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Is being an Atheist............?

like being in a non-prophet organization


I see the gene pool could use a little chlorine.

27 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL, nice pun. I'm going to steal it and use it sometime.

  • 2 decades ago

    Actually, it is... Both, Athiest and Believer are "Believers". As Love presents Love, many become aware of "something" they were unaware of before, (sometimes its their own Heart). Searching for an explaination, religions, philosophies, beliefs, etc are investigated. The "awareness" is what is important. The Athiest is aware of the absence of anything being "there" when the idea-field in question is examined. This awareness of absence for the athiest, is just as strong as the awareness of "something-is-there" is for the "believer", and both may be able to back it up with science, logic,evidence, non-evidence and the like. Yet, both are crossing the lines of what they were familiar with on an everyday basis, to examine a new field of awareness, and both come up with a very strong answere regarding it (so strong their Life Stratagies are influenced by it). At this point I would say that since many "believers-in Presence" are granted non-prophet org status, and they are almost identical in "awareness" as the Athiest (only the yes or no changes), that YES, being an Athiest Is like being in a non-prophet org.... both are "Belivers", and both are correct. Its the Nature of Love to make sure that whatever choice one makes, they cannot lose...and are included in this Beautiful Play of Life, here and here-after. Our beliefs, choices etc will change from time to time. Love does not....change. Always the same.

    Love me :)

  • 2 decades ago

    Actually, some of the most faithful people out there are Atheists. I mean, it takes a huge amount of faith to believe that all the **** around us "just happened". It's pretty easy to be Christian and to blindly believe in the bible.

    I am a Christian and I do believe in the Bible but I have challenged most of it and found that it holds true. Churches, on the other hand. Holy Hanna, that's another story.

  • 2 decades ago need to stop preaching about the bible. You have no proof who wrote that. For all you know it could be some lunatic. Being an not a bad thing at all. Anyone who judges someone else for what they think is worse than an atheist. Even if they think they have god backing them up....they are ignorant and close-minded.

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  • 2 decades ago

    1 John 2:22

    Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is the anti christ that denieth the Father and the Son

    On the day of Judgement, they will be cast into hell with Satan.

    1 John 2:11

    But he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knowth not weither he goeth, because that darkenss hath blinded his eyes

  • Nick
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Turn to christianity

    The prophet is goin to heaven

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago


    "Atheism is a non-prophet organization"

    - Unknown

  • 2 decades ago

    heh. I guess it is. How sad is it that these religious types can't spot an obvious joke question? The real question is "Is it possible to ask a question on Yahoo! Answers without anyone trying to convert you?" The answer is "No.", of course.

  • 2 decades ago


  • 2 decades ago

    What the ???? It's having a free spirit and making your own mind up as to what you believe. Not being bounded by hypocracy or brainwashing.

  • 2 decades ago

    Hahahahaha that is funny! I'm guessing a lot of people missed the joke on this one.

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