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Frankie asked in HealthOther - Health · 2 decades ago

Girls... Do you like a guy that Drinks, Smoke ( Cigs ) or do Both?

Explain to me if drinking or smoking or both turns you on or off and why?

33 Answers

  • angel
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Smoking - well just I can't stand the smell and it makes me have a headache

    Drinking- makes a person NOT the same person

    but in general - i dont think i have a right to judge guys , it is human right and a way of relief as I heard, same as my crying and listening to rock when I am upset and lonely

  • 2 decades ago

    I think it's ok if a guy drinks. As long as he doesn't get but drunk all the time. I guess it also depends on age and responsibilities. If you are young and not in a serious relationship. It's understandable to have a good time (w/ drinks). If you are married, you should keep it to a limit.

    I personally don't like the smell of smoke/smoking. Gives you bad breath and causes aging faster. And more importantly can cause cancer.

  • mumtaz
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Since i don't Drink the smell is a big turn off. I don't smoke either but i like the smell of Cigs.

  • 2 decades ago

    Drinking alters your personality. You are not your 'real' self and often times being drunk can cause you to either be very quiet (snooze, boring) or be obnoxious (whooo too much personality)

    Casual social drinking can be ok, however if everytime you try to casually drink you end up s**t faced, then you may have a problem (not you personally, just in general)

    Smoking isn't good for you. I had the problem and it is HARD to kick the habit. Health wise it isn't good. When you are at a resteraunt or club, you can't help being around it, but when you are trying to be intimate, it's hard to cuddle and kiss with someone blowing smoke in your face.

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  • 2 decades ago

    I prefer that the guy that I am dealing with is not into smoking. For me I think that is the worse quality b/c in the long run it will catch up with the person and cause serious problems. Drinking on the other hand is okay, when the occasion calls for it.(hoildies) But everyone should have their limits with any substance.

    Source(s): my dad doesn't do either, and i always told my self that i would love to met a gut like my father.
  • 1 decade ago

    Neither...because I drink very rarely, had alcoholism in my biological family, and can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke, either "fresh" or on someone. I lived with a smoker growing up, and I always used to hate the way it made everything stink. And I didn't like kissing an ashtray, either. Love the guy, hated that he smoked!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I don't mind a guy drinking as long as he doesn't do it every night! I wouldn't go out with someone who needs to drink to be confident or thinks that getting drunk is the only thing worth doing in an evening. I like going to bars and clubs but I like to balance that with other activities; theatre, cinema, eating out, staying in etc. Sharing a bottle of wine or two with someone is really nice if accompanied with great conversation. I wouldn't mind if a guy preferred not to drink at all though.

    Smoking is just disgusting though, I'd never go out with someone who smokes. I think it's a waste of money and it damages not only the health of the smoker but also that of those around them. I really like kissing but kissing someone who smokes is just really unpleasant.

  • 2 decades ago

    I like a guy that drinks in social situations, cause that's what I do, but if he feels the need to drink more than once or twice week, then no. If he smokes it doesn't bother me. I used to. I have a cigarette occasionally still. So I wouldn't be bothered by the fact.

  • 2 decades ago

    Total turn off for smoking - who wants to smell that when you cuddle?? As for drinking, some people do it immaturely and that's a turn off...but if it's only for social purposes and things don't get out of hand, that's fine

  • 2 decades ago

    It does not turn me off because I smoke and drink. I have found that a lot of people don't care for smokers.

  • 2 decades ago

    I don't care if he drink but I don't like him smoking all the time but I'm not going to be like stop. If thats what he does then thats what he does I'm not going to be one to change him. If he has a problem with it tho I will try to help as best I can. But I would never try to change him

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