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Lv 4

What if tradition conflicts other tradition or the Bible?

So the Catholic Church believes that they follow God as He expresses His will through church tradition and the Bible, but what happens if there are conflicting traditions? What happens if tradition conflicts with the Bible? Martin Luther said that he does not accept the teachings of popes and councils because the contradict themselves. So, what trumps tradition or the Bible? And if tradition trumps, how do we know what tradition does if there are more traditions that conflict.


I find it interesting that many Christians define a cult as "those religious groups who used (possibly exclusively) non-standard translations of the Bible, put additional revelation on a similar or higher level than the Bible, or had beliefs and/or practices deviant from those of traditional Christianity." (Wikipedia)

Isn't following "holy tradition" putting additional revelation on a similar or higher level than the Bible? So would that also not make the Catholic Church a cult? I also think they have a lot of doctrines that deviate from traditional Christianity, although that would depend on how one defines traditional doctrine; I define it as the doctrine the apostles followed and believed.

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bible should be the final authority. Period.

    Traditions are man-made rules that change over periods of time.

    "Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit according to the TRADITIONS OF MEN, according to the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ." Col. 2:8.

  • 2 decades ago

    If the Bible is our Guideline - anything that departs from its examples has departed from the roots of true Christiandom. I am continually amazed at the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church how vastly different they are.

    It was a will of men to depart from the examples give, and I am certain the Apostle Peter would never have taught different from the doctrine handed him.

    The myths of Peter being crucified upside down for example were Roman Catholic generated tales. Jesus plainly told Peter he would die of old age. The RCC's Pope heritage makes a mockery of the Bible and today has began a systemic discrediting of the Bible's edicts and examples. A heretical religion made my blending Judaism, Christianity and Hellenism's idol worship and other concepts, sums up the wicked rebellious Roman Catholic Church's roots via the Vatican.

  • 2 decades ago

    Traditions is just that traditions. And it is man's traditions that GOD will judge. The Catholic Church believes that they follow the word of GOD and I am here to say that they are wrong. I have proof. Read your history books to see how this church got started. There are much conflicting things here, JESUS is not married to this church.The church says that you can not marry that is contray to GOD when HE told man to be fruitful and multiply that is the first commandment. The church says you are going to heaven(Rapture) when you die and no good John is in hell. The BIBLE says That there will be a judgment. Traditions tells you that you can eat anything, just pray over it. GOD says that these are the beast that you can eat and the beast that you can not eat. GOD says that the 7th day of the week is HIS sabbath. The church tells you that Jesus rose on Easter Sunday morning. GOD says make NO graven images of HIM. But you see The cross in the churches with JESUS still on it. Read Matthew15th chapter1-9. The elders had traditions GOD has commandments. This has gone by the world like a bullet and no one has laid it to heart (mind). Read Revelations 17th and it will tell you about this whore that sits on many waters and this whore has many daughters. But after all I said, it is up to you to choose. Traditions man's way or commandments GODS way I choose GOD'S way.

    Source(s): History Books and the Bible.
  • 2 decades ago

    The Bible trumps all. Do you understand that the Bible is the actual word of God? The Bible is so perfect that there is not one single word which can be added or taken away ... all conversations that God has with someone is through His word.

    Imagine leaving a book for your loved ones which, no matter what situation they are in, they can turn to it and be comforted, or figure out which way to go. They can make all the major decisions of their life, they have a map throughout life to follow so they do not get lost. Well, that's the Bible.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is the Holy Word Of God and when anything is different than what it teaches don't follow it no matter the religion, Religion and Church or Family Tradition will take you to Hell the Word of God will stand true forever. But you must know it says we have to rightly divide it with the help of the Holy Spirit!

  • 2 decades ago

    The prophet Isaiah wrote regarding those who say they speak for God,

    Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

    Therefore, if tradition conflicts with what the Bible teaches, then the tradition must be changed. The Bible changes tradition, not tradition the Bible.


  • 2 decades ago

    Excellent question. I am not a Catholic. I believe that throughout their history (mostly) well intentioned people have made mistakes, and these bad decisions have been followed and perpetuated. For example the bible says we should have elders and deacons, not a pope. It also says we are to repent and be baptized. Yet the Catholic church continues to sprinkle infants. I do want to emphasize that Catholics have done and continue to do good things. I will not bash them or call them anti-christ as some have done in the past. I hope and pray that they will come into a greater obedience to God's word.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well that's just the problem. In RC tradition trumps the Bible. When a pope makes a mistake (he is infallible), then that mistake becomes tradition (they have to work on it a little). It is a vicious circle that has kept the catholics Catholic. Until they can break this cycle they will remain just as they are.

  • 2 decades ago

    If tradition conflicts with the Word of God let tradition be cursed and the Word reign supreme.

  • 2 decades ago

    You ask a plethora of age-old conundrums; a natural expression of the human quest. I would suggest a viewing of the film "Life of Brian" with an open mind and hopefully a mind with an ear for informed humour.

    Love thy neighbor as thyself and continue on your way with a still heart, never mind the brain.

    Source(s): Life-long search
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