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Lv 7

why be in this category if you are so convinced that there is no GOD??

why spend so much time and venom if there is no GOD or any validity of a spiritual nature??

wouldn't time be better spent elswhere?? not trying to antagonize ANYONE..just curious..only educated answers will earn points..smartasses need not apply..

13 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    well.. i suppose you're referring to us atheists..

    why be in this category? why spend so much time? because the questions and answers in this category are often tickling my curiosity, and if it hits the right spot - i'll answer.

    both christian and atheist questions are very interesting to read or answer

    usually, it's about the need of expressing yourselves. atheisme is not about disbelief, it's about rejection of organized religion and their hidden agendas - it's about the need not to be controlled and the celebration of free will.

    which is why Q & A's from closed-minded, robotic, conceited religious fanatics always drew a great amount of interest from the atheists

    if there is a category called non-religion and non-spirituality, do you think the die-hard christians will not show up there? they will.

    Source(s): i personally find venomous atheist comments childish, it's unnecessary and incites conflict...
  • 2 decades ago

    There is little venom here, except from the pseudochristians who are really not sure of their faith and feel that attack is the best form of defence.

    I try to ask questions or make responses to make some people think. I must admit though. I get a laugh out of ridiculing some of the more stupid questions and answers. I know I shouldn't do it but I don't have a life. It's the only enjoyment for an old man.

    That's knoWledge Caroline (sorry, force of habit, I'm a schoolteacher)

  • 2 decades ago

    scientology is a religion.

    pagan is a religion.

    etc. ect. ect. is a religion.

    I understand why you ask you question, but you need to look at it from both sides, not just from a God fearing side.

    See I've noticed alot of things on here. Yes, there are those people on here that don't believe in God answering questions they shouldn't. But the truth is the God fearing people on this site answers a whole lot more of questions they should not answer (at least twice as much).

    I mean some people ask questions to get answers and then all they get is you and your kind are going to hell. Sorry, that doesn't answer the question.

    Now when you ask a question like "how old is God" or something like that it's open to anybody not just God fearing people.

    Lastly I want to state if wanted to put God in schools, he would have to be taught as a theory (intellegent design). Since I am a God fearing person I would hate it if a school would teach my kids that he is just a theory.

    I used the term God fearing, because it is the easiest way to say somebody who believes in God. Truth is I do not fear him, why should I. He loves me and I love him.

  • 2 decades ago

    Some people are so miserable that they cannot do but spit venom. But it is actually good that all the people are taking part of this site. Even though those el-creepoes with nasty and gross comments should stay at their home writing journals instead.

    I would like to know when is going through their mind's though when they read that Jesus loves everybody and His gift is to everybody...and then they make a real goofy answer.

    We need to have a little bit more grace with such individuals. God is good and He wants us to share gospel to misled. You do not actually have to be a bad person and still miss the gift of eternal life. You only have to decline Jesus. I love the Lord!!

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    This section is for religion and spirituality. Your christianity is not the only religion. Last time i checked one could be spiritual and not believe in god. The budhists are one example. So if you cannot debate with ppl to bring them to your line of reasoning don't call it venom coz you find the truth poisonous.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Because it gets on my nerves that some people will make stupid assumptions about me, just because I'm not a believer (just in case, this isn't about you). Besides, I have a sociological interest in religion. I'm an outsider when it comes to faith, but religion is an important issue in societies, because it conditions us more than I wish it did. So, it's something you have to be on the alert about.

  • 2 decades ago

    The three enemies of a Christian are (in no particular order): Satan, the world, and the flesh. Any combination of these can cause a person to reject the truth and work against it.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    1. What are you doing to keep religious mumbo-jumbo out of government and schools, or are you a hypochristian? If you don't want to hear views that contradict your own, keep them where they're welcome: in your home and in your church. Keep them OUT of other people's lives.

    2. A place like "yahoo answers" is a free-for-all open to all POVs. If you don't want to hear contrary views, go post on a christian site that censors people who disagree with you.

  • mkm
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    When u r free to have your own opinions about anything you confront on day-to-day life, why r u so scared on views not suiting your belief. That's not fair and proper!

  • 2 decades ago

    God luvs u so much... he sent his 1 n only son Jesus 2 die on da cross 2 4give u n heal u... he den rose up da 3rd day. John 3:16 "4 God so loveth da world dat he sent his only bgotten sno , dat whosoeva believeth in him should not perish but hav everlastin life." Accept him now... "Jesus, I blieve u died on da cross 4 me n rose da 3rd day.. I kno I wusn't livin my life rite, but I accept u now 2 *** into my heart n 4give me. I repent now, I luv u Lord. IN JESUS NAME I PRAY. AMEN" 1day every knee shall bow n every tongue shall confess dat, “JESUS IS LORD”

    Dun u alredy feel betta. God Bless U! N 1day we shall meet in Heaven. Ne ?s my email ad is

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