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Driving myself crazy!?

I've been seeing this guy for nearly two months now and I'm very much in love with him.He seems to share these feelings.The problem with me is that I got hurt by other men in the past once too many and because of that I'm a little paranoid.I expect things to go bad any minute,I question everything he says...and I'm afraid to tell him how I feel.I so want to stop feeling like this and just enjoy being with him but I don't know how...

Should I tell him how I feel and why I act like a fruitcake sometimes?What do you think?Need help here,driving myself crazy!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer


    You need to begin to live in the moment, react to things that happen now, not what has been or what might will be.

    You can't change the past- all you can do is learn from it

    You don't know the future, but you can shape it by making choices.

    You need to accept that fact that your past has not been great, for one reason or another.

    It's one thing to realise youve made mistakes and learn from them, however- you can not blame everybody else in the world and assume that they are all going to treat you horribly.

    Look at it this way. In your past you got yourself into these bad situations with men- they didnt force you, and you got yourself out of those bad situations too. The men themselves probably had little to do with the choices you made, you decided what to do, not them.

    You chose a nice guy- so you should feel confidant and in control. You should be proud of yourself for not becoming a victim. You did that all on your own so have some belief that you have made a good choice this time and that it will lead to happiness and success.

    Now just because men in your past hurt you doesn't mean that this one will do the same. You have no reason not to trust you new guy, logically speaking- so what you are doing is consuming yourself in irrational thinking.

    Focus upon what you do have, you have a nice relationship- with somebody who has treated you well and you can trust.

    Your life is better now because of things you did, give yourself some credit.

    Keep these positive thoughts in your mind and resist the urge to fill your head with what-ifs and maybes. If you dwell negatively on your past, you may well end up jeopordising the good thing that you have now

    good luck...enjoy life!



  • 2 decades ago

    Be careful what you wish for? Expecting bad will only bring bad because that is all you will look for once things get heated or a little deep. Focus on all the good you have. Consider it a reward for the agrivation you have already been through and embrace it. Not many get the chance to get it right! Go be happy!!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    First of all you have only known him two month so take it slow. Get to know him a little better first because it is still early in the realtionship. It is normal for you to question every thing he says because you have been hurt in the past. I suggest waiting a while before you tell him how you feel

  • 2 decades ago

    I am going on 50 yrs old...i have been thru it all........the hurt, name it...the first thing you want to know, if your really serious about someone,make sure hes a man or boy that listens,and doesnt get mad when you ask questions that are bothering you..if he shrugs off your questions.or gets mad and acts like your being crazy for asking questions....turn and run the other way as fast as you can.Because alot of men(NOT ALL) are really egotisical.....and think you should never question them...they need to be sincere,empathetic,and symathetic,OR you will have a miserable life

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  • 2 decades ago

    i had the same problem!i never trusted a guy...i was always scared that he will cheat me so i was afraid to fall in love with him...but when i met my boyfriend,it stopped.he is my first bf who i actually the beginnings i was suspicious and afraid to fall in love with him,but he showed me that he really is a good person and that he would never do anything harm to me or anyone was really weird because those kinda guys are really rear but still,he didn't lie to,what's my point,tell him about your problem and if he says that he will do anything so you wouldn't think like that anymore,it may be'll never know if you don't try,if he really shows you that he loves you,you should at least trust him a bit...his personality is why you stayed with him thees two months,right?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Try to avoid judging him by the other guys you have known, he's not them and he's not likely to appreciate that.

    I always think honesty is the best policy. If he cares about you, he will understand your insecurity and help to reassure you. Opening up to him will allow you to connect on a deeper level.

    I can't imagine him not understanding your feelings, he's bound to have had his share of bad past experiences.

  • 2 decades ago

    Every realtionship is a risk and a gamble. Try being honest with him. He may just understand and appreciate your honesty. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    you will drive him away if you keep this up so you need to trust your judgment and take it step by step one day at a time and dont worry if it happens it happens

    treat this like a house plant if you water it to much it dyes is you dont water it at all it dyes to much sun and it dyes no sunshine and it dyes you just have to talk to it and look and see what it needs but the plus side he can talk back to you

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