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This section is for religion & spirituality, why are you here if you are not religious or spiritual?

I really cannot understand why the so many interllectual people on this site who seem to be able to prove that God does not exist are on this forum. It really is confusing, you curse and make fun of religious people, but yet you are on a forum that states religion. What in the world is wrong with you people? You say we force our beliefs on you, yet you are trying to force us to believe your views on our religious section, Hello!!. It just clearly proves to me that the devil is hard at work, he is using the ignorance of the masses to try and discourage true believers. Ask yourself, why am I angry about a God that does not exist? Why am I angry about the questions people ask on a religious forum, when I do not believe or when I should not be here if I am not interested in religion? Why am I angry with a God of love? The answer to your question is you have allowed the devil to cloud your mind and harden your heart with his hate.


Read Ephesians 6:10-19.

To summarize it says, we battle not agains flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the rulers of darkness, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand against the wiles of the devil. Take the shield of faith wherewith you maybe able to quench the fierly darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation which is God's word.

22 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree 250%. These people only have 25% percent of an Idea about what they are talking about. (I like percents) They don't even know all the books of the bible. They are tryign to convert us to their own twisted form of religion. They should just learn to back away from questions they can't answer well. Like this one.

  • 2 decades ago

    I happen to browse all the categories thank you! Its not about browsing the religious and spiritual category to stuff down your throat that there is no god. In fact Im quite the opposite. To each is their own. What is wrong with browsing this category simply for the sake of being curious as to what questions are being asked? I don't think that anyone is trying to force their beliefs on me either. However, when I got to a certain question that sparked my interest it said in big letters: ATHIESTS: Can you prove you have brains? So exactly why is that if athiests shouldn't be browsing this section that people are choosing to bash athiests?? So we can't defend ourselves? Come on now if you people have so much to preach about shouldn't be some kind of testimonial as to how great God has been to you instead of pointing out and judging people that are different?

  • 2 decades ago

    Oh gee, how nice it would be for everyone to sit together and just agree on everything...

    Since you asked, there are two main reasons that atheists come here:

    1) The forum says Religion and SPIRITUALITY...since when did bible-thumpers have the exclusive rights on spirituality?

    2) People like you, in this forum, specifically ask atheists questions...I know you guys love rhetoric, but are all of those questions rhetorical?

    Another bright bulb spouting about the devil when it's really just a good-natured debate...hope that works for you, enjoy your protective bubble...

  • 2 decades ago

    That's why I don't get mad. A healthy faith is a questioned faith, both questioned by others and (most importantly) by yourself. Blind faith is one of the most terrible "inventions" of Man, an open, healthy mind towards others ideas and beliefs is essential for any religion (or, like me, lack thereof) We are simply trying to let others of all religions (and yes, even some atheists along the way) enjoy a more open minded life.

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  • Tray
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Hey, hey, hey, calm down. Most of us are just passing through looking for good questions to answer.

    I think the question you need to think about--why are you so defensive? If you're getting upset over the non-religious people challenging other's beliefs, is it because you worry they might be right, might have a good argument?

    I think you should concentrate more on what people do that's good, and leave the devil to his own work, he doesn't need any encouragement.

  • 2 decades ago

    I agree with you and only can hope that they are here and respond to the questions because they really want to believe.

    Like last night ,I requested prayer for my test today at the hospital. One person out of 33 answered by saying, No I don't pray and if you did you would not be going to the hospital.

    I cannot for the life of me see why he even responded to my request. God still loves him and so do I. I will pray for him and all to open their eyes, before it's too late.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It's an open forum to discuss religion and spirituality, even if you feel that a God doesn't exist in your belief structure

  • Ally
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I think that they're here because, in a way, that IS there religion. I also think that they're good for the religious people who aren't strong in their faith because they make them realize that. It's NOT a good thing to never question what your religion teaches. You should always be questioning as that's the first step in learning.

  • Tim 47
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    IN the end the ridiclulers will come with their ridicule saying "where is this promised presence of His"?

    2 Peter 3:3

  • 2 decades ago

    Im an athiest and proud of it AND I never go to that site I only respond to these sort of idiot questions when I see them on open question where, if you got out a bit more you would realise that in open questions all sections and all questions are shown.

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