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Any African-Americans upset with Illegals demanding rights?

African-Americans were taken from their homes & families & forced into slavery by some white Americans. There came a point other Americans, also white, said "Enough". It was wrong we allowed & ignored it, but ignoring it was agreeing with it. The North who did most of the fighting & dying during the Revolution, didn't fight & die for Freedom so Americans could take the freedom of others. None of us alive today had any hand in the past, but we all inherited it. We can't change the past, only learn & effect the future. Blacks & Whites still deal with America's past. Some work to make things better, some to make it worse, some ignore the whole thing. But we all choose our level of involvement. History shows the same mindsets exited during slavery. Illegals consider history, who enslaved, who freed slaves? Who's wispering promises in your ear, who's looking you in the eye, saying "go back"? We both look white, but the people to your left, enslaved blacks & will do it to you if u stay.

9 Answers

  • justme
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I understand what you mean 400 years of oppression do not bring justice to those that died. America just ignored the problem and paid nothing for that great crime not slavery but the murders, lynching, and oppression. This nation just goes unpunished why because they wait until it over to stay what people here have stated "it over now". Which they think their country want pay for the sins it committ.

    Believe me when I tell you they are not getting away with anything by any means. "All the nations they shall serve and those that oppressed them shall God judge" and when God give judgment to nations it cost them far more than it was worth just look at Egypt. He gave they land to the wicked, strangers devoured it in their presents, Israel left with all the wealth of Egypt. Their land was laid to waste, he let their enemies rule over them, and broke the pride of their power and never again will their be a prince in the land of Egypt.

    Back to you question yes Mexicans ask for rights blacks never got and why should others have to benefit at the expense of others. Especially when the break the law to begin with.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    First, this is too long for most people to read. Second, slavery was legal when it occurred. It's not legal now, so there's less of a chance for it to happen today although illegals, who are below the radar, could get themselves into a situation resembling slavery that they can't get help out of. Why would African-Americans have a problem with this? You'd think they'd rely for illegals' rights. Nobody alive today has experienced the slavery you talk about. The "slavery" many African-Americans experience today they cause themselves.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    And who sold the Africans into slavery? Other Africans. This continues today. Families will sell their daughters into sex slavery for money, for example, because females are considered so worthless to their culture. Who was the worse group in the slave trade, whites or the other Africans who sold their own people?

    I really don't care about the slavery issue. My people were not in this country back then. At least the African slaves were fed and the slave holders did their best to keep them alive. When the Jews, my people, were enslaved there were no attempts to keep us alive. My people were put on starvation diets of 600 calories a month. When they died, there were more Jew slaves coming into the camps to be forced to work. This was much more recent than the American slave issue as well. We are always told it's over 50 years ago to suck it up and forget it, but the descendants of American slaves are always reminded of it. Such a double standard.

    The African Americans can trace their lineage at least longer than a lot of the Jews. Our heritage was ruined. My family was so terrified of being known as Jews when they came over before Hitler did so much damage that they changed their last names. I do not even know anything about my family before then and never will because it was destroyed. Those of my family that stayed behind were killed. I never got to know my family. The African Americans can at least trace their family usually back a hundred years or more. I'll never be able to do that.

    I think the slavery issue is a poor excuse to allow illegal immigrants into this country. At least my family paid their own way and didn't take welfare. The Mexican government issues pamplets telling these illegals how to get across the border, how to steal identities, and draw welfare. They come over to sponge off other people. We came over to flee for our lives. My family didn't expect the Americans to adapt to us; they adapted to America. These illegals expect us to learn their language and adapt to them. That is wrong.

    I think the African Americans should be outraged that they are being used in this cause to justify illegal immigration.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    And people call me racist for "posting" questions that my imposter's posted using my picture.

    You know what, no one is taking your rights, its called Social Darwinism.

    Sure, your ancestors went though a lot, but don't tell me you are asking for special favors because of that. You said it yourself, whites enslaved your people, whites worked them to the bone, whites lynched them for looking or whistling at a white woman.

    I'm not trying to get anyone against anyone because like you also said, none of us alive today have any hand in the past, but gather your thoughts and then post.

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  • 2 decades ago

    my daughter is black and my bf and i can say that the illegal immigrant status has no effect on them. People need to not drudge up the past this is a new time and a different world today.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Blacks in this country should be more pissed that insane numbers of illegals and legal immigrants are being used as a tool to depress their wages or keep them unemployed.

    Our porous border and record rate of immigration is racist.

  • 2 decades ago

    yes so go back America will by you a ticket and your Friends

  • 2 decades ago

    This could get some very good answers.

  • 2 decades ago

    my friend who is african-american is very upset.

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