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Help! my cat is covered in oil!?
My cat has just come home covered in what looks lke oil, i have bathed him (oh so many scratches! ouch) and i have got almost all of it off, what else can i do?
Thanks for all your advice, i cleaned him up and he's fine now, no ill effects at all, apart from the physical and emotional scars we'll both have from those baths!
22 Answers
- kaylamay64Lv 42 decades agoFavorite Answer
yes, everyone is right about the dawn dish soap. also, use a vinegar/water rinse to get out any remaining soap residue as this will really cause dry skin and lots of itching and scratching later.
you might also want to get some cat conditioner to put on to help put moisture back in to his fur and skin. in a pinch use human conditioner, but rinse well. try keeping him indoors from now on poor baby, and you must be just shredded! OUCH is right! get the name brand neosporin and clean scratches with disinfectant and rub in neosporin until the scratches scab over(you can leave them uncovered so the air get to them) use bandaid if you must or if they are deep. if too deep see dr. as bad scratches and bites from cats can cause very nasty infections, believe me i know. neosporin should also help with non scarring.
Source(s): life with lots of cats and ex army medic - ?Lv 44 years ago
Haha! sounds like some thing my cats might do! as quickly as my cat jumped up onto a cupboard, knocked a load of movies off it, which then got here crashing down onto a plant! XD besides, lol! In all seriousness nonetheless; you ought to purchase some proper cat shampoo. it's going to take a whilst to bathe out (and the cat won't precisely "appreciate" it) even nonetheless it is going to with any luck help. it is important you wash all of it out considering you do not choose your cat licking it; even in spite of if that's made for cats! additionally; do not bath your cat too generally as this might make the floor produce much greater oil! i've got had an identical problems with my cat. She gets oil on herself from decrease than autos. I wash off as much as lots as i will, then the black mark left merely progressively fades away. by ability of how - she's all white! Lol! so which you would be able to think of the difficulty she has with stains! XD Lol! i'm hoping that helped and robust success!!! P.S. do not use Fairy Liquid! straight forward experience, human beings! XD
- 2 decades ago
Dawn dish soap, takes all the oil out. Make sure he drinks lots of water just in case he licked some off. Make sure you get every last bit, no matter how many times you have to bathe him. You can patch yourself up with neosporin and band aides later. Try not to get he soap in his eyes, it really hurts. Good luck.
- ShadycatLv 42 decades ago
The bathing is great, but you should also call your vet and tell them what happened. Because cats are fastidious groomers, it's possible that he ingested some of it in trying to clean it off himself, so you might have a poisoning situation on your hands. Please at least CALL your vet ASAP and let them know what happaned so they can at advise you.
- 2 decades ago
you need to bathe him thoroughly with Dawn dish soap and then check to see if there is any more on him. If there is, then do it again untill it is gone. Then if there isnt any more dry him off and brush him thoroughly to get of any hair on him that might have oil on them. Be sure NOT to use the blowdryer to dry him off. Give him plenty of clean water ot drink in case he swallowed any.
Source(s): My cat did the same thing - 2 decades ago
Bathe him again with Dawn dish detergent. It is safe enough that environmentalists use it to clean ducks when there are oil spills in the ocean.
- Who am I?Lv 52 decades ago
Dish soap is the best, but you have to have a good conditioning shampoo for cats. to use right after the dish soap
If you can hold your cat or have help, clip the ends it' claws of with a pair of fingernail clippers. Be careful not to cut them to short. It won't hurt to clip both ends.
- 2 decades ago
personal opinion? Sheer of the hair, then give it a clean wash as prescribed by some of these pros, and then allow new fresh clean hair to grow back. Just an opinion... purely grey thought.... and...hope you've taken "tetness shots" for those scratches.
- Anonymous2 decades ago
Make sure that the cat does not eat or lick the substance or whatever it is. Keep on trying to get it off.
- Anonymous2 decades ago
try dawn it is good for use on animals during oil spills it will b good 4 the cat