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Tay asked in PetsOther - Pets · 2 decades ago

what do you think about the info on this site about PETA?

9 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe it. If you pay attention to the news, several PETA employees recently 'rescued' dogs from shelters, put them in their van, and had euthanized said animals before they even left the parking lot. The only reason people found out was because the illegally dumped the bodies in a dumpster.

    PETA wants things done THEIR way, no other way. They are not helping animals any longer, they only want attention and money for themselves, and ultimately, they want to see an end to domestic animals.

    That means no circuses, no zoos, no pet stores. No meat, no leather, no horse back riding, no seeing eye dogs for the blind. NO PETS PERIOD.

    I also find it funny how readily they condemn people who accept life-saving medical treatments that were developed and tested on animals as being monsters..when Ingrid Newkirk, head of PETA, also takes insulin.

  • 2 decades ago

    It is based on verifiable truth. PETA is not a good organization at its heart. It does a lot of good things, but it has some dirty secrets that come out every so often.

    They euthanize pet animals (with a logic that makes very little sense), key members use insulin (derived from animals and against PETAs philosophy) with the excuse that they need ot use it to save other animals, they give money and support to arsonists and vandals, etc.

    It does not take much listening to the leader (Ingrid Newkirk) to decide that this group is a little... 'extreme' for its own good.

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm shocked by this. I understand that not all that you read is true, but PETA is an extremist organization. It is quite ordinary to want a better life for animals but to go to such lengths to 'rescue' them is unacceptable. Some things I agree with, what happened to the Ethical Treatment of Animals? I get the parts about animal testing and other cruel atcts but there are other ways to ensure this without resorting to extremes.

    Thats what I think.

  • 2 decades ago

    That website is all b/s... Peta is a very good organization that helps and saves animals. That website was probably made by someone who doesn't care about animals well being.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I could believe the info on that page, because I know what happens to animals that they socall rescue. many of the animals are turned loose to die horable deaths do to starvation or other animals attack them.

    Case in point:

    A woman who raised show rabbits came home to find her cages in a secure from preditors barn were all open, not pulled down not distroyed, open. she caught them loding some of the rabbits in the back of there car. later some people she know were hiking and found several of her rabbits dead. Show rabbits are tatooed in the ear for id.

    I am not for the use of animals in testing, but no one has the right to come on to my propty and still my livestock and expect not to be shot.

    I just got through looking at some of the news items on the site. those that didnt and made a comment about it being staged needs to go and look again. Those were News vidio coverage plus other publicly documented resorces that would be easy enough to researce and find out for yourself if it was staged. Git your head out your A!!! and see for yourself stop letting people tell you how something is or isnt.

  • 2 decades ago

    PETA sux! I am an animal lover, but come on, don't get stupid about it! I believe that website, these PETA people are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites!

  • glen t
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    everything i saw came from public records and seems to be true. peta is a waco outfit and its time more people realized it.

  • 2 decades ago

    It is disturbing, but like everything else I read, I know it is one sided. Every group has people who give it a bad name or are not as they present themselves. That should not affect your opinion of the group. For all we know, this was all staged by lab animal farms. I mean, who knows??

  • 2 decades ago


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