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Question for those wanting to get into Internet Marketing.?

I started researching Internet Marketing about six years ago. I quit working a JOB a little over two years ago and now am full time online.

Now, since most of the 'guides' for newbies seem to be geared more to make money for the seller rather than train the beginning marketer ... I've been thinking of creating a "step by step" guide to based on my own past exprerience. If I pursue this ...

What do you truthfully think you would be willing to pay for a guide that actually teaches you step-by-step? (With a full money back guarantee if it didn't work for you.)

Or would you rather see it offered for free but based on sharing in the profit it teaches you to generate?

Serious feedback only please ...


Attention ...

This is not a solicition.

Merely a query as to what one would be willing to pay for a product guaranteed to teach.

OR ...

Whether a FREE product with profit sharing instead.

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your best option is not to use it for profit directly.

    Most of the information you will most likely be selling is available elsewhere for free on sites like

    Your best bet is to use it for your own marketing and to create a blog or write articles as a follow up and use the information as a "quick start guide" in order to generate interest in your services but not use it as a product in and of its self.

    Once the "quick guide" is released on your site, be sure to let as many online marketing/online business sites and publications know of its existance through direct contact and wide distribution press release.

    Let me know if you need help identifying these places to contact about your new resource.

    Source(s): School of hard
  • 2 decades ago

    The Internet Marketing world is probably not the easiest niche to break into. It seems like you are very sincere and that you are doing this for other people's benefit as well as to make some extra cash (perfectly reasonable).

    What I suggest is first deciding what your goals are for releasing the information. Do you want to make lots of money, do you want teach others to make money, do you want share in their profits? I have considered doing the latter, but at the moment I just give away free information on my blog and make money from it in advertising (see source).

    If you want to make big time money, then you probably want to do what other Internet Marketers do and create a step by step ebook. Create some videos that help walk beginners through the rough spots. Package it up into a product that sells for $97 or above. Offer affiliates at least 50% of the profit. The reason I say $97 and above is because then you get some of the major Internet Marketing gurus to review your product and sell it if they like it.

    Another option would be to create a personal mentoring membership site that people pay you a recurring fee for your personal guidance, videos, tutorials, etc. Offer affiliates a good amount of money (recurring commisions) and you can probably get some high profile gurus to market it as well.

    But based on the tone of your question, it sounds like creating a blog with advertising may be your best route of teaching others. Also, with a blog you can continue to add more advice over time and keep it up to date with the latest and greatest information you have.

    You could also do a combination of any of the above:

    blog with ebook

    ebook with option to join membership site

    blog with ebook and option to join membership site


    The profit sharing route is probably the trickiest legally. I have considered doing something like this, if you go this route get a good contract set up so you don't get stiffed from your clients.

    All the best in deciding what to do.

  • 2 decades ago

    I myself gave up my job of over 5 years to come back home to take care of my parents because their health has failed them both. I will not be able to work at a job anywhere away from home and care for them. I need a way to support myself. I have checked into many places on the Internet and they all want money as you do. I myself can't afford to pay anything to get started working.I know you say that you guarantee the money back if it doesn't for you, but what happens when you are in the boat I'm in and can't even get that far? Good luck with your new job.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    "What do you truthfully think you would be willing to pay for a guide that actually teaches you step-by-step? (With a full money back guarantee if it didn't work for you.)"

    No, because I would think it's a scam, I know it sounds geniune - but I'm very wary

    "Or would you rather see it offered for free but based on sharing in the profit it teaches you to generate?"

    I like the idea of free, sharing the profit is ok I guess providing I actually make money - but depends on how much % you want and for how long for.

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  • Mila
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    As obama said "yes we can" He is a jerk. He is taking America apart one piece at a time. We can only hope the Republicans get into power in 2010 to not fund any of this crap. They ALL need to be removed, both parties and we need to start over. The founding fathers put that ability for the American people to do just that in the constitution.

  • 2 decades ago

    Im still don't understand about marketing internet.Since I still tried to find info as much as I could.Could you please inform me and not only asking to pay first. thank for your understanding. Regards, Tri K.

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