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In the Bible God gave Adam and Eve 2 commandments but both were not ....?

possible to keep it was a one or the other. They were to Multiply and replenish the earth and to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Because they were in a state in innocence they could not have kids. So Eve eats of the fruit and then Adam does so now they can have those kids God commanded them to have.

Bases on this why do some still believe in original sin? It seems to me God was hoping they would grow and learn enough in the Garden of Eden to know to eat the fruit so Eve actually did the right thing to keep the other commandment of God. What do you think?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    In order for us to come to earth they had to eat the fruit--you are right. They were given those contradictory commandments so that sin would be introduced into the world. The only person responsible for Adam's transgression is Adam--no "original sin." Sin needed to be a part of this experience so that we all could have the opportunity to choose between good and evil. If that choice were not available, there would be no possible way for us to progress and this life would be meaningless--no possibility of choosing evil means that no reward for "choosing" good. It was all part of the plan so Adam did what he was supposed to do.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Read Genesis again. You will see that the creation and God's commandments to Adam and Eve are repeated. In the first part, a brief overview is given, then the story is repeated. This is obvious when it mentions Eve being created twice. There was only one Eve, so it is obvious the story is being repeated, the second time in more detail and outlining the fact they were created to be fruitful and multiply, but were told to wait. They didn't wait, and thus, original sin.

    In response to the answer that all sin is forgiven, so why not Adam and Eve's? We were born in sin, so we can be forgiven. Adam and Eve were not born. They were created, and they were created as perfect beings. Their sin condemned mankind to a life of sin rather than a life of leisure and direct contact with God. They had what we strive for, a perfect life on a perfect earth. That is why their sin was not forgiven.

    Source(s): The Bible (King James version)
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The bible does not say anything about them being in a state of innocence. They were in a perfect state and in Genesis 1:28 God told them to be fruitful and fill the earth. The sin was eating from that tree it was an act of disobedience. They were to suppose to have children that was God's purpose for the earth. So no Eve did not do the right thing. Feel free to email me at

  • CEM
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    I like your question. God did not give Adam two commandment to adhere to but only one. That commandment says to not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for in the day you eat of it you shall surly die.

    When this commandment was given, Eve had not been created. After Eve was created, is it written that therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh. (a baby will be born)

    No sin. Sin did not exist at this point in history.

    The serpent beguiled Eve and she believed him and then sinned. She had sex with Satan and then convinced Adam as well to join in with the sin.

    Read you Bible again, and see that God created man and women on the sixth day and rested on the seventh day. On the eight day He, God made Adam then later made Eve.

    Hope this helps you.

    Source(s): Genises
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  • 2 decades ago

    I dont know why you dont think Adam and Eve couldnt have kids had they not sinned? Infact, the Bible implies they HAD kids before they sinned.... God said to Eve after she sinned "I will greatly INCRESE your pains in childbirth" cant increse something that wasnt there before.

    Sex between man and wife is not and never will be a sin.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    The Bible is full of contradictions like this.

    Why does God forgive sins and sinners, but not for Adam and Eve?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It is easy to see how Christians lose their, ah, "battle" One cannot tell them from the swine or the dogs by their answers.

    Lazy worthless students of idiocy! They better hope God loves when they have no fruit..but then The Messiah cursed the fig tree because it bore no fruit. Paying attention, Christian?

    As for your question. That is for A Student who should have a Teacher.

    There are you can see....too many Swine and Dogs on this site and the Scriptures are not for them.

    Therefore I will not answer your question but to tell you how WRONG you are...but keep plugging..not with swine or dogs.

    Source(s): The Truth needs no Law to protect it.
  • 2 decades ago

    I have thought of this so many time, I cant reply to it, I can only add to it.

    Also Judas betrayed Jesus Right? Judas was a picked by Jesus to be an Apostal Right? So did that Mean Jesus picked his betrayer, make you wonder then if Judas has a place in heaven....

    It is good you are a deep thinker and you think about the bible this death and in this much thought, I only wish I myself had the answer...

    Source(s): Then the bible say there nothing God don't know, so I guess he knew that Lucifer the devil would sin in heaven, he new Eve would sin and so would Adam, What do you think? I am not going to say this is how I believe or not, it is worth thinking about RIGHT?
  • dph_40
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Obviously you missed the point of what joyous procreation was about somewhere in your life. They could replenshish the earth as original sin has nothing to with sex - they could have avoided eating of the tree. Otherwise I thinkest thou hast too much time on thy hands! And to know our scriptures this well, you should be witnessing to reach lost souls.

  • 2 decades ago

    The Bible doesn't teach original sin, only the Church does. That way they can make people fell guilty for nothing.

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