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Define Terrorism?

24 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    destroying the peace and order of a country.even u.s. commited such crime but they did it manipulatively to protect their interest and control of the situations.for business purpose but you cannot blame them they are doing well even they did it secretly!

  • 2 decades ago

    I'm willing to bet the first thing that comes to many peoples minds is Muslims.But the better answer would be a person who, for what ever reason, does acts against the innocent that could be defined as anything that would deprive a person or persons of their freedom or life through terror.And this often is done in order to have lasting effects on people who have not been terrorized but may identify in some way with those who were.

  • 2 decades ago

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia






    War on Terrorism








    State sponsored









    IED (bomb)

    Car bombing

    Suicide bombing



    Nuclear terrorism





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    Terrorism refers to a strategy of using violence, social threats, or coordinated attacks, in order to generate fear, cause disruption, and ultimately, bring about compliance with specified political, religious, or ideological demands. The targets of terrorist attacks typically are not the individuals who are killed, injured, or taken hostage, but rather the societies to which these individuals belong. Terrorism is designed to subvert existing political atmospheres, often with the aid of the mass media's influence. Other intended effects of terrorist activities on targeted societies include the curtailment of civilian standards of living and civil liberties associated with greater security demands, economic hardship linked to the costs of war, hopelessness to defend against assaults, depression, and disintegration of morale. These objectives are parallel to the objectives of unconventional warfare.

    State terrorism more specifically refers to violence and threats of violence, embargoes and other forms of terrorism against civilians by the government of a state. The civilians, in such case, may be nationals or foreigners.

    Source(s): From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • 2 decades ago

    I would define terrorism as a militant act by a group in order to level itself with an established and recognized government. It is a political statement made by means of physical force. The target itself does not necessarily have to be a government building or establishment, but any target, even civilian, if symbolic to a country.

    That is what it is. The motive can't always be to demoralize a country. There has to be some sort of benefit that it seeks. I would also define a terrorist act based on the origin of its financing, but not necessarily limited to that.

    McVeigh blew up that building to gain the government's attention, and to try and portray himself as posing a real threat to the government, that they could not completely regulate, by the magnitude of damage done in that act.

    That's my defintion. It's anti-government, but not for a physical gain of power, but for the publicity. Key word, publicity. In a nutshell: "Ordinary groups seek extraordinary recognition, based on a militant act against an established government and/or its civilians."

    It does not always have to do with "compliance of demands." I don't think small terror groups are trying to get the richest nation in the world to bow to their demands. They are simply trying to gain recognition, and glory. The motive is a mixture of boredom with self-glorification, and politics is the minor aspect in it.

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    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Terrorism refers to a strategy of using violence, social threats, or coordinated attacks, in order to generate fear, cause disruption, and ultimately, bring about compliance with specified political, religious, or ideological demands. The targets of terrorist attacks typically are not the individuals who are killed, injured, or taken hostage, but rather the societies to which these individuals belong. Terrorism is designed to subvert existing political atmospheres, often with the aid of the mass media's influence. Other intended effects of terrorist activities on targeted societies include the curtailment of civilian standards of living and civil liberties associated with greater security demands, economic hardship linked to the costs of war, hopelessness to defend against assaults, depression, and disintegration of morale.

  • 2 decades ago

    Terrorism is the act of committing violence (murder, rape, maiming, etc.) against a civilian population in the hope that a military enemy will have compassion for the victims and try to end the violence by agreeing to your demands instead of fighting you.

  • 2 decades ago

    Terrorism is the the act or threat of action to do harm to people or goods in order to create fear.

  • 2 decades ago

    The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

  • Shayna
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I know this is not the answer for your question,,,but about the same topic I asked a question a never had any answer for !!! wonder why!!! my question was :

    What’s happening in Gaza? Kids are killed!!! Families are murdered!!! Any objections! Don’t you see violence there? Don’t you consider that terrorism?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    terrorism is when people or persons intimidate another to the point that they feel terror,in their lives. terrorism is the tool of the coward .

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