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Why do Christians fear other religious beliefs?

It appears that Christians have more intolerance for other beliefs than any other religion or spirtual practice. They carry this to extremes more than anyone else. Does anyone really Know why? I am a Pagan by choice.

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not sure if I'd label Christianity as the most intolerant....there are quite a number of other intolerant religions and each as definately got to their own extremes at times.

    As a former Christian, now Hindu, the teachings usually are said are thus:

    1) there is only one God

    2) Jesus is the son of God sent by God to save humanity

    3) those that do not repent of their sins and accept Jesus as their savior will go to hell (...although some denominations then stipulate that those that have NOT heard about Jesus would NOT go to hell, but after hearing about Jesus if they do not accept him as the savior, then because they reject the gospel truth, they go to hell...)

    4) in the New Testament after the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, Jesus tells his disciples to "go and make disciples of the world" or "to go and spread the gospel to the world" thus the Great Commission as it is called is the command by Jesus for all Christians to go and make Christians of everyone (the word gospel means good news)

    5) since there is only one God and one religion (Christianity) then all other religions are false religions (term used over and over again). Now, since Satan or the Devil exists and is working against God, then it therefore stands to reason (from a Christians perspective) that Satan would be the root of the false religions, thus causing people to be strayed from God whom Jesus came to save

    Thus that is why Christians don't often realize their own intolerance and disrespect for other religions (and I should state that not all Christians are like this, there are Christians who do not feel the need to evangelize and convert people and there are Christians who don't view other religions as being wrong or that once you hear about Jesus and don't convert that you are doomed to hell, there are some denominations that teach that if you do not convert, that God judges you based on the religion you practiced and what you believed...but these views are the minority in Christianity).

    Christians don't think of it as being intolerant or disrespectful to try to convert you, they believe they are "saving" you from your "sin", they are fulfilling their command from Jesus to save everyone on earth and bring them God. That all other religions are just false religions, religions purposely placed by Satan to cause people to go astray. So again, they are "saving" you from Satan...atleast that is their belief. They think they are doing you "good".

    Now, keep in mind that I did mention that there were other religions who are equally as exclusivistic in their views and they have equally been intolerant of other religions. It seems to be the case with "exclusive" religions. I know some would say that it is only monotheistic religions, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Only those who claim to have the 'exclusive' truth. Christianity and Islam, though, are the only two of those "exclusive" religions that are very very very very heavily missionary and seek to make converts of others...the others generally regard themselves as the holders of truth and figure that God (or whatever their belief is) will bring the person to them for the truth because they are worthy to receive it.

    Hope that helps.

    Blessed Be. (you just said Pagan, but didn't specify your path so decided to use the overall term I hear my Pagan friends use amongst each other when it is mixed pathed)


  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Hi. Actually Christians are not any worse than Muslims. They are the big guys and they wish to inhibit the other's faith; but they are equally powerful and arrogant. They're kind of like bullies. So no Christians are not more intolerant than other faith, they are just more common around you. In India, different races are segregated, In Islam they have been at war or started wars in the name of Allah, and yes, so did the Christians.

    I know it sounds strange, I have pondered on that matter too, because religion is supposed to be Love, Respect, Kindness, Charity, and all sorts of good things; yet I've seen some very good Christians be mean, hypocrite, hurtful, intolerant. These people confuse their presence in church with being a good Christian. Blame the people not the faith.

    Source(s): Because we're humans.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Honestly, i am a Christian and i don't believe in the devil. Everyone sort of perceives god differently - i see him as my best friend, some-one that will love and guide me forever - i worry less being a Christian because, simply put, i know that everything happens for a reason and that Gods always by my side. i respect allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll religions and i dislike fundamentalists. i can't stand it when people blame religion for war and stuff. Guns don't kill people - people kill people. in the same way religion doesn't kill people - people kill people. i whole-heartedly believe that it is wrong to try and convince people to follow your beliefs and also - say there was no such thing as religion, humans will still differ in their opinions on how life should be run - religion or no religion you have to respect people and their opinions, if people can do that then all trouble in this world would end... The only religion i look down upon is Islam simply because they cause a lot of violence in the world - that put aside we cant blame religion for our unhappiness simple because religion is not to blame - underlying reasons are :D peace and relax and smile :) as long as you're a good person that's the main thing! OH AND PLEASSEEEE RESPOND IN YOUR ADDITIONAL ANSWERS!!!! I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR OPINION ON WHAT I SAID :d THANKSSSSS

  • 2 decades ago

    Good question. I've wondered that for along time, but have never found an answer. I thought their religion was supposed to be based in love, and yet it's almost impossible to see it actually practiced, and you end up sifting through so much negativity when you ask a question with the hope that someone can answer it without being hateful or offended by what you've asked. It seems to me every question asked that's not in accordance to what they believe is perceived as some sort of attack even when it isn't intended to be.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Like applechick282, I too am a Christian, and I have no fear of other religious beliefs. I am completely tolerant of other's beliefs. I leave everyone to their own faith and devices. Why? Because it is not my place to judge. I do not always agree with their beliefs, but I respect them. Unfortunately in Christianity, there are far too many zealous fundamentalists- these are the fools that give Christians a bad name, mostly because these are the people that are focused in the media. It is a shameful pity.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think that every religion has it's own intollerant people who are part of it. I think that Christians who are intollerant of everyone else in a hateful way are bad representatives of the beliefs of the religion. Even different specific religions within the larger umbrella of Christianity have quite a bit of intollerance for each other. For instance...I grew up Mormon but now I go to a nondenominational Christian church...yes, Mormon is Christian. There are a lot of ignorant Christians on both sides of that fence is a really sad thing...but I don't think that it is the religion as much as it is the people themselves.

  • 2 decades ago

    I have no fear of other beliefs or of the people who hold them. I am a Christian, as I have said many times on this site. I have friends of all faiths (or lack thereof in some cases). They know how I believe, I know how they believe, and we leave it at that. If either of us has a question about the other, we discuss it and agree to disagree. I am not about shoving my principles down someone's throat. The fear you are referring to is probably one for your soul on part of the Christian person in question, although they have probably chosen to attack your beliefs rather than have an open discussion. That is the wrong thing for them to do, and on behalf of them, I would like to apologize and let you know that not all Christians are going to act that way towards you.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think Christianity only fears other religions in certain circumstances mainly when it is under attack. Today we are not troubled too much by the other major religions except for the muslims, and I think we are right to fear them because there is a concerted effort to undermine Christianity by many muslims in many countries, eg a ban on Christian churches and worship in Saudi Arabia, forced convertions and circumcisions in Indonesia, burning of churches and killing of Christians in India and Pakistan... the list goes on and on.

  • rian30
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Christianity is based on the concept of guilt and fear.

    Asking anything means challanging God. And God is jealous, hatefull patriarchial father who will punish them eternmally for beinmg disobedient.

    They are told they have free will, but using it will get them barbecued.

    They are told Lucifer asked too many questions and challanged god and was thrown away.

    And all other beliefs are Satanic, started by Lucifer. Why wont they fear them?

  • 2 decades ago

    I thinkk you need to do more research. There is a Muslim fatwah? or something in effect that says Muslims must kill Americans any way they can. Can you tell me what law we have that demands we kill all Muslims in the same manner?

    I can't think of anything more religiously intolerant than to pass a law that orders genocide.

  • 6 years ago

    my question on the mater folks is this

    how does oen tell the diffeance betwen a religion of a genuinely satanic natue and a religion that has been falsely labeled s such by christians merel yfor the sake of disinfomration concenring the matter all hate /greif and fearmongeriwng wise o nthe pasrt of christians?

    how does one go about disproviing the christains claims o nthe matter of misinformatio nconcerning the falsely labeld religion ?

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