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old hippie here-just wondering after reading this one a couple of times-?

how many people believe you have to have a religion or a god to be spiritual?--------------------keep the peace lots of love old hippie here


didnt mean to shout must have hit wrong button sorry

Update 2:

to tnladi2000-not that old

Update 3:

good answers here thanks all-what is your vote

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer
  • XYZ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't. The spirit may well exist independent of any kind of god - I don't see why the two have to have anything in common.

    I've answered a few questions on Y!A about the spirit. I kind of believe in it - in a half-formed way. As I see it, there is a tangible difference between a living human and a dead body, between an animal and a stone. Something 'leaves' at the moment we call death. It might just be self-perpetuating electrical impulses. But if that's what it is, 'spirit' is still a useful name for it.

    I guess that believing in this spirit - such as it is - and believing that it might connect humans in some fashion and thus be a useful tool for self-analysis and introspection - could make me a 'spritual' person. But it ain't got nothing to do with any god or any religion!


  • 1 decade ago

    No religion or definable god necessary. That is why there are so many religions/gods out there. Spirituality is of the self's soul- in that, the only correct answer would be the one you find in your heart.

    Now this answer you find COULD lead you to a particular religion- which to me are more like clubs: There is a leader and the followers. Religion does not leave much room for individuality, but many are comfortable with not having to figure their 'inner voices/selves' out. This is what their soul tells them and this is where they are fulfilled.

    To me, if you are this open (the way you seem to be), you may find yourself exploring many different religions and finding the same theme within them. You will then come to the conclusion that religion is not for you, and spirituality is.

    In my opinion, Religion speaks one language, spirituality speaks all languages.


  • bao187
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I believe that there is a God whether or not Christianity is the way I don't know and probably never will. I don't believe in the Church we know today, it is more of a business than a place of worship I hope I am believing in the right thing because eternity is a long time. The Bible is a really interesting book to read, some stories seam unrealistic but nevertheless very interesting.

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  • magpie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I know spirituality isn't bound by religion, spirituality exists, humans made up religion to explain spirituality. This isn't directly spiritual but where are the rest of you from San Francisco, Haight-Ashbury????I was a little younger than the peace-love movement but cannot comprehend why the USA is so retro today, It seems more conservative than the fifties would have been? has there been a time-warp?

  • Sabina
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Although I believe in a higher power, I don't think you need to be religious to be spiritual. You can feel at "one" with the earth or animals and not really believe in any specific type of religion. By the way, old hippie, how old is old? Are you from the Haight-Ashbury era?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    One doesn't need either a god or a religion to be spiritual. I think though it does help focus, though. I wish people would be more kind to each other rather than arguing about the Name of the Divine...but that's just me. God and I have a good practice. We keep religion out of our relationship. It simplifies matters greatly. Have a good one, Old One!

  • themom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sure, I think you can be spiritual without being religious. I am not saying that I believe it to be the best route to where I personally hope to go, but I do know people who have no formal religion or higher power whom I consider very spiritual people!

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe I am a very spiritual person without a religion or God.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you have to believe in G-d or follow a religion to be spiritual. Two differenthing things. You can have one, two or all three.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not think one has to be religious to be spiritual. I studied religions for years, even majored in religious studies for my B.A. In my own journey, from that, I became an agnostic (atheist leaning).

    That said, spirituality to me, involves a sense of wonder - to simply enjoy thinking about, theorizing, always questioning, even doubting what one was tought as finite truth. Spirituality to me is very active and engaged is human behavior - much more akin to anthropology than religion. You don't need to believe in a God(s) or subscribe to a specific religion to maintain that sense of wonder, curiosoty, and continium of questioning.

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