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was 9/11 a government operation?

Real thoughts only. Both Sides.

18 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I see a lot of people giving emotional answers talking about sickos, and how it couldn't be our government because "why would they do that?" or "how could they kill their own people?"

    Well, for anyone who doesn't believe the government could possibly think about killing innocent people to accomplish some goal they have that seems important to them, look up Operation Northwoods - an operation that was planned by the government to carry out false terrorist attacks and blame them on Fidel Castro and the Cuban Government as a pretext for military intervention in Cuba. This one didn't actually happen, but it was planned out, so we know that people in the government put a lot of time and effort in thinking about it - and you can now see some of the declassified documents about it online.

    Now, I'm not saying the government planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks for sure, because I don't have enough evidence to judge. But I don't think it would be impossible, and I certainly don't think there is enough evidence available to disprove the hypothesis. One thing that seems to be almost certain to me is that the details that the government gave us about 9/11 are not true. So the question is, why aren't they telling the truth? What are they hiding from us that is so important to keep secret that they would risk looking like they were involved by omitting hard evidence to the contrary?

    As for reasons the government might have done it, only a few people necessarily needed to know about the plan, not everyone in the goverment, and if those few people were not good judges of morality, and had some cause to think it would be best for the country, some reasons that seem ridiculous to most may seem convincing to them. For instance, to gain control of oil, or to increase the power of the U.S. government in the middle east, or to increase the profits of the defense industry, etc, etc.

    Among the reasons that the government's details don't match the truth are:

    - 9 of the alleged hijackers have apparently turned up alive and obviously not guilty of the alleged hijackings, living in Saudi Arabia.

    - The towers fell so fast that physicists have said it is impossible that explosions and fire caused by plane crashes are the only cause of the fall (pointing toward some kind of secondary explosives that must have been the cause).

    - There has been a study done to determine the probability of successfully connecting a cell phone call while flying that indicates the calls from the planes were probably faked.

    - The towers were engineered to have multiple airplane impacts each, and burn for hours at high temperatures while retaining their structutal integrity - inconveniently, the manager of many of the construction projects in the towers was killed in the attacks.

    I don't know for sure what kind of involvement the government had in the attacks if any, but I do know that they have been irresponsible in satisfying themselves with the conclusions they came to shortly after the attacks and not investigating further to see what really happened, after it has become obvious that their conclusions were clearly incorrect.

    For more scientific information about the cause of 9/11 visit my sources. Some articles you read about it will be exaggerations, or will seem like "liberal jibberjabber" but don't discredit all of the information simply because one part of it is wrong, or one of the articles goes too far.

    Remember, just because someone is talking about a conspiracy doesn't automatically make them wrong - conspiracies are not impossible. The real conspiracy theorists in this case are the government officials who theorized the obviously false situation about the terrorists who simply flew the planes into the buildings and caused them to fall.

  • 2 decades ago

    That's a very bad question. 9-11 was carried out by Islamic Fascists in coordination with Bin Laden. They probably planned this 3-4 years in advance. No I don't believe the government would kill it's own people.

  • 2 decades ago

    I've heard that but I'm not sure, some people have very good theories. I have think about it a lot of times and I come to the reason that it could not be possible because of the telephone calls that victims made to their homes. In these calls they all agree on terrorists taking their planes and they describe them as Islamic kind of people. So its kind or weird that the government of the US could do that. I do believe no plane hit the pentagon, that was something else, maybe a missile.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Cristiano Ronaldo

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    no,9\11 was not a government operation. this horrible thing was done by mean people who not understnd our government nor our ethics. those mean people didn't even care about the innocent people and children they murdered. i feel that got out of what they done to us and our country easy.but we will be alright because we all stick together like we always do.

    Source(s): myself
  • 2 decades ago

    All I have to say is the government let nerve gas off in an American city years ago to see the effects of it so what does that say about trust!

  • 2 decades ago

    Maybe or maybe The Bush Administration just took advantage of a preexisting operation.Either way, the American people and the world have been hoaxed,wagged the dogged,tricked,bamboozled,etc... Peace.

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Someone was as it didn't go down like the government said. Too many scientific impossibilitie!!! Doesn't add up!

  • 2 decades ago

    we will probably never know so we should drop it.

    i hope not, but i saw a picture of a plane beside the tower

    which was already on fire.

    and if you hit a building on top why does it cave into itself.?

    all quetions no answers, so let it go.

    would we really accept the truth anyway?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You can't be serious with this question. Why would the government want to kill thousands of our own people? That's just absurd.

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