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Yahoo! Answers...?

A boon to those hungry for knowledge?

Or a more efficient way to spread disinformation?

I am by no means an expert in everything, but I notice a lot of false claims, personal opinion, and other hooey purported as 'fact' in many of these answers. Are people smart enough to know the difference? Many people can write eloquently, but don't know squat about what they are talking about. On the other hand, someone with a wealth of knowledge, but bad grammar, might be dismissed offhand as ignorant. If I don't know enough about something to respond intelligently and concisely, I either do a little research, or let someone more knowledgeable field the question. Sadly, it seems, many others do not, to the detriment of others.

What do you think?

8 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Both. There are plenty of genuine people using Yahoo! Answers who not only give well thought out, logical, accurate answers, but who also ask genuine questions. On the other hand, there are also plenty of people communicating in negative ways, not recognizing the serious questions from the not-so-serious questions, and being generally disrespectful, but there's really nothing we can do about it other than report them or be just as disrespectful in return. Treat other as you want to be treated, I always say, and if someone wants to treat you poorly they are fair game to be treated just the same way.

    Yahoo! Answers proves, yet again, that no matter where you go you will also have to put up with immature behavior, negative attitudes and profound ignorance - and when I say ignorance I'm not talking about spelling and grammar errors.

    Yes, there are some very uneducated answers being spread out there, but for every one instance of disinformation there are probably about three instances of knowlegable answers. I can't say for sure as I have neither the motivation nor desire to do the math, but I've read a lot of questions and read a lot of answers and it seems to me that most everyone wants to be kind and helpful to their fellow man (or woman). I've actually found this to be very encouraging and I've had a little of my faith in humanity restored.

    All in all, I think Yahoo! Answers is great, addictive, but great. I am the type of person who will always look for the pros before I look for the cons and if I don't have a good answer that will actually help someone who is in need of information- I do not answer the question. I am also responsible in answering the serious questions that I answer, though, I have been known to lash out, I only do it when the subject of my ridicule and/or insult has been disrespectful and deserves to be told a thing or two.

  • 2 decades ago

    I think if people really want an authoritative answer they would be better off getting professional help. By that, I mean calling, emailing, or going to the public library and asking a reference librarian.

    You are right that some good answers are undermined by poor writing. Many answers are opinions and not facts. It would be better if people would show their source of information.

    Source(s): my opinion as a retired librarian
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in the beginning, I both love Yahoo! solutions and Yahoo! 360 although they are 2 diverse issues. What i love about Y! solutions is that you get to assist human beings around the international on the failings that worry them or they are merely fascinated in. maximum of all, you get to percentage your information to others which for me is a widespread deal. i quite do not use my Y! 360 account that a lot yet i must claim that it really is powerful coz it facilitates me stay appropriate to the individuals i quite cherish the most like my relations and friends..And it facilitates me to augment my creativity and use my complicated options.. desire this solutions your question..

  • 2 decades ago

    Yeah, but usually it's funny stuff! It's what makes it soo fun to be on. It would be pretty boring if everything was straight-laced, and everyone knew exactly what they were talking about. But, it is pretty annoying when someone puts something really stupid on someone's post just for points, or to try to sound smart.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 2 decades ago

    Yeah, I feel bad for people who are asking serious questions about their children or an injury they have. This really isn't the place to get medical advise or therapy. But it is fun to find out who else out there can't stand Lindsay Lohan!

  • 2 decades ago

    It's fun! Leave it alone. I've learned some cool things on here.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I completely agree.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I think, Whatever.

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