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Why are so many non-Catholics so vicious in their attacks against the Catholic Church?

I am not talking about the scandals. This has gone on for a LONG time before any of that.

I have a friend who was raped and became pregnant as a result. She decided to keep her son, and continue her studies for ministry. Not one single protestant church would hire her as a youth minister because she set 'the wrong example.'

She was able finally to work for a Christian tv station. She started dating a guy there who was Catholic. They decided to marry, but she converted first. She lost her job at the station because she was converting. It all worked out ok- and she became youth minister at our parish....

But WHY do non Catholics have such animus toward the Church?

12 Answers

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    So long as the Catholic Church has existed, it has always been fending off attacks of one kind or another. Some of these assaults make today's clerfy sex scandal seem like a Sunday picnic.

    When you consider even just the first persecutions, by the Jews and Romans, there's no logical explanation for their failure in crushing Catholicism. And the same goes for every threat the Church has faced since then.

    Still, the Church not only survives - but thrives.

    That's because the Church is from God. And Jesus gave it His personal guarantee that, "the gates of hell will not prevail against it."

    Thing is, and a lot of people forget this, Jesus never said that road to victory was going to be a bowl of cherries.

    The whole purpose of life is to live it in accordance with God's Way, in the hopes that we will eventually bear witness to the beautific vision.

    There are some, non-Catholic Christians - who think they know better than the Catholicism. SO they've split from the church had follow what amounts to a combination of God's Way, with a little manmade amendments thrown in too. The result is, non-Catholic Christians have less Truth, where the Catholic Church maintains the Whole Truth.

    Those non-Catholic Christians you friend has run into, apparently, have forgotten about Jesus's teachings "That you do to the least of my people you do unto me." As well as, "Not everyone who says 'Lord! Lord!' will get into Heaven.", amongst a whole host of lessons about tolerance (real tolerance, not that politically correct crap) and forgiveness.

    I'll bet that the manner in which these non-Catholic Christians treated your friend, coupled with the assumably good nature of her Catholic other-half, have a lot to do with her conversion to Catholicism.

    God NEVER wishes bad things to happen, but He will allow them because - in His Divine plan - these bad things bring about a Greater Good. That probably has something to do with your friend's mistreatment and her conversion to Catholicism.

    Long story short, I believe Catholics are given the business by non-Catholics because Catholics have their origin in God, thus Catholicism embodies the Full Truth. Non-Catholic denominations do not.

    They broke off from the Catholic Church because these people thought they knew better than God. But, for the centuries, division has begotten division while the Catholic Church has thrived - thus validating the Divine Origin of Catholicism.

    God makes it known that those who stick to their guns, when it comes to the Faith, will be ridiculed or persecuted to some extent during their lives. When this happens, we can always look to the Beattitudes for encouragement:

    "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.

  • Bob
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Sounds similar to what my wife experiences at the "Christian" book store that she works at.

    When customers find out that she is Catholic, they will often ask her "Why are you working in a Christian book store." or "How can you work in a Christian book store when you don't believe in Jesus."

    I think that some (not all) "Christians" who have been taught that the Catholic Church is a bunch of idol worshipers, have no idea just exactly what the Catholic Church believes. Example, praying to saints. Scripturally this practice is referred to in the Bible, which those same "Christians" tend to tell us that "no where in the Bible does it tell us to pray to the dead"

    "It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins."___2 Machabees, 12_46: (This is one of the Old Testament books omitted from the Protestant Bible SEE DUTEROCANONICAL or Apocrypha. Omitted from the Protestant Bible, because it didn't support their belif).

    And Purgatory. As nothing defiled can enter Heaven (Rev. 21_27), there must necessarily exist a state of cleansing or purgation usually called "purgatory."

    The Existence of Purgatory

    Jews, Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox have always historically proclaimed the reality of the final purification. It was not until the Protestant Reformers came in the 1500s that anyone denied this doctrine. Purgatory has been part of the "Christian" faith from the very beginning.

    "And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, NEITHER IN THE WORLD TO COME. ( i.e. Some sins can therefore be forgiven after death.)"— Mt. 12:32

    Because they have been taught this from an early time in their lives, they tend to believe it. Unfortunately for them, this has also been fortold in the Bible as well.

    Paul told Timothy, "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths" (2 Tim. 4:3–4). Sounds like Martin Luther and his fellow reformers may belong in this group.

    Enjoy the Truth, that is the Catholic Church.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Because, just like a lot of things, people don't understand. For a very long time I didn't understand the similarities and differences from Protestant and Catholic. I think it also carries through that Protestant denominations are formed FROM the breakaway from the Catholic church, so they hold this animosity because they feel they created something better than "Catholic".

  • 2 decades ago

    Because ignorance. Catholics are one of the biggest groups regarding to religion on the world. The funny thing is that you mainly see cathlolics turning into another religion, but rarely you'll see people turning into catholics. Probably that's the reason, but the cathlolic church has a huge history and for being one of the biggest religious group on earth, that means it'll be always exposed to discrimination. For a better advice go to the link in the source box.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Non-Catholic Christians often hold many misconceptions about the Catholic Church.

    For instance, they often think that we worship Mary and the saints -- which we most definitely do not.

    They often think that we worship idols such as statues and crucifixes, saying that the Bible forbids the making of such images. The Bible doesn't forbid making them, though; it only forbids worshipping them. And we don't worship them.

    Non-Catholic Christians also think that many uniquely Catholic teachings and practices -- purgatory, Mary's immaculate conception, Mary's perpetual virginity, celibacy for priests and nuns, asking the saints to pray for us, and many more -- are against the Bible.

    But they're not.

    Go to and order "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" by Karl Keating.

    In this great book, Keating points out the major arguments against Catholicism by "Bible Christians;" he then proceeds to blow every one of those arguments out of the water.

  • 2 decades ago

    When has the Catholic Church not had scandals?

    It is difficult to think back half a millennium before the inquisitions.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You must read history-if I tried to tell you-you would not believe me. Distrust of the Catholic church is not without reason. If you check it will probably leave your church.

  • 2 decades ago

    do you really have to ask that? look at the history of the church? the Crusades? The silent consent of the Nazis. The dark ages and the witch hunts. The torture of non-Cathloics. The ppersecution of anyone who disagreed. The attacks on Luther. The attacks on Muslims. The stance on birth control. The abortion issue. On and on and on and on and on and on.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    i am a non catholic and i support the catholic church as well, there are just so many people that are like that though.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Why was the Catholics so vicious against all who did not believe as she does? She murdered some were over 400,000,000. She still claims that she has the right to still do it.

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