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Lv 618,938 points


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Hi! I'm 34 and very taken! I'm a nice guy, Christian but not in the stereotypical sense. I believe that most people have good reason to believe the way they do about life and there hereafter (or lack there of) and I enjoy finding out why. I love God, my family (those closest to me are also family). I'm also a lover of music... all kinds, my musical tastes include almost every genre except head banging rock and techno.. from Pink Floyd to Josh Groban.. But Im a HUGE Blue October fan :)

  • My laptop (Dell Inspiron) Freezes when I try to open anyway. Any clue whats wrong?

    Ive had no luck talking to Del because I dont have the service #. My laptop will start and let me sign on but as soon as I try to open ANYTHING it freezes. This includes my McAfee so I cant even run a virus scan. Any solutions?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Why bother asking if you don't want to know?

    I can tell when Atheists/Muslims/Non-believers in general aren't interested in the answers they ask Christians by the thumbs downs next to every answer from Christians. If you aren't interested in the answer, why are you bothering to ask?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • With the Electoral College, does my vote count?

    Doesn't the Electoral College remove the importance of voters? My state has been a "Blue" state for decades, so do the votes of the "Red" and "White" parties even matter?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why are Board of Health Standards Different?

    I work for a food establishment in NJ USA. The NJ Board of Health has strict standard regarding food prep such as:hats and hairnets must be worn, we cant have facial hair or a beard net must be worn, gloves must be warn and changed frequently, watches and/or jewelery cannot be worn on hands or arms etc...Yet I never see these laws being applied in a diner or restaurant where a lot of raw foods are handled and a lot of sweating takes place over the ovens. Why would the standards be different from one establishment to another?

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Egypt Never Had Slaves?

    While watching a documentary on the Pyramids of Egypt on the Discovery Channel this morning, I had to raise an eyebrow to a statement they made at the beginning: "The Pyramids were not built by slaves, the 'fact' is, contrary to popular 'myth', Egypt never had slaves, they didn't need them... they had the Nile River which provided them with enough water and resources that the communities flourished and provided them with enough free time to build the Pyramids without slaves"

    Now I noticed the word "fact" being used and yet they didnt provide any information on the alleged "fact" other than Egypt has the Nile River. Does anyone know any other evidence since slavery in Egypt has very long writen histories?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where does the Discovery Channel get some of their info?

    I was watching a documentary on the Discovery Channel today about the Pyramids in Egypt. In just the beginning paragraph, they made an outrageous claim, implied it as FACT. They said "No slaves were used to build the Pyramids, the 'fact is' contrary to popular 'myth' Egypt never had slaves... they didnt need them, they had the Nile River, which provided enough water and resources that they had enough free time to create the Pyramids without having slaves"

    Now, is it simply because there is the Nile River that they assume there were no slaves? Do they have any evidence besides that? If that's the case, the US never had slaves either since we have a lot of big rivers. :\

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Islam and Evolution?

    A friend of mine lives in a predominantly Muslim country but is not Muslim herself. She told me that Muslims believe in something like a reverse evolution... that apes were men first and evolved into apes over time due to sin. Does Islam teach this? If so, what does the Qu'ran say about it? Is there any scientific evidence used to support it?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Take on full or empty stomach?

    I got a prescription for Penicillin but it doesn't say if I should take it on a full or empty stomach. Which is best?

    7 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How to be a Top Contributer?

    I have been away for a while and came back to see this "Top Contributer" label under some people's names. It seems to be random? Some have much less answers posted than I do, many have less points than I do. How do you get this label?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What are the greater health risks?

    I just took a vacation at the Jersey Shore and found this rather funny. Half a million people at the shore, getting 3rd degree sunburns, eating things like deep fried oreos and twinkies, sharing diseases and risking their lives (not to mention their lunches) on hundreds of amuzement rides. Swimming in a jellyfish infested ocean, not considering how many people use the ocean and hotel pools as toilets, using filthy public restrooms and feeding seagulls that can't control their bodily functions and in all this, there are signs all over "To help insure a safe and healthy family environment, this is a SMOKE FREE beach park"

    Now tell me folks... is smoking REALLY that much more harmful than all these other things?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • A Question for Overweight People?

    I'm not asking this to tease you or make fun, I just want to know if being overweight hurts physically?

    I'm not talking about those who are maybe 20-30 lbs overweight but 50 lbs or more. When I see someone who is very overweight, it doesn't make me sick or anything but it looks to me like it hurts. Seriously, Im not trying to be a jerk but I can't really just ask someone on the street "Does it hurt?"

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why is abusing a male socially acceptable?

    As I hear "Before He Cheats" on the radio I wonder what would happen if a man sang the song :"I dug my key into the side of her pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive, I carved my name into her leather seats....." would it be the hit that it is?

    I know women have taken more abuse from men than men from women but should either be socially acceptable? I know if a man slaps a woman he can go to jail but usually when a woman beats on a man she gets high fived. I'd never hit a woman, but I get spoken to by a lot of women in ways that would get my butt whooped if I said it. Why do so many people, not only accept this but praise this behavior?

    15 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is it heel spurs?

    I have terrible pain in my heels, especially the right. It's not the back of the heel, its at the bottom. The pain is worse in the morning, better as the day goes but once Ive walked on it over an hour or so, it hurts again. Is this heel spurs or what? And how can I relieve this?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is HD radio really any good?

    I like satellite radio but I dont want another monthly fee, so Ive been thinking about HD radio. Is it any good? I know Im terribly disappointed with HD TV so I don't know if I should take the plunge or just deal with the boring staticy channels I already have?

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Is anyone paying attention?

    I was just on this question thread

    And a very common occurance happened. An Athiest made an assumption about how Christians believe, other Atheists agreed (some very rudely) and yet all the Christians (including myself) said otherwise. Have any of the Atheist that answered this question, and other similar questions, ever looked at the answers of the Christians and thought "Hey... I guess they really dont think like that"? or "Maybe the ones who do think this way are in the minority of Christians"?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it bad not to vote?

    The last couple local and national elections, I didn't like any of the choices so I decided not to vote at all. Of course this made some people angry and "Do you know how many people DIED for you to have the RIGHT to vote??" Yes, and my thought is, didn't they also die so I have the right NOT to vote if I am not pleased with the candidates?

    I'm thinking that all the people who vote because they feel obligated to, even if they don't like the choices, just "allow" the government to put in office those they WANT in office anyway. Wouldn't the Government take notice if hardly anyone showed up on election day? Couldn't there maybe be a ballot for "None of the Above" so at least those of us who are displeased at the choices given will be heard?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • What ever happened to Woody Harelson?

    "Woody" from Cheers. I saw him years ago promoting Hemp and he seemed pretty freaky in some of his movies before then, but I havent heard anything in a long time about him. Anyone know?

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Did you know that even Creationists believe in Dinosaurs?

    I think one of the things I'm most tired of seeing here, is the question of "How do Creationists explain Dinosaurs" followed by a parade of Atheists claiming we don't. I am a Creationist and I believe dinosaurs existed, I dont know a single Creationist who denies it. When fossils were first uncovered relating to dinosaurs, yes, Christians doubted them but it's been decades since that has been the case. It's almost like these particular atheists (as it isnt all of them) think they will convince Creationists to NOT believe in Dinosaurs.

    Could everyone PLEASE stop saying Christians do not believe dinosaurs exist?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Im wondering how the non-christians determine who the Christians are?

    Im hoping I get more than one or 2 of the same answer since I know not every non-christian is the same as another. But I was just reading a few threads of non-christians saying what Christians are like (most of it was a generalization) which included us being hateful, violent, better than everyone, retarded, and other colorful charecteristics. Now, I do sometimes see really nasty Christians here but there are a great deal of intelligent, compassionate and friendly ones too.

    So what charecteristics do you personally look for to conclude "that person is a Christian"?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Deffense against wrongful violation accusations?

    Recently someone took a grudge against me. If you look at my questions and answers, Im not a nasty person at all but someone reported me several times for really no reason. I lost points for no reason, which doesnt bother me much but I certainly don't want my account deleted. (Ive had it for over 5 years)

    In the violation notices, it has a link to click if you think it was given in error, but I havent heard anything back yet. Is there any deffense against this? Is there anything in the WORKS to defend against this?

    4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago