness. For example, when there is a serial killer on the loose, and the suspect is a white male, 25-30 with short red hair and light, freckled skin, the police do not say, "Men, I don't want you singling out red haired guys for questioning. You have to question a cross-section of society, including dark skinned mexicans, asians, white haired grandmothers."

    This would be absurd.

    However, the concept of "racial profiling" at airports is a controversial topic? Why pat down Grandma Sally from Des Moines, Iowa when you know the subject is probably going to be a man, Middle Eastern, and foreign born? In our crazy, politically correct system, we randomly screen people, so Grandma Sally has to take off her shoes and have her bag searched while Akhmed waltzes right through security, smiling all the way.

    Let's stop f****** ourselves.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I often attempt to avert answering questions, if i think of i ought to look rude. this question is brilliant a chord with me, nonetheless. I merely grew to become sixty two, so the 50's have been surprisingly plenty my first 10 years. became it the merely right decade ever? No. yet, on the time, it became the merely right decade so far. Our mum and dad did each little thing of their skill to make a bigger life for their infants than what that they had. And, they did an exceptional pastime. i detect i could desire to take undertaking with a minimal of a few of your comments, which seem to be supplied as data. In those days, maximum infants who left college illiterate the two dropped out or flunked out. instructors weren't "inspired" to bypass infants who shouldn't bypass. And, corporal punishment became no longer accredited in our public colleges, even if the parochial colleges did have it. women weren't compelled into the kitchen. My mom supported our relationships for 3 years while my dad became disabled from an business accident while i became 5 days previous. And, she became by no potential barefooted! Premarital intercourse and ensuing pregnancies did happen then, even nonetheless it became no longer romanticized on television. It became saved secret if in any respect attainable. And, on an identical time as equivalent pay for equivalent artwork has better with the aid of the years, the equivalent Rights modification did no longer bypass. whether it had handed, that became the two on the top of the 60's or early interior the 70's, no longer the 50's. i ought to go on and on.....

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The ones who say that consider themselves to be higher than the average american, better even. they look down on people who are just the same and consider us all sorts of things, but they never look at the fact that there are only a few people like that, and that there are not 250,000,000 ignorant, uncaring people that make up a world power

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    We don't, only the brainwashed morons do, so relax and enjoy this site as it was intended to be, which is fun and educational. Have a great weekend:)

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  • 2 decades ago

    seriously mate..dont blame yourself...maybe more that damnable government in my guys need a new leader and just dont go hard on yourself..but anyway..being 13 i wouldnt know much.....

    Source(s): my brain...:D
  • 2 decades ago

    You are in charge of your own life. Change the pattern if you don't like it.

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