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Lv 6

Why is Allah punishing his own followers?

Following Hurrican Katrina, some Muslims claimed that Allah sent Katrina as punishment to the United States (however, Katrina isn't even close the worst disasters since 2000). So, by their logic, Allah must be vengeful towards Muslims, given the following:

Top Ten Worst Disasters, since 2000:

1 Earthquake/tsunami, Southeast Asia, 2004 - 230,000 dead, 1,126,900 homeless, MOSTLY MUSLIMS

2 Earthquake, Kashmir, 2005 - 87,400 dead, 4,000,000 homeless, MOSTLY MUSLIMS

3 Earthquake, Bam, Iran, 2003 - 26,300 dead, 80,000 homeless, MOSTLY MUSLIMS

4 Earthquake, Bhuj, India, 2001 - 20,000 dead, 600,000 homeless

5 Famine, Niger, 2005 - 10,000 dead, MOSTLY MUSLIMS

6 Earthquake, Java, 2006 - 5,800 dead, 600,000 homeless, MOSTLY MUSLIMS

7 Earthquake, northeast Afghanistan, 2002 - 2,500 dead, 30,000 homeless, MOSTLY MUSLIMS

8 Rains, Haiti and Dominican Republic, 2,400 dead

9 Earthquake, northern Algeria, 2003 - 2,300 dead, MOSTLY MUSLIMS

10 Mudslides, Philippines, 2006 - 1,800 dead


23 Answers

  • lenny
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Muslim answer; Allah is testing their faith

    Christian answer; They are being punished for their faith

    Jewish answer; YHWH hates them

    Hindu answer; they are being given the opportunity to be reborn better

    Wiccan answer; they are one with the goddess

    Secular answer; sh1t happens

  • 2 decades ago

    Maybe Allah isn't punishing anyone. Maybe storms, mudslides, earthquakes and other natural disasters just happen because that's the way the Earth works. Besides, if people believe in heaven and nirvana and the like then where's the punishment?

  • 2 decades ago

    u can never say that Allah is punishing his own followers..u never know he might b testing them..& even if we assume that He is punishing Muslims then this is coz the present Muslims r indulge in doing bad deeds..& they see them happening infront of them & do not try 2 stop it..& its not just the believers that r being punished...anyway i m amazed 2 see how something as obvious as the existence of Allah is denied by most of the ppl..dont they get it that how can a man with some miracles b the son of God??he was just a massenger of Allah.. how can u worship a statue that has been made by man himself??u might not know & earthquake might come when u r praying 2 that statue..u ask that statue 2 protect u & at that very moment that statue falls 2 the ground & crushes 2 can u pray 2 something that cannot even take care of himself???

    think about it.....

  • 2 decades ago

    So we see that Allah is as evil as Yahweh, who was always causing earthquakes, famines, pestilence, infertility, war, and all kinds of other disasters. The Bible depicts him as perpetually angry at everyone and everything, smiting people left and right, even children, babies, and pregnant women with their fetuses. Satan is NEVER shown to do these things, only God. I could invent a way nicer god than the writers of the Bible ever did, but for some reason, theists get off on deities that are jealous, angry, vengeful, and prone to fits of rage and violence.

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  • 2 decades ago

    In a book called, "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?"

    It explains that there are forces of nature that have no bearing on Gods' will, it just happens. What Allah or God or... does with the bad things is turn it to His Good. Giving comfort to His children by His children is GOOD. Praise God. May His Peace Be Upon You! Forgive a non-Muslims arrogance if I offended anyone.

  • 2 decades ago

    ALLAH is the only god. who r jesus christ? who r guru nanak?

    they given birth by someone, but ALLAH, nobody gives birth 2 HIM. ALLAH does exixt, he made this world, n every single things happen in our life has been written, no matter bad or good, we have 2 accept it. ALLAH punishing us cozz we did mistakes, what is the purpose he send us 2 this world? R we send 2 destroy the world? No rite. By da way, everyone is goin 2 face the death, when ALLAH want. Muslims will b judge on JUDGEMENTS DAY, n ALLAH decide us 2 go 2 heaven or hell, of what we did on earth. Non-muslims r goin 2 hell on the spot, when the world is end.

  • 2 decades ago

    Do you really believe that Muslims believe that, cause I bet they don't. But isn't it clever how media portrays them. Anyways do you think the Holocaust was God's way of punishing Jews. And by the way Allah and the Judeo/Christian God is the same. Allah isn't punishing anyone...that isn't the way Allah works.

  • 2 decades ago

    God doesn't "punish" or "reward" God's followers; God only guides them to attaining moksha. These disasters were nothing more than the hardships of life, as much as devout Muslims want to believe otherwise. In the next life, perhaps there will be something to make up for the hardships suffered in this one - perhaps not.

  • 2 decades ago

    Apparently if there is a God, or Allah, he doesn't dish out punishments according to who's been naughty or nice.

    These things occure as the result of nature and believing in a supreme being will not protect you from physical or financial harm.

  • 2 decades ago

    I asked the same thing sometimes. But then I think because Allah loves these people so much that Allah doesn't want them to suffer any longer in this blind, injustice, stereo typing world.

    Source(s): My blue cells
  • 2 decades ago

    It's not Allah punishing his followers, it's my Christian God punishing those non believers who should be punished for not following him.

    And the christians being killed along with those Muslims obviously deserved to die because of some reason only known to God.

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