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In a relationship where one person is in charge, is it generally more often the male or female?

Explanation: Women are GREAT at scheming. They can plan ahead with the utmost accuracy and generally have more developed emotional centers than men. We, on the other hand, drink beer, watch sports, and are generally happy doing and thinking about.... nothing. That sets up a perfect scenario for the more estrogen laden members of our species to think they 'run the show'.

14 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Give me a break! There are plenty of ego ridden men out there trying to Lord over their women. To be honest. If you let your women guide you, I have more respect for you! It shows open mindedness and humility. And a desire to enjoy what your women has to offer you. If you let her be truly free.... you are guaranteed to have a great relationship and a "really' good time.

    Good Luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    Sweetie... Of course the women run the relationship. In fact, women run everything, but we let the men stay "in charge" so that they can take the blame if something goes wrong. But you are right, women are so emotionally centered and guys just want to think about nothing... so we automatically have the upper hand. Because we know what you are thinking and we are in tune with everything, we are better at analyzing the situation and dealing with it in a way that benefits us. Men, on the other hand, just want to watch sports, and are therefore not aware of what is going on around them... Don't be afraid, though. All men live under the control of a woman. It's normal.

  • 2 decades ago

    Don't know what the stats are on that, but I can honestly say that I have most often seen females in charge. They seem to let their man take the lead in public (as not to make him look like a wus). But at home behind closed doors, she usually has the upperhand.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    When I am with a man, HE wears the pants in the family, I just tell him which ones to put on

    btw, we do run the show, we just let you think it was your decision ...

    P.S. Brandysmom is a smart woman....

  • 2 decades ago

    Definitely female are all the time in charge, if they are not is a bad relation.

  • 2 decades ago

    If one person is "in charge" it doesn't sound like much of a relationship to me.

  • 2 decades ago

    In the relationship, both think he or she runs the show his or her self.

  • blah
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    it could be both because some women are easygoing and other men are more highstrung. your explanation seems logical but a bit sterotypical.

  • 2 decades ago

    i think that in a relationship the guys let the girls run the show. they are so laid back they don't really care!

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    depends who is the passive one and who is the complete opposite.

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